Monday, May 4, 2015

Poem 2085. Need of strange feelings in life

                                                Need of strange feelings in life
How did world will show us any point from inside so much different feel inside our life at just

Strange feel will show us world in different way in life because strangeness is one thought from
Mind and inside it will just indicate one fact of mind because strange things are sometimes not
That bad in life they are those truths which will show us new world on every point at every section
Of our life we feel that strange feel will show us this world with different point when we move
Ahead on every point that strange feel will have effect on our mind those strange feel which will
Have effect on our mind which are showing us strange feel from inside those thoughts which are
Always precious in life since that strange feel is one feeling from inside which will show us that
Side of world which is so shocking for life we can’t even say it is good or bad on some point but
Then those things will show us that thought from inside which will show us that thought which
Will introduce new world to our mind we need that strangeness in life because that strange feel
Will show us new thoughts of life because those strange feel will show us new thinking on every
Moment and point because that strange feel will show us new thought from inside so then at
Every point that strange feel will show us one thing from inside then that strange feel
Which will confuse our mind but then those things will have so many concepts in life so then
At every point strange feel will show us new concepts in life so that strange feel have one thinking
From inside then that strange feel will show our life that strange feeling are showing us just
One thinking from inside in life those strangeness will show our life that thought will show us
One thought from inside that strange feel will never help us on every point because that sort
Of strange feel will show us nice point because those strange feel will show us that point on
Which we have strange road of life then that strange feel will have some effect on our life but
Strange feel will show our world at every point then in so different way that we wish from inside
Only if we forget that need from mind we have one thought from inside that this strange feel
Is one need of our mind we need that strangeness on every angle of life because that strange
Feel will be truth of life but then on every point that strange feel will have so much effect on
Our mind because strange thoughts will show us one thinking from inside that strange feel
Will show us that point that strange feel will show us one point where world will look so much
Different in life because that strange feel is one thought from inside that strange feel will have
Just understanding from inside then that nice feel is so enchanting in life I feel one thought
From my mind strange feel will have one thinking from inside those thoughts are leading
On every point to that point where strange feel will become real in life I have just one feel
From inside those strange thought are capturing our mind because those strange feel are
Just showing us those concepts of life which we leading to that troubles on every point but
Then strange feel will show us different feel of life we feel one thought from inside that
Strange feel which are moving to correct point so those strange feel will show us that sort
Of feel to us in life that we don’t know the world we need to learn about it in life so we are just
Students and it will be wise if we trust ourselves as student inside our life on each and every point.
Those strange things will show us those concepts which are looking so much great because those
Thought which show strange feel have so much effect on life because that strange things will
Show us world in that different way which will show us new concepts of life we need to just
Understand strange world which will have different understanding in mind because those concepts
Are showing strange matter are having effect on our mind when those strange matter will have
So much effect on life because strangeness is that matter which will show us that point where
World will differ on every point because strange things are those points where we understand
That world is not as simple as we desire on every point those wishes which we have in our mind
Are something which will show us world on different point when we move towards that we can
Move ahead with others and we feel we need them in life that strangeness keep us together
When crisis come we need to understand our mind those concepts which are truly touching
Our mind will show us this world in different way of life they will tell that we need to be together
To understand world in life so may be strangeness is needed to keep us together in life we have
Just one need from inside that we want our friends just because they are showing us new world
That is perfect and nice so strangeness is needed so that we learn to value others in our life.

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