Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Poem 2126. Trying with wing

                                                      Trying with wing
When I spread my wings I just feel horizon on that point those wings are looking so good on every
Moment and point these wings are showing me that world for which I have thirst from inside so when
I spread my wings I know never think what is behind but question is that when did I spread my wings
That is one question from our mind those sorts of that effect on our mind I just feel one thing from
Inside those wings are showing us those power which will have so much effect on mind but then
Those wings will never want to stop on any point they will just fly and that is feel of those points
When my wings take power they will not stop on any point but start is always troubles in our life
Then those wings will show us that strength from inside those wings are so powerful but they are
Just powerful when we understand many sort of feel in life but never understand our wings are
Just for flying and we must not feel scared to use them in life when those flying will show us that
New world on every point I feel power of wings which have power in life then in that wing I 
Will show us that point where wings will show us that power for which we have desire from inside
Those wings are taking me ahead but how will I start those wings is trouble of life this is what happen
With us on every point some wings will have so much power inside when wing will have so much
Power inside life those wings are taking us ahead on every point because those wings will show us
One concept of life when we feel so happy from inside when we move ahead in life but we are just
So scared to move ahead in life we just want to act with too much care in life which means that
We just can’t move ahead in life we have to stop on that point where life will look great on just
Every moment and point wings will have power to take us ahead in life but we are so scared that
We will fall we never try them in life when we will try them then we can understand them in life
After all until we don’t try we will not understand our life but sadly people scare us so much that
Trying become so hard for our mind we just began to get confuse on every point because people
Will just keep coming ahead in life but only after using wings in life when wings are just kept there
Without use they will look useless in life we have one feel from inside that wings will have so much
Power to take us ahead in life but we just never feel ready to use them at beginning of life but then
We feel once we use them we will fly easily next time but we don’t fly like bird every day so then
At every part we have one feel from our heart that our trouble is over once when we start to move
Ahead on every part of heart wing will have so much power inside we have one thinking from mind
Wing will look so hard to move ahead on every point so then at every point those thinking will
Have so much impact in life so then I feel one thought from inside only if we can learn like bird
In one try our flying but for us flying is something which we need to learn on every day of life we
Have one thought from inside that we need to fly at every point so then we feel one thought
From inside those sort of flying quality which will show that power from inside but we need to
Learn it again and again at every point because those flying will show that need on our life
Which will take us to that point where we can fly and then we can learned it on just first point
Because those wings will needed to have so much power that once bird learn to use power then
We can’t needed to move ahead on every point bird will have get talent once we have it in life
But if we start to move ahead we need to learn our strength on every time as if during one sleep
We forget all skill of our life then we start to move ahead on every point we need some skill
That will needed on every point but still we forget it in just one night we need to relax but
We don’t need to forget it on that point but it is human nature that we forget from time to time
In life we need something perfect for our mind that we need to convince ourselves that we need
To learn again and again in our life which is need of our life since those sort of feel will have
So many appeal in our mind we need to understand one thought that learning is not one day
Task for human mind bird will learn in one day but human need to learn every time since
Our trees will differ on every point we feel that those power will show us nice feel from mind
We have one thinking from mind we have to adjust with new things in life so we must not
Stop from learning on every point which will be truth of our future at every point of our life
We may feel that we can learn flying like bird but it will not happen in our life we have to learn
On each day we need to learn new things in life so we need to have one thinking from inside
We need to understand we will learn but only when we keep trying on each and every day of life.

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