Monday, May 11, 2015

Poem 2098. Sweet smell of flower

                                                   Sweet smell of flower
When some small flower look so nice in life and give that sweet smell on every corner of garden
On every point those sweet smell will give pleasant feel to atmosphere of life at every point that
Smell will give sweetness to our future and life when we move ahead that sweet sort of smell will
Have effect on mind those sweet flower are giving perfect feel to air in life even small sort of flower
Will look great on every point those small flowers are looking beautiful at every point when small
Sort of flowers will touch our life they will look so much great at every point even small flowers
Will look great on every point when they are nothing but small flower but still have so power inside
Those flowers are so small but still they have that smell which take hold of that world so even
In that small flower there is capacity to rule this world on that point then why can we able to just
Understand this world on that point even small flowers are nothing small in their power inside life
We need to understand small flowers will have capacity and that smell which will show us this
World with new thoughts and shine at every point that smell will show us many needs of life we
Just have to understand one thought that flowers have that power to open for us that shine which
Will please us even on darkest night if one flower can do it then why can’t we do it in life but trouble
Is that we are convinced by this world just one person can’t do anything in life one person will show
Some effect on life then why can’t one person doesn’t difference in life when one flower will give
That sweet smell then only people plant more trees of that type when you want that benefit on
Just every point those sweet smell are showing different feel of our life we need to understand
Every one small flower can develop need in life then only people will grow more and more flower
In their life sometimes one flower wins and sometimes people will just ignore it in life then at every
Moment and point those small flower can introduce this world at every point which will look so
Great on every angle of life when one small flower will have power to give nice feel in life slowly
When that small flower can wake up perfect feel in life that person can spread magic on every
Moment and point those people who are moving to different side are may not with us but still
They can feel that wonderful feel from inside those sort of feel from every point when we start
To move ahead at every angle of life when those flowers can  also have it in life then at
Every moment we can understand that feel from inside those sort of feel which touch our mind
Will show us that wonderful world which will look so much great only if we understand we need
To understand our mind which will give feel of that freshness from inside those sort of feel on
Just every point because one flower can change world in life when we start to move ahead then
On every angle of life we need to spread that sweet touch on mind when things will look great
When we have some people like us in life but we will just first flower at beginning in life when
People like us then only for us they will search alike because until we don’t give our sweet smell
They will no longer understand it’s importance in life at every point we have one thought from
Inside those sweet sort of soft smell which look pleasant in life those sweet sort of smell will
Become people’s need if we give them that pleasant feel for long time but sometimes it get it’s
Truly worth but sometimes those sweet flower are ignored in life when those flowers will just
Manage to create effect on every point but just no one seem to notice them at that time but
If we just keep looking at that things in life we will manage to ignore our positive thinking on just
Each and every point those thoughts which are having so much effect on mind then we start to
Think we can never understand that sort of feel from inside when some feel are ignored in life
Those sort of look which will have pleasant look in life when life will look great for it we just
Began to create sacrifice at every point but then those sweet flowers will have so much impact
On our mind when those flower are limited on every angle those flowers will look so much great
On every point when we have their sweet smell inside life those sort of flowers which will give
This world pleasant shine which will manage to touch our mind those flower will look great on
Just every point some flowers are limited on every point but still they have power inside on
Every plant will have few flowers but they will spread that smell and show this world in new
Angle of life those flowers which will show us new world at every moment in life but then at
Every angle of life flowers where limited in life that sweet feel which we have inside life will be
Limited on every point still worthy on every point we need to understand we can spread our
Sweet smell in life only if we start things alone then we can spread them step by step inside life.

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