Sunday, May 31, 2015

Poem 2131. Gravity and mountain

                                                      Gravity and mountain
Can you tell me games which plays our mind I know you can’t since no one have understood them
In their life our mind plays many games on every point it seem to show us different world with different
Meaning from inside life because those thinking which will start our mind never stay with us for
Long time positive thoughts which will take higher our mind will began to go down as if some sort
Of gravity is taking them that way in life at every point we need to understand our mind which will
Always tell us that we need to be positive but never manage to stay that way in life it seem as if
Negative will have some force in life which will manage to create so much effect on our mind on
Just every moment and on every point we want positivity then why did we encourage negative
Thoughts of mind those thoughts seem like magnets sometimes they will manage to attract us
When we hate them on every point but if we are true ruler of our mind then how can we blame
Others for those negativity of life or may be we have become that king of life who have crown still he
Can’t able to rule kingdom on any point those thoughts are showing us many thinking and points
Which are full of those games that will show us new thinking of mind when negative thought will
Began to rule our thinking in life we just want to blame others for that thinking but it is just useless
Beyond some point may be others are hurting us but that will never become true point because
What other does should not matter to us on any point when we began to walk in positive way of
Our thinking from our mind we need to understand just one thought from every point that life will
Move ahead with one thinking from our mind that negative feel will see main source of our defeat
On every point still we just can’t get over it and say it is just gravity of mind but if we decide then
It will become that tide which have power to drown us but still some surfer can surf on it and then
Become winner of life never let you feel that negative thoughts can take over your life because
Those moment are weak one which will have power to destroy your mind we need to just understand
On every point one fact that negative thoughts will harm us in life those sort of thinking which
Will have so much impact in mind seem like something which will have negative inside on just
Each and every point those negative thoughts will have power inside will have so much impact on
Our thinking and mind that we can think properly in our life we can move away from that gravity
Of negative on any point when we decide to move away from it in our life when positive will come
We have to welcome it in life when negative will come we need to throw it away in life but when
Just we see how hard it is to throw away negative out of our life we can move ahead with just
Positive feel from inside but we just never understand how easily we let negative feel from inside
Take over thinking which will start negative feel from inside of mind we feel just one thing from
Mind that positive feel is not that much strong but we just make them in life as much strong as
A solid mountain but even mountain have troubles in life same way many times positive feel get
Just destroyed by time but never let that feelings stop you on any time those feelings are just
That necessity of our mind which tell us we want them as solid thing on every point we want them
To rule us at every point those mountains which are showing us that one point where in our life
We can see those world which will touch us from inside those positive feels are giving us that light
Which will show us beauty on every point those sort of feelings which are having effect on our mind
Seem as if something which need us to move positive side of life and for that we need power of
Our thinking and mind when we start to move ahead with positive feel from inside at every point
We need to understand that positive sort of feel of our mind we need to understand our thinking
Which will turn in good when on every point only when we start to move that thinking in good way
And that will happen only when we start to push them and give strength in life one mountain
Which may look strong may get destroyed on some times does that stop nature from creating
More mountains in life it will create them and they will become strong with each century in life
We may not got centuries but we got those methods of positive thoughts which are used for
Many centuries by human mind we need to understand where we want to go with this mind
Positive feel will have so many effect on mind when we start to move ahead with positive side
Then we need to give whole strength to just one point of mind we need to create more stronger
Mountain of positive feel in life which will give us that sort of strength from inside at every point
So we must not feel that negative feel will be gravity of life we can create those mountain which
Will give strength to us on every point mountain can stand against gravity on every point of life
Because since it is with gravity in life so turn negative thought in positive in life and turn that gravity
In your best friend like mountain does every point weakness can become your strength if you act wise.

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