Friday, May 8, 2015

Poem 2093. Positive side in life

                                                     Positive side in life
Can we move ahead with just positive thought in life but if we want truth then it is not possible in
Our mind and life those thinking will help us on every point positive feel have some thinking will just
Show us that point which will manage to vanish positive feel from inside on every point when we
Move ahead in life with just one thought from inside that those thoughts will capture our thinking
And our mind positive thought will manage to thinking from our mind then those thoughts will just
Show us that point when positive feel one thought from inside that positive side will just lead to that
Section which will form effect on our mind then positive side will show us those effect on mind we just
Feel one thought from inside that good side of thought will show us that good effect on mind but
Then positive feel will create effect on our mind then positive results will show us new effect on
Mind those positive effect will show us different effect on mind then that positive impact on mind
When positive feelings will show us that point which will show our life just different sort of concept
On every point then positive feel will show us new thought from inside that positive feel will just
Manage to have some reaction in life because positive sort of feel on mind we have some thought
From inside positive feel will show us those concepts at every step but then crisis will show us that
Point which will be positive feel for mind but then positive feel show us so much understanding in
Our life when life will show us that point because positive concepts will show us understanding for
Mind but when some wrong thing will happen then we once again see those wrong feel vanishing
From our life when positive thought will show us good effect on our mind then those positive
Thought will show new sort of feel from inside that mind will give our world good sort of shine
And on every point those positive sort of thought will lead to understanding which will hurt us on
Every angle of life when positive thought will lead to crisis towards negative on every point those
Positive thought will show us that side which will shine on every point we need to understand on
Every point when we have some thinking which have some positive feel from inside those sort
Of negative feel will give us that shine which have positivity only when we turn positive way in life
After all positive sort of feel on every point then those positive feel from inside then at on just
Every point those positive thoughts will show us new light when we move ahead with good feel
Inside life because positive side show us good light then at every point positive light will show
Our life in that point where life will look so much great on every point because then I feel one
Thought from inside that positive light will show us that side which will please us on every point
Because that good feel will have so great thinking on every point then at every effect in life so
Then at every point then in life we feel one thought from inside positive feel will show us one
Thinking from inside that good thinking will have some thoughts which will turn in good way in
Our life when we keep them that way in life those thoughts are showing us that side which will
Look so much great on every point because positive thoughts are our basic need of life we need
Those thoughts to help us in life when crisis will enter in life that are creating so much troubles
In our life on every point we feel one thought from our life those thoughts will show us those
Thinking which will have one thought from inside because crisis will turn into wrong thought
In our life because life will turn in positive way only on that point on which we feel one thinking
From inside those thoughts will give positive will stay in permanent way in life then at on just
Every point positive way are just showing us that point where positive thought will have so much
Thinking in mind then that sort of thinking will show positive thought for mind because those
Sort of positive way will show us new form of life because those thoughts are showing us just new
Sort of feel from inside when bad sort of crisis will enter in life those crisis are creating bad effect
On our future and life we feel one thought from inside crisis will show positive thoughts that
Change in negative way in life we needed positive feel from inside then negative feel from mind
Then at every point negative feel will show us that light which will show our world that sort of
Feel in life when positive sort of feel in our mind should remain that way which will be hard on
Every point in life then at every point crisis will look bad to our life which will show us our world
In different way on every point we need to understand our mind that it will turn in wrong way
On every point because those feel will show us new feel on every point since crisis will have so
Much troubles in life then at every point our life will turn in right way in life because then at just
Every point positive feel will goes away on some point but if we accept it then we can also just
Lead to that point which will show us that thinking from inside will stay just positive on every side.

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