Thursday, May 28, 2015

Poem 2127. Destiny in life

                                                             Destiny in life
Sometimes things will move ahead with one point that is new finding for our future and for our life
We want sometimes change in life but sometimes we feel safe while using old things on every point
It’s up to destiny which way we move in life but sometimes it feel as if we are the one who will just
Decide to understand life those new factors which will have so much effect in life when life will just
Move ahead to that point where life will form new thought from inside but then those things will
Have reaction in life when we move ahead on every point we just feel as if we can decide but then
In just few moments life will show us who is boss on every point I just have one feeling which will
Just show us new understanding that we are not thing but some doll who assume to be boss of destiny
On sometimes but on those moment when we need to act we have to think in life how can we just
Understand one fact of mind that we have to use mind but still we can’t rule our life on every moment
We just have to try in life but still results are not in our hand that is rule of life how much we like it
Or dislike it on every point one thing was so sure that we just need it in life to pretend to be boss
When other person is true boss of whole show on every time we never understand that we are just
Pretending on every point we have one feeling that things are needed to be acted as per our choice
But it will never happen because that is rule of life at every step we need to move at every point
We need to understand things in life when we start to move ahead at every point we need to try our
Best to change our destiny but destiny will never change in life if we know that it will not then just
Why we are trying just because even to get that destiny we need lot of trying because when we sit
On just one place destiny will not give us what we like it will search some way to force us in working
Because we must work will be one thing that destiny have decided in life when we move ahead
We need to think on every point that can destiny make us work then I feel it can on many points
It have so many tricks in sleeves that human just can’t guess it in life destiny is one magician who
Can show us different magic which we have never thought from inside of our mind we need to
Just think again and again on every point that those appeal which destiny does to us are something
Which touch us on every point we have to move ahead at that point where destiny will show us
That need which we have from inside of our mind our need is of just one thing that is understanding
Our thoughts and mind when at every moment destiny will show us many directions and points
I just feel one thing that destiny will show us different style of life but if we decide we will not just
Cooperate them it will find things to get cooperation in life how funny it will seem if we decide to
Become friend of destiny and try to as per it’s indication it will help us lot in life because when
We move ahead on every point I feel destiny will have strength from inside when we move ahead
Those power will show us that good understanding of life destiny will show us that kind of choice
When at every step destiny will give our world wonderful shine we need to understand that what
We may wish from inside that destiny will have so much effect on their life that destiny show us
That point which will have lightening that will show us pleasant type of feel from inside when
We move ahead destiny will walk with us hand in hand on every point but we just want to become
Boss over it when it will decide something against our wish due to need of that time but we need
To understand that destiny is higher than us on every point just because it don’t show we can’t
Assume we are boss on every time we need to understand destiny will just give us some chance
Like we sometimes let win some small innocent child but if we start to feel we are boss due to it
In our life then destiny will show us who is better in such a way that it will just lesson for our life
We have just one chance for our happiness that is if we become friend of destiny and start to act
As per destiny’s choice anything against it will not help us that much in life because we are just
Some puppet which are moving with one feel from inside that they are moving with their own feel
From inside those movement will look so great on every point when we will start to move ahead
With one thought from inside that choices should be such that we can move ahead on every point
As per our thinking and our decision in life but we need to understand it will be always wise when
Destiny insist something then it is always right sort of choice we must not feel that destiny will be
Wrong since it is not possible in life after all destiny will show us new thinking from inside then
Those destiny will show us wonderful feel from inside but only if we understand it in life because
It will have so many different rules than what rules we have decide will seem nothing before them in life.

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