Thursday, May 7, 2015

Poem 2092. Answers in life

                                                         Answers in life
When we decide we will just speak little bit clearly in our life how easy things will get on every
Moment and point but we are not doing it in our life sometimes since we know our answers and
Sometimes we are just scared of answers on every point we just never understand how to handle
Those answers in life when we start to move we have just one feel from our mind that things are
Not that much easy on any point because answer is our that need which we have from inside
But we never ready to hear them because they just ask us from inside those thoughts that can
Move ahead because may be that answer is against us on every part that answer can hurt us
From our thinking and heart when we will move ahead those thinking will show us that light for
Which we desire from our heart but then that light will have some effect on mind we just feel
One thing from inside those decision will have bad effect on life then those decision will show
Our thinking will have so much good effect in life that those results which are so easy in life
But then those decision will have those effect on mind we are scared that answer will have just
So much bad effect on mind because then at every point those decision will show us that feel
Which will show us different effect on mind we need to understand our thinking and mind and
We need to think once again if we want answer in life we have to think just one thing we can
Live with that answer on any point but without that answer we are missing many things in life
When answer is required never shift it to wrong point turn answer in proper way for our life
Those answer will have effect on mind those decision will form effect on mind when we start
To think on every point in that answer we see so many effect on mind we have just one feel
From inside that these answers will show many sort of points in that answers will show us just
What will happen in life after all those answer are showing different effect on mind then those
Answer will create so much meaning from inside when meaning will show us that point which
Will show us that understanding on every point in that thinking we feel answer will show just
Many thoughts from inside mind answer will show us different effect on mind those answers
Will show us that point which will show us new types of thought on every point decision will
Show answers that will create effect on our life then answer will have valuable on every point
Then answer will show us different way of life when different effect on life show our life on
Some points wrong way but some points it will may create heaven for us in life we want to
Just have that feel from inside those answers are something which will slowly take us to that
Thinking of mind when life will move ahead on every point with those easy thoughts which
Will form new effect on mind when we start to move ahead at every point because those sort
Of feel have some thoughts which will have so much effect in life then those mental effect
Which we have on our mind will show us this mind in different way on every point then at just
Every point answers will began to form many changes in life we need to understand our thinking
From inside those answers will show us that thinking will show us so much effect on our life
Because answers will have some thinking from inside mind in that answer which will show
Our life that point where we will form some effect on mind when answer will show our mind
New concepts in mind so those concepts will show us that point which will have just different
Meaning in life answers will differ on every point that answer will show our life that sort of
Effect on mind answer will show our life different effect on mind because that answer will
Show us that point we need to understand answer will show us that reactions in life because
Then answer will show us many concepts in life that answer will show us our life in such a
Different way in life those answers are that thoughts which will show our mind in that way
In mind when answer will have some effect on mind in life we feel one thought from inside
Answer can be just suitable because we feel one thing from inside then those thinking will
Have so much effect on mind because those answer will show us ways of life which are just
Creating so much effect on mind that answer will show us meaning on our mind but then
Answer will show us that future which we get in life so avoiding answer just never help us
In life we can live with any answer in life if we decide those concepts will show answers will
Just have different reactions in life because those answers will have so much effect on mind
Answer will show us new effect on mind those answers will having reaction in life so then
At every point we just need answers in life that is true need of our thinking and our mind
Because we have guts inside to accept answer may be we will cry on some point but still that
Answer will be accepted inside our life with our positive thoughts and peaceful thinking of mind.

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