Friday, May 15, 2015

Poem 2106. Our ego

                                                           Our ego
Those words which use to give mind freshness of life sometimes become snakes for our own mind
We need to understand situation can change our life our thinking must not stuck on same point we
Need to understand our thoughts should something which can be changed from time to time we
Just need one thing that we must find our future good and bright only when we understand that
Those thoughts are our best beat once but they are nothing but trap for us on this time if our ego
Become leader of our life we can hardly win on any point when understanding began to leave us just
Behind we will began to claim whom we say things first will be loser of life we need to understand
When we want something in life bowing before someone never make us less unless that one is some
Sort of evil in our life we need to move ahead with each step to that point where our mind will show
Our thinking different sort of thoughts and show us that light where we just get confused on every
Moment and point at every step we need just that freshness which will look so much great on every
Moment and point those thoughts which show us new and bright light will never lead to any trouble
On any point when our thinking will show us we want something in life we must fight to grab it if
We feel it is not evil but pure thing in life people will have weakness on every point some are our
Fault due to circumstance and some are faults which god have creating while making us in life so
At every step we feel one thinking from inside that words needed to come ahead with just one
Hope from inside that they are just those thoughts and advice which tell us on every point that we
Need to move ahead to that thinking of our mind which tell us on every point we need to just have
Understanding our mind when we move ahead we feel one thinking from inside that once those
Sort of thoughts which will have power inside seem like some thing which tell us we must claim
But still we stop on that point just because we can’t just ask for favour in life but question is that
Does other person feel that it is favour in life because what other may feel that this is nice way of
Thinking and life other person may prefer to change things but may be scared due to that one’s
Faults and weakness in life we all are just caged by our inferiorities on every point and use our ego
To hide them in life we need to understand that we all want something from our mind then we must
Just go ahead and claim it without thinking of results on any point those thinking which will show
Our mind that side which will look so much great from inside I have just one feeling from my mind
One thing that our thoughts and showing us that point which are created just by one thinking from
Our mind that when people will see our faults they will reject us in life and some will feel why me
Always on every point but when you will reduce your one word why me then just see how easy will
Be your life when you will understand for you may be it is just always begging but for others those
Are helps for life because when someone is scared your each effort of friendship and good nature
Will help that one to come ahead in life never quit just because you are getting upset since you have
To claim again and again something in life unless that one say no never loose spirit and efforts in our
Working or trying but once you heard no then never look back in life because no is that word which
Tell you that you are not invited on that point but just be sure when you heard no it is not due to
Your wrong representation in life you are not at fault while telling concept of your life but if you are
Clear then only you can claim you are rejected in life because half baked claims and nothing but
Just bubble of water on every time when we set claim we must set it in our best way in life those
Claims which are half told and not telling truth clearly are nothing but just those water bubbles
Which we use to burst when we are child we never claim them as something concrete in life since
When you are not clear other person is not god on any point we need to understand that other
Person will need to properly told in life so when you are saying something which is not complete
Just form one thought from inside keep one thing clear in your thoughts that you must be clear
For getting rejected in life when you are not clear even if other person prefer your things still that
One will have doubts in mind since you need more clear concepts for our future and life when
We move ahead we just feel one thought from inside that we can’t move ahead with confidence
On any point our thinking is hurting us on every point just because we never sense we need just
Something which is so good for our life we need to understand our thoughts which are showing
Our mind that will show us clear other person what we mean in life when your half work is rejected
Just be sure of one thing from inside that you are not rejected so once again you must go and try
And never let your ego stop you on that point because no is not as bad as keeping quiet inside life.

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