Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Poem 2111. Greatness in life

                                                           Greatness in life                                                 
How interesting in this world on every point we see different thoughts of our mind some things
Are just showing us different effect of mind at every angle of life thoughts are moving our life but
For one person one thought is evil for another person it is blessing in disguise we need to understand
Both points if we really want to understand our life because just understanding one point will never
Show us true meaning of life when different thoughts will show new concepts in life at just each
And every point those different thoughts are truly our life when we start to move ahead we just
Have one thirst from inside we want this world to understand on every point that this world will
Have many dimensions but at least two will seen on every point we need to understand them since
Without them we can’t stand any chance in life those dimensions will show us our world in such
A different form on every point I just have one feeling from inside those dimensions will show us
New effect of mind we need to understand two thoughts are moving on every thinking of life when
We move ahead two sides of life will show us that feel we can understand truly world when we see
Those two directions of life but when we see them we just want to create peace between them in
Every point of life we want to understand those direction which will show our world with new and
Precious thoughts from inside those words which are showing us new styles of life we need to have
Some understanding on every point two dimensions are those concepts which will hurt us at every
Moment of life we need to understand that two dimensions are something which we need to be
Understood because they may hurt at beginning but finally they are greatest help of life those sort
Of thinking which we understand in life are just one concept we are nothing but right we never on
Any angle try to understand what that person feel who stood on opposite side because there are
Just one opposition mostly life is full of many sides how will we understand what we have in mind
When our mind will show so many concepts that they all were stuck and connected with each other
In such a strange way that they will create worst effect on mind we need to understand that those
Different sides are truth of life and we need to understand and make friendship with at least few
In our life but some people feel they are so much great that they can create one point where they
Can rule their world and create one side which will be greatest for our mind we need to understand
Again and again just one point that those sides which are part of our world will show us so many
Effect before deciding our future and our life those sides which will create world are just promising
On every point when our life will move ahead we need to understand each concept and each side
We feel just one thing that we need to understand our thoughts and mind because when we just
Move ahead and promise all our thinking that we want to understand world at every point then
People will clap for it but when we try to explain to them how there is need to understanding inside
Them even in case of their enemy in their life they will just hate that concept without any sort of
Second thought from their mind in this world no one is ready to understand their enemy and that
Is perfect truth of life explaining will become useless when we just decide that we will not become
Polite and never understand enemies in life because sometimes we become so rigid in state of our
Thinking and mind that we just began to feel our enemy is enemy of our god from our thinking and
From our mind but our enemy is just our enemy god never hate someone in life after all our creator
Just never hate any one and creator can move as per choice we need to understand our enemies are
Just our enemy and we both are just human so we make mistake and god will never enter in that
Sort of small fight we have to fight on our own so may be it is better to understand first in life that
When we move ahead different sort of sides will show us that life for which we desire and it is not
Something so much great on every point when we start to move ahead with just our side we are
Creating troubles for everyone in life we need to understand one thing from inside that world
Will look peaceful when we will learn to understand each and every side then only we can move
Ahead in life even our enemy is not world’s most evil in life because that enemy is nothing but
Just opposition in our life we need to understand those opposition and tackle them with care
In our life those who think their enemies are worst type of human who are not worth of any
Sympathy are creating worst effect on mind we need to understand even our enemy is human
And we are not that much better than our enemy on any point one thing is just better than us
That is god in life and god will never come to compete with us that proves one thing who is better
Than us never come in race to show us we are less in life because that better and great know one
Greatest thing that showing others they are less always manage to reduce greatness of heart and mind.

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