Sunday, May 10, 2015

Poem 2095. Accepting destiny

                                                        Accepting destiny
Will sun shine one day and give happiness to our life is one question which we always have in our
Thoughts and mind but may be asking that question is so useless in life because it just depend on
Us how much sun will be valuable to our life when we start to move ahead on every point I just
Have one feel from inside sun will not shine in that way which we want every time it will rise just
The way destiny decide it is depend on us at every point that how much we care for that sun in
Our life we want that sun to rise with full brightness from inside but if it is decided that sun can’t
Rise brightly and it will clouded morning on that point we just can’t change it in life we always use
To cry on those facts which we are child and now we claim that we are over it in life but truth is
Just one thing we show it clearly when we are child and when we grow up we just learn to hide
Those things on every point when we want one thing we have same desire from inside when we
Want to move ahead on every point that sun will look so much great at every angle of life because
At every moment sun will give us that shine which will manage to please us on every thought of
Our future and life but sometimes it will not happen sometimes when we plan to enjoy a picnic
And sun become clouded and it turn rainy morning at that time it will depend on us that how will
We take that moment in life we all claim that we are calm and perfect but that is not truth of our
Inside mind on every point wanted everything to be perfect at every point but it will happen in
Our life sometimes life will turn in different way that what we like when it turn in worst way then
We feel one thought from inside those happiness which we want are truly our demand of our mind
When we move ahead we need just one thought from inside that happiness will show us that side
Which will give happiness to our mind we never understand what we feel from inside is just one
Thought that we want things to look great for us in life we grow up so we just claim that we are
Truthful and wise on every angle we just claim tall things in life but then on some times we feel
One thought from mind we never once feel that thinking from inside that we are just pretending
That we are mature in life but I feel just one thought from inside that we must not just pretend
Things in life we need to understand our mind we need to truly accept and enjoy those clouded
Darkness of our life when we began to move ahead in life we need to understand our thinking
From our mind which tell us just one thing from inside we can move ahead to that point where
Life will look so much great on every point at every time we can see many things from our mind
Some are nice and some are worst for our life but those which we prefer and truly like are those
Which are so much impact on mind we need to understand our mind that when we see some
Sort of crisis in life we feel just one thought from inside those sort of feel which will show us just
One thought from inside that we want to be good but we truly need to become in life and just
Pretending will not help us that much on any point those thoughts of pretending are not going
In that way which will show us light on many points we see many effect on our life at just on
Each and every point our life will show us that light then at each angle of life we need to just
Truly understand our life then at every point because we feel one thought from inside that
Those feel are not true in life because then on every point we have one thought from our mind
But then we need to understand our mind we have to see them in fresh and nice look on every
Moment and point when we have some good thoughts in life we want to adjust with bad side
As well as in life but adjusting with bad is not possible inside our life to see those good  feel
On every point then at every point we see bad feel on every angle of life we have one thinking
From inside those bad thoughts are truly entered inside on every point those feel will show us
Those points where world will look so much different if we understand them purely in life so
Those feel which will have effect on our mind will create so much feel when we truly have them
Inside but pretending will not help we must try to make them true in life may it be hard but
Still we need to understand them on every point those feel are something which will have so
Much effect on mind but they need to be true so don’t grow up by age but grow up from inside
In positive way of life just disliking things of children and pretending you don’t care doesn’t
Help us in life we need to act with big heart that will show us light on every point we need to
Understand how hard it may seem in life still at every point life need positive side we need to
Have one thought from inside that we need to think in positive way our life because that positive
Way will show our life in good way on every moment and on every point of our future and mind.

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