Friday, May 1, 2015

Poem 2082. Finding freedom

                                                              Finding freedom
On those window panels we see that sunlight which will give pleasure to our mind when we see
It in hope of understanding new concepts of life when we see it as ticket of pleasure on every point
We just never understand our mind until that light will look so lovely and enchanting to our mind
That sunlight will look so pleasant on every point in that light we can see many good look on just
Every point sunlight will have that pleasant feel which will give happiness to our eyes after all those
Light will have so many nice looks on our mind when we began to feel one thinking from inside at
Just every point that golden touch will take us to have point where world will just look some thing
Which will show us that golden touch which look even more beautiful even than jewels on some
Moment and times that beauty is priceless but people never value it because it have so less price
In their eyes that we just began to feel one thinking from inside that when we give jewel will have
Some money in life so money will never let us have one thought from inside that sometimes we
Need to love that golden touch that look much more great in life we move ahead with just that gold
Which in return give us that security in life I know that jewels are important but that sunlight will
Have same value in life but we feel that we are happy even when we look great when we are in cage
On every point because in cage we feel we don’t need freedom when we have enough gold of jewel
In life but cage will not make us happy on any point until we learn to just think without feelings in
Our life because golden jewel will be enough in life but that is not truth on any point because we
Need our freedom more than jewels in life after all those freedom will look so nice and at every
Point that jewel will look so much great on every point but then at every point jewel will have
Same feel from inside in cage we see freedom is that need from inside which will give us that sort
Of light which will look so great on every time but when we have it we just began to like other
Feelings in life first comes greed which teach every time that we must not value other people’s
Freedom in life we just have one feel from inside on every point that we need to understand just
One thought from inside those feel which will touch our mind will look real when we see that sort
Of shine which will look pleasant on every point when shine will have appeal to our mind then
At every point we need to understand our thoughts from inside those feels which will look great
To us in life but then when we began to need other things in life we just feel that our freedom
Is true need of life for others we no longer care on any point our thoughts will confuse our thinking
And our mind on every point we feel just one thinking that we must use our freedom to fulfil
Our needs which will become greed on many times of life that thought will confuse us on every
Moment and point because golden touch sunshine and freedom is in life we feel we have it just
For whole time but we forgot one thing from inside even freedom is not something which we
Can keep freely in life it is gift of kindness in life when we become selfish it will always have some
Effect on our mind we need to understand one feel from inside that freedom will not something
Which should used to take away things from others life on some points we need to understand
One thought in life freedom can be still take away from you in life if you use it for wrong purpose
In our life then freedom no longer look that great in life it will just have adverse effect on mind
At every point those thoughts of freedom will manage to capture our thinking from inside at just
That point we need to understand our thoughts in life we need freedom on every point to just
Understand our thoughts from inside at every point freedom is necessary but not just for us
But for all in our life when we move ahead on every point those thoughts will have so many
Concepts which will show our world that night if we don’t understand freedom is not just for us
But it will for all in life may it be animals, birds or human in life but sadly human never understand
That thought or that point they just try to capture our thoughts and use it for their gain in life at 
Every point those purpose will never look that great in life because when we took away others
Freedom we never do anything great on any point then at every point we need to understand
That freedom is that thought from inside when mind will look great on every point those thought
Of freedom will have impact on mind at every point shine will look great in life so those thought
Will touch us on every point that will have effect on mind since freedom will show us that point
Where world will look great on every angle of life but we must understand it deserve by all
In life or we will no longer deserve our freedom in life everyone have way to find freedom in life.

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