Sunday, May 10, 2015

Poem 2096. Full happiness

                                                                Full happiness 
Those words which are telling me something in life sometimes tell me that thing for which I never
Have any thought from my mind sometimes too much happiness seem like trap to mind on that
Point we need to understand we are moving with negative thoughts in life after all some times
Even life have some sort of feel from inside so then those negative sort of thinking which use to
Tell us on every point that we will not receive so much success inside life after all success is that
Sort of feel which will show us many points when world will show us good we just don’t look at
That part of world from inside which will give happiness from inside when world will look so much
Great on every point world need to be truthful on every point because world will show us many
Sort of different points when world will show those concepts which are so interesting for mind
I just feel one thought from inside that world can bring happiness for us at every point that sort
Of happiness which is needful will have impact on mind but when we say we can’t have that sort
Of happiness we are hurting our thinking and our mind when we move ahead on every step we
Feel just one thought from inside those world which will have so much effect on mind at every
Point we never understand when we will become enemy of our happiness from inside those sort
Of thoughts are creating some effect on every point when words are having effect on our mind
This world will have different sections which will give happiness from inside since that heart will
Show us that shine those happiness are truly our right but we just reject our happiness and
Just say that we need it from inside when happiness will show this world some wonderful shine
I feel one thing from inside some sort of sorrows are not part of our life but we start to introduce
Them in our life when life will start to move ahead on every point we feel that world will just
Manage to show good impact on life but we just start thinking we are just deserving sorrows
On that point not because we are doing something wrong then at every point we feel just one
Thing from inside that sorrows are supposed to enter on that point we need happiness more
But still we claim more for sorrows in our life because life is not moving ahead as per our thinking
And our choice on every point those sorrows are becoming most waited things in life so those
Sort of sorrows which are part of our life which are hated by us become most waited on every
Moment and point when we move ahead on every section of life happiness is something which
We need on every point those sorrows must not become part of our mind just due to feel from
Inside our life that happiness which will have so much pleasant feel from inside but we just manage
To destroy them with negative thoughts from inside we really deserve happiness from inside but
In some cases we just guess sorrows too much on some point our views are so wrong for our life
We need them to be corrected on proper time still we just keep saying we need that happiness
In life but we never work to keep it in life on any point what we truly need is happiness from inside
Only if we understand happiness is true need of our life at every point this happiness will show us
That point where we see happiness as nothing but our thinking which deserve special pleasure
Of our thoughts and mind we need to move ahead with one thought from inside that we need
Happiness for that we need to ignore sorrows and stop remembering them from time to time
What we desire is just happiness from inside so when we receive it then we can see it in good way
Happiness is something which we get in plenty on some points but sometimes it turns into just
Nothing on some point when we have wish for happiness from inside we need to understand that
Those sorrows are not coming on that point when we accept it then only we will understand
That thought and mind which will show us new world from inside when we get happiness on just
Each point and at every moment we feel new thought from our mind which tell us we just
Deserve from inside sorrows are part of our life but not always those sorrows will stay with us
On every point they will never enter on some occasions in life we feel just one thought from
Inside those sort of sorrows are creating artificial sorrows on every point because those sorrows
Are just made by us on every point so how can we be happy if we act this way in life sometimes
We are in sorrows and sometimes we are pretending them on every point and they are leading
To lot of troubles in life so when we move ahead we need to understand happiness as some sort
Of feel from inside because sometimes we deserve full happiness from inside so accept it with
Proper respect in life then only we can enjoy happiness in life after all we deserve it on every point.

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