Sunday, May 31, 2015

Poem 2132. Peanuts

Sometimes people want just simple peanuts from us in life and we get them good not if best but
Since we can manage to get them at best in life we just give them to others on that point but on
Those moment we do one mistake we serve them in beautiful package on that time and tell them
To feel that they are good enough since we can’t get much better in life but mostly people don’t
Accept it with smile they don’t want those packages they want better peanuts so they quit but
Then they do worst mistake in life they buy those peanuts which are worst just to show you that
You are not wise on those moment we need to understand our thought from our mind we need
To understand one thought from inside we have not done mistake but people just have more want
In life so other one is not better nor great in life just to show you their anger people have substitute
You with worst in life just remember one thing anger can do many mistakes in life sometimes our
Anger manage to confuse our mind those people want better and we tried to provide but when
We can’t they just don’t accept their destiny that is their problem of life we must not feel hurt on
Such a replacement in life because stubborn one need lessons on their own in life we try to convince
Those people they will not understand since they began to feel we are cheating them in life just
Because we use beautiful packing they developed thinking that we are cheating them in life so
When we began to move ahead in life we just never understood what is our mistake of life does
Those package of mistake of our mind but friends it is not your mistake sometimes people need to
Have replacement to understand value of original in life when they will own those bad peanuts
Then only they will understand true value of real peanuts in life but sometimes it happen that
People are not even ready to accept their mistake in life they want to your sorry even when we
Feel one thought from inside we want some sort thought from our mind that should we move ahead
With apologises in life then we feel one thinking from inside but then do you feel we can understand
Why we said sorry it was so hard to move ahead on every point when we say sorry there must be
Some reason on some point you can say sorry to your friend without reason in life but that one
Who replace you in just few moments are not considered as best friend on life when we start to
Move ahead on every point I just have one feel from inside when we say sorry without need to
Some person it will hurt you in life I just have one feel one thought from inside that some sort of
Thought which will have reaction on our mind we have to understand that just getting things will
Not enough for life we need to first protect our self respect then next thing will come in life after
We have to protect our self respect then only we can earn it in life never just bow to get things in life
Those who bow before any thing just for benefit wrong sort of thinking in life then at every point
We feel just one thing from inside that bowing have reduced us and that will be beginning of
Wrong sort of things in life when we move ahead every sort of thought will capture our mind
We feel one thought that we are supposed to do any thing to get things in life because when
We lose self respect we just began to feel every thing is lost in life those things which will just
Show us interesting feel from inside that we no longer care for what is right so you might lose
Every thing in life but self respect is precious on every point those thoughts which will have so
Much strength in life are turning our life in good way on every area of life we need to just have
One thought from inside that we must not reduce ourselves just to get things in life we can just
Live our life with what we got on many times but we just never accept it then we want more
And that is greed of mind we feel one thought from inside mind will show us new feel from
Our life that we want things to understand on every point which will have effect on our life
When we start to see them on any point I just have one feel from inside that every step we need
Just enough to make us happy in life we don’t need to prove world ourselves on every point
Those sort of feelings will show us that sort of thinking in life that we are not living for ourselves
But for other and not in good way in life we are just encourage in their heart a spoiled child
But never understand thought at any point that we are turning things in life good way on every
Moment and point we need to turn things in positive way when we don’t run for every sort
Of gain in life sometimes even losing is wise let them have those bad peanuts to understand
Importance of proper sort of things of life peanuts will look so much great when they taste
Some bad one in life those peanuts will look great only when we eat wrong one in life so then
We need to understand it is not our mistake in life then we need to turn them totally wrong in life
Our packaging is never not it is mistake of that person who never understand emotions which are behind.

Poem 2131. Gravity and mountain

                                                      Gravity and mountain
Can you tell me games which plays our mind I know you can’t since no one have understood them
In their life our mind plays many games on every point it seem to show us different world with different
Meaning from inside life because those thinking which will start our mind never stay with us for
Long time positive thoughts which will take higher our mind will began to go down as if some sort
Of gravity is taking them that way in life at every point we need to understand our mind which will
Always tell us that we need to be positive but never manage to stay that way in life it seem as if
Negative will have some force in life which will manage to create so much effect on our mind on
Just every moment and on every point we want positivity then why did we encourage negative
Thoughts of mind those thoughts seem like magnets sometimes they will manage to attract us
When we hate them on every point but if we are true ruler of our mind then how can we blame
Others for those negativity of life or may be we have become that king of life who have crown still he
Can’t able to rule kingdom on any point those thoughts are showing us many thinking and points
Which are full of those games that will show us new thinking of mind when negative thought will
Began to rule our thinking in life we just want to blame others for that thinking but it is just useless
Beyond some point may be others are hurting us but that will never become true point because
What other does should not matter to us on any point when we began to walk in positive way of
Our thinking from our mind we need to understand just one thought from every point that life will
Move ahead with one thinking from our mind that negative feel will see main source of our defeat
On every point still we just can’t get over it and say it is just gravity of mind but if we decide then
It will become that tide which have power to drown us but still some surfer can surf on it and then
Become winner of life never let you feel that negative thoughts can take over your life because
Those moment are weak one which will have power to destroy your mind we need to just understand
On every point one fact that negative thoughts will harm us in life those sort of thinking which
Will have so much impact in mind seem like something which will have negative inside on just
Each and every point those negative thoughts will have power inside will have so much impact on
Our thinking and mind that we can think properly in our life we can move away from that gravity
Of negative on any point when we decide to move away from it in our life when positive will come
We have to welcome it in life when negative will come we need to throw it away in life but when
Just we see how hard it is to throw away negative out of our life we can move ahead with just
Positive feel from inside but we just never understand how easily we let negative feel from inside
Take over thinking which will start negative feel from inside of mind we feel just one thing from
Mind that positive feel is not that much strong but we just make them in life as much strong as
A solid mountain but even mountain have troubles in life same way many times positive feel get
Just destroyed by time but never let that feelings stop you on any time those feelings are just
That necessity of our mind which tell us we want them as solid thing on every point we want them
To rule us at every point those mountains which are showing us that one point where in our life
We can see those world which will touch us from inside those positive feels are giving us that light
Which will show us beauty on every point those sort of feelings which are having effect on our mind
Seem as if something which need us to move positive side of life and for that we need power of
Our thinking and mind when we start to move ahead with positive feel from inside at every point
We need to understand that positive sort of feel of our mind we need to understand our thinking
Which will turn in good when on every point only when we start to move that thinking in good way
And that will happen only when we start to push them and give strength in life one mountain
Which may look strong may get destroyed on some times does that stop nature from creating
More mountains in life it will create them and they will become strong with each century in life
We may not got centuries but we got those methods of positive thoughts which are used for
Many centuries by human mind we need to understand where we want to go with this mind
Positive feel will have so many effect on mind when we start to move ahead with positive side
Then we need to give whole strength to just one point of mind we need to create more stronger
Mountain of positive feel in life which will give us that sort of strength from inside at every point
So we must not feel that negative feel will be gravity of life we can create those mountain which
Will give strength to us on every point mountain can stand against gravity on every point of life
Because since it is with gravity in life so turn negative thought in positive in life and turn that gravity
In your best friend like mountain does every point weakness can become your strength if you act wise.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Adventure story 191. Relation

Dipti started to get ready. She was so excited that her husband Mahesh was coming home. She was waiting for him since so many days. Her life was so strange. She was married but still she hardly able to enjoyed any happiness of married life. Mahesh always stayed abroad and she stayed in home alone. On every day since her marriage she spent entire life just managing her relationship with husband. She had never able to enjoy it. When she married to Mahesh, he was already settled in abroad. She hoped that one day he would take her with him to abroad. She just kept thinking on every point that one day he would take her. But he just couldn't afford that big house. He told her keeping family in India was cheaper. She just hated that idea. But somewhere in her heart she knew that it would help them and make them richer. She wanted to be wealthy and every time he was paying for her every expense. Inside her heart she knew that her expenses were not less. She knew that she had spend her money on every point. She started having so many luxurious habits. She never sensed when she had became addicted to those habits which were began to become necessity for her step by step. She just didn't understand when she manage to demand so many things but she knew one thing that she needed that money. She looked around that perfect flat. It was really so comfortable that no one could deny one fact that she was living a good life. She also had two children who were perfect in every way. Just one thing was missing in her house was a father figure but she sensed that her children had spend such big part of life without their father that they hardly missed him. It seemed to her that in her kid's eyes they were fine. In fact they hardly ever question about their father. Since whenever Mahesh came, he just kept bossing and children hated it. They were happy with this arrangement. But in her heart Dipti sensed just one thing that it was not right. She knew that every one was happy with this arrangement but she knew that something was wrong. She wanted to understand it. She knew that this time when Mahesh would come she would find it out. She was about to get ready. When her door bell rang, She went to door Sameer her neighbor was standing there. Sameer was always there to help her when she needed. Sameer was a widower whose wife died due to cancer. He didn't got any family so he slowly got attached with them. He was best help for them. Dipti always had sympathy for him from heart so he let him come to play with children. It would really helped them. But now when she saw him, he felt so upset from inside. She didn't want any disturbance while welcoming Mahesh. But she knew that she just could threw away Sameer out of house since her husband came back and she no longer needed his help. It would look fully totally wrong. It seemed as if she was just using him so she decided to that she had to welcome him. Dipti smiled and said "Sameer how are you? Come in. Today my husband is coming." She could clearly see that Sameer was looking upset. Then Sameer said " Okay. I will come later. You must be busy." Dipti was happy still pretended. Dipti " No...No you can come in." Sameer still denied and just went away. Dipti was glad to get rid of him. She wanted to spend some time with her husband when children were not in home.
           Dipti was doing this just to get privacy. She waited for Mahesh for long time. Finally Mahesh came. He was talking sweetly with her. He got many things according to her list. Every thing was normal. Dipti sensed that she was getting scared unnecessarily. After all every thing was just like before in her life. Mahesh was still showing affection and love to her. Once again her house started to get happy with their laughs. She sensed from her heart that her fears were totally wrong. She just began to relax then Mahesh went to get fresh. She decided to choose shirt for him. She began to go through his bag when she noticed a card with red heart. She smiled happily. She thought that it must be for her. She looked at that card carefully. It was full of heart and there was a nice poem regarding love on every point. It was a poem regarding love that couldn't be achieved. She felt that her husband must be missing her that why he gave that card to her. She sensed one thing that this card was so beautiful. She felt that it was looking so nice. When she looked at that card, she was watching that card with care. She was about to read it fully when Mahesh snatched it from her. He took that card from her. She smiled. Dipti " Is it going to be surprise for me? " Mahesh looked confused then he smiled. "Of course. But now I don't need it." He just threw it out of window. Dipti wanted to see it but when he started showing affection to her. She decided to ignore it. But in heart she made one note that she would pick up that card after some time. Dipti and Mahesh were enjoying their time together when suddenly door bell rang. They both hated it. But finally Mahesh went out to open door Dipti followed him. Sameer was standing outside. Sameer was looking pleased. Sameer gave that card to Mahesh. Sameer " You must be Mahesh. Dipti's husband." "Yes." "Then it must be your card." Then Dipti looked at that card. Dipti smiled "It was for me." Mahesh once again took it. But Sameer said loudly "No.. was not for you. It was for your husband by some girl called Ronni. Am I wrong Mr. Mahesh?" Mahesh looked so confused. This time Dipti snatched that card. She saw it. Sameer was telling truth. It was for Mahesh by some girl. Dipti was so shocked and she felt so much cheated but she didn't want to show it before Sameer. She just went inside room. Mahesh ran after her. She didn't want to see his face. She locked herself inside her room. She just kept crying. She just didn't want to open door. It was so wrong. She waited whole life to get one chance to stay with Mahesh while Mahesh was busy with another girl. She never thought this way. Suddenly she understood every thing so that girl was the reason behind Mahesh's every denial to take her with him. He didn't want burden of family. He wanted to live by himself. She was so angry. She suddenly came out of her room and screamed on Mahesh " I want to go with you." Mahesh nodded. By then children were already came back. They hugged her with affection. Suddenly she came to her senses. What was she doing after all her children were her life not her husband who hardly stayed with her after their marriage. She took them in arms and started crying while Mahesh was making arrangements of taking them abroad.
         When Dipti returned to her room, Mahesh got privacy with her. He started trying to apologize to Dipti. But she just kept ignoring. Finally he began to scream "Come on. What is big deal? That card was something which was part of my life in abroad when you are absent. Do you expect me to just keeping waiting for you? " "What do you mean? You can have affairs in abroad while I keep taking care of your children. You expect full honesty from me and you can.." "Full honesty!!"Then Mahesh started laughing. Mahesh " So that Sameer!! What was he doing here?" Dipti was so shocked" You can't relate just say such nonsense thing. I never have any affair with Sameer." " Yes not physical one but on mental level you liked him. Now don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes when you see him." Dipti was so shocked. She never thought this way. But when Mahesh started talking about it, suddenly every thing started looking in totally different colors which would had effect on their mind. She was so confused. She never thought this way. She wanted to defend herself but Mahesh's confidence started to confusing her. She began to think on every point about her life. She never thought this way but then slowly she began to think that she might be thinking same way. She might want Sameer to replace Mahesh. She was so confused. Mahesh was bombarding her with questions. She was so sure until now that only Mahesh had cheated her. But she began to think that she might be also cheating her. She was not understanding any point. She suddenly began to feel that she was wrong. She began to cry, when Mahesh screamed "I had it enough. You never loved me. You just kept with me since Sameer didn't have money. I am not going to stay with you now. I will go with that another girl." Dipti was so confused. Suddenly every thing was turned on her. Mahesh went near her and said "Think about this. If I decide to leave you, then how will you live your life. With your children you need more money. You can never manage to get any thing. It would be hard for you. Think about it. This house in which you are sitting is mine. You will not get this luxaries without me. Can you? Think about me. Why do I keep a wife who was menatlly involved with some one else in home. What is your use now? You are just useless thing. Those girls were lot better than you. I have decided to quit you. Then what you would have done? Nothing. But I have stayed. You have to thank me. Instead of that you are screaming for those small cards. They are not big deal. I am not mentally involved with her. But in your case it is mental. Mental honesty is more important in marriage. You never valued it. You just kept remembering Sameer in heart. That was the reason behind your agreeing to let me stay abroad.""No.. can't blame me for this. You have decided ..." " But you have never opposed. Just continued. Since you want money and comforts. You are greedy. But you never thought of my needs that's why I got involved. You are the one who was responsible for this." Dipti started crying. Suddenly it all seemed like her mistake. She just kept quiet. After that Mahesh moved around with pride. He never booked any tickets for them. He told Dipti that he didn't want to take them. Children were not looked at all interested in going. It was only Dipti's wish. Mahesh easily managed to ignore her. During his whole stay Mahesh just kept bossing and taunting Dipti about Sameer. It was worst days for her. She just felt happy to get rid of him.
           Dipti started feeling strange dislike towards every thing. She just didn't understand when she did that mistake. She got attached to Sameer. But she never sensed that she was doing it. Even now she was not feeling as if she wanted to meet him. But she started thinking about those times when she by mistake while doing her work touched her. She had just remembering on every point how wrongly her finger touched Sameer's hand while taking some thing . Every time she did something by mistakes she touched him. She started thinking if that time she was creating troubles in life. She was doing every thing wrong. Then suddenly Sameer came near her and said "Hello." She scremed on him. "Get lost. You have destroyed my marriage." Sameer was so shocked. Sameer" Are you mad? It was your husband who made mistake. He did affair. I was the one who help you and your children..." "Shut up. One thing is clear. I don't want to see you again." "Sure fine with me. I will have same feeling now. You can enjoy your life with your cheater husband." Sameer went away with anger. It seemed as if nothing special between them. She was so confused. But she was sure that Mahesh was not lying. She did had affair with Sameer. She went home and throw away every thing which Sameer brought for them like toys or some gifts on birthdays. She was so upset. She started throwing and breaking things. She had one thinking from inside. She started throwing all things related to Sameer. She was so upset. She started cleaning every thing which was related to Sameer. She started searching for things which were related Sameer. She was out of her sense on every point. She knew that she was acting strange but she didn't stop until she didn't become sure that Sameer's things were thrown out. She wanted to understood one thought Sameer was her mistake. But when children came back, they noticed that some of their things were missing which were costly and useful for them. They started screaming but she screamed loudly on them. She noticed that children looked scared. She must had acted in strange way. But she wanted to just get rid every memory of Sameer. She wanted to clean every thing. Finally whole day was over and she went to sleep. But then when she just lay down on bed, she began to feel that she must clean all things which Sameer had touched. After all if she touched them then she would again touch Sameer. She didn't want his touch, She decided that she would clean it in morning. But then she could help. She went in bathroom. She took rug and soup water. She started rubbing every thing in this house. She wanted clean every thing. She started rubbing it. She wanted to clean every thing on every corner. She wanted to clean it all. She just kept cleaning it. She didn't stop. She looked exhuasted on every point. She looked tired. She was looking so pale. She was so tired. She started to clean every thing. She could sense that night was getting over but she couldn't help it. She just kept cleaning. She didn't even tried to wake up children. When alarm clock rang, they came out by themselves. They started insisting that she must stop cleaning and help them to get ready but she just couldn't. She just kept on. She just didn't want to stop. Finally she forced her self. She went in kitchen and did every thing as she always did. But today she was too tired. She did all work when children went to school. Once again she started cleaning. She just kept cleaning. Slowly her hand started to hurt but she didn't want to stop.
           Finally Dipti's maid came. She was so shocked when she noticed Dipti's condition. Her hand were already red and swollen. But Dipti ignored all her suggestion and when her maid suggested that she would call Sameer. Dipti just fired her. It was something so wrong. That maid was working for years but still Dipti didn't want to hear Sameer's name so she fired her maid. From that day she started working whole day on just one thing that was cleaning Her hands were getting worst but she didn't stop. Even her children started complaining regarding her condition. But she just felt going like that. One day finally her mother came to visit her with her brother. When her mother saw her, her mother was shocked. Her mother "What happened?" Dipti started crying then finally she told every thing to her mother and brother. Her brother" How can you believe it? Sameer was never related to you like that. That man was just using you. You have to stop him." "But I have not cleaned house yet." "Clean? What is remaining?" "I have to." Then once again she started cleaning. Slowly her mother came near her and started convincing her that she must go to doctor. "But Mom I have to clean this house." Brother "You can clean it when you come back." Dipti was not convinced but her brother forced her to come with them. Finally they went to psychiatrist. When they waited whole time Dipti was cleaning table near her with handkerchief. It was so wrong. Finally their number came. Then her mother and brother told psychiatrist that her children had called them and told about their mother's condition. Dipti was so upset. She wanted to stop herself. But her hand just wanted to clean every thing as if Sameer had already visited that psychiatrist also. Then psychiatrist talked with her. Slowly she stopped cleaning and paid attention to him. She told him every thing. Dipti " So I had affair.." "No you never have. Even Sameer was also helping you since he wanted a family and think about it . You were never interested in Sameer but if Sameer was interested in you then it was not your mistake. In fact I feel that it might be not even his mistake. Sameer must had sensed that Mahesh was cheating you so he wanted to have a nice family for himself. Sameer must sensed that you are cheated so he wanted to help his friend and thought that if you are interested in him after divorce what was wrong in it. But you were never interested in him. Mahesh used Sameer's interest against you and use it as weapon on you. He slowly convinced you that it was your mistake so that he could keep his mistress and wife. But if you ask me, you never done anything wrong. But still when Mahesh planted this guilt. You started feeling guilty and obsessive-compulsive disorder began. You started doing same thing to remove your guilt which was never your fault. Your cleaning was not cleaning of house. It was cleaning of guilt which was convinced to you but never existed." Dipti listened to him. She was not relaxed at first but step by step psychiatrist convinced her. She started acting normal. She sent divorce notice to him. She just shifted from that home in her mother's house. Her brother started living separately so that Dipti could stay with her mother. Finally after large argument Mahesh divorced her. He just wanted to save his money but he had to give alimony. Dipti finally settled in her house. But sometimes she still remembered her friendship with Sameer. She never realized what was in her mind. But in her mind she was sure of one thing to her he was best friend. Now she had lost that friendship. Sometimes she even felt that Sameer also wanted to just friendship and Mahesh destroyed it all for his selfish purpose but once broken she was sure that she couldn't create again that friendship. She felt sorrows regarding it somewhere from her heart.Since it was not just about her, but her children missed Sameer on every day. They hardly remembered their father Mahesh for them Sameer was their father figure. But sadly Dipti never loved him so it was that relationship which had to forgotten by all. Dipti and children had to accept it.
                                                     The End 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Poem 2130. Artificial things

                                                            Artificial things
Artificial things are just creation for some times some people manage to convince us that they are
Nothing but thing of life time then when on some moment I feel one thought from inside it is not
Possible in life for sometimes they convince but truth will come out and that it real thing in life but
Some people think artificial means those things which are created by technology in life but in life
When we are use it we are doing effects to turn it real in life so on some steps it is real for our
Thinking and life those feelings which are touching our mind will look so much great on every point
When we start to move ahead with artificial things which are created by our real efforts sometimes
They will become real in life like those dolls which are touching our mind when we use them as a child
They will become real for every part of our life because they are turning into real by our mind we
Need to understand our thoughts on every point since artificial things are just those feelings which
We have in our life on those times when real things are true things which will take us ahead on every
Moment and point artificial things will become real when we start to turn them in such a way in life
That they will become real in our life artificial things are those sort of things which will show us those
Sort of part of our mind that artificial things will become real with our efforts in life but that is just
When we have like child pure sort of mind in which there are no selfish motives but just innocent
Feel from inside those sort of innocent feel is need to make things real in life those artificial things
Are just artificial but when a innocent and pure mind touch our life it seem so much great on every
Part of life those sort of feel which will show us new feel from inside every artificial thing will seem
Real for life when we start to move ahead on every point with one feel that we want every thing to
Become good and nice those things which will touch us on every point we feel one thinking from
Inside of our mind we need to understand logics of life we feel one need from inside that our thinking
Will show us those concepts of our mind we need to understand our thoughts will wake up those
Sort of feel from inside which will wake up our thinking on every point we need to understand
Our thought from my mind that at every step we need those things will turn into right with just
One concept from inside that is our want to understand at every point when  we
Start to move fast on every point when things turn into right on every point when artificial things
Will turn right when we do them in innocent feel from inside turn those sort of feel from mind
Then artificial feel look like wonder in life after all artificial feel will show us real feel from inside
When we use our creativity we are making every thing real and good on every point then on just
Every point we need to act in good and natural way in life when we move ahead at every point
Those artificial feel will turn into something wonderful in life when we use our realness to turn
Those things into real in life after all we are real so why can’t we turn artificial into real with us
Of our mind since mind will have that power which will show us that strength which we need inside
Those feelings which will touch our mind should look great at every point when things will turn
Into wrong way in life when we start to move ahead with positive feel from mind I just have one
Feel from inside artificial feel will show good feel on mind those sort of artificial feel which will
Look real when life will look so much great at every point since every concept can be real only
When we want things to become good in life when we start to move ahead we need to move
Just in proper way in life when artificial thing will turn into real one in life those real things will
Have power inside which can turn even artificial one into real in life but selfishness will stop that
Feeling from inside some people just began to say it is childish in life but what is wrong in thinking
From your mind that you can even care for artificial things in life when they will look great to your
Thinking and mind you are just helping yourself not that artificial thing in life we need to understand
To create balance in life artificial things can be okay but never assume artificial feelings as truth
Of your life because they will hurt you in such a way as if arrow have stuck your heart on that
Point never get convince by artificial tears or smile but it is hardest job for many in life after all
In this world mostly show off win over our mind we need to understand those concepts of life
Which are creating appeal to our mind they are showing us in good way our life which will have
So much great things if we understand to differentiate things in life at every point it seem as if
One truth of life that assuming artificial things as truth can be okay but assuming artificial feelings
As truth will be worst mistake of our mind it will as if assuming we can live without air inside life.

Poem 2129. Message from great person

                                                      Message from great person
Sometimes those messages which we receive in life can’t be managed due to our troubles in life
Sometimes we miss so many things in life only if we understand importance of those concepts
Which are important in life when messages will show us that point where life will look so great
That we just feel one thought from inside those messages are showing us that effect on mind
That we just began to feel messages will have many sort of effect inside we feel just one thing
From our mind that message will show us different meaning of life when we understand those
Messages as some wise person in life those messages will manage to create effect on our mind
But sometimes we can’t obey according to that message on sometimes since those messages
Will just manage to confuse our mind we need to understand many sort of messages which will
Have effect on our mind we need to understand one thing from inside that some message may
Belong to us but still they are not giving understanding to our mind at every moment those sort
Of messages are showing us new thought of life I need to understand those message which are
Showing this world those meaning which are hard for understanding on every point when we
Start to move ahead at every point sometimes even worthy messages can’t manage to get those
Effect on mind not because we don’t care but since we just can’t obey them in life at every point
It seem as if message is something hard to accommodate it life so we just leave those worthy
And famous messages behind and move ahead with one thought that we can make our world
Better without them on every point but those messages are that sort of need of life which will
On every moment show us new point we need to understand what we feel from inside since
Those messages are showing us new thought from inside we never understand message will
Mean so much for our life when we form them with just one thought that we want them to be
Something so perfect that they will give meaning to our life I just sense that world will look so
Good and nice on every point I feel one thinking from inside that those messages which will
Show our world nice side are so important on every point we need to understand in those
Sort of messages many facts of life but instead of that we just understood one thing that those
Messages are hard to follow so we just kept them in book and I just feel one thing it is not
Perfect and right how hard may it feel but each message will teach us one point that how we
Suppose to move ahead in life sometimes those messages are showing us different feel of life
We need to understand our thoughts and mind messages are something which are just capturing
Many parts of our life on every messages we see many meaning from inside those messages
Are showing us new feel of our life when in some messages we see world hard on sometimes
That doesn’t mean we can ignore that message on that point every message will have new
Sort of feel from inside they are showing us new world at every angle of life messages will just
Create new world for mind but for creating that pure world we need to find right ways of life
We need to understand our mind properly on every angle and every side our mind will show
Our world new meaning from inside when we move ahead on just every point we feel one thought
That messages which are worthy for our world will show us bright light but not in easy way but
In hard way on every time we need to understand that every word which cut us from inside
Is something which hurt our mind when life will move ahead we have just feel from inside that
Those thinking which will create message for us will manage to hurt our feeling by turning
Our life in different way which we love on every point this world is showing us many wonders
On every point this world is creating for us different thoughts of mind I just feel one thing that
Messages which are full of hard words are touching for our mind we need to understand that
Messages will appeal to us at every point of life they will have different types of meaning but
One thing is so clear about them in life that those messages are showing us that side of world
Which will shine our mind we need to understand that messages are creating different appeal
To our thinking which will take us above every concept of life in that message we have just
Many things which will manage to show us many point in those message will show us new
Feel which will tell us that our life will not be simple but it will turn out something so great
That we can’t understand it’s strength on that point until we use that message in life when
You get some message try to study it on every point with such care that it will show us new
Concept of world and take us to that high where messages will show this world new points
We need to understand how much hard they look still they are creating best effect on life so
We need to understand those messages of great people are always precious keep them to
Our heart on every point at every step we decide to move with that message on every point.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Poem 2128. Weakness in nature

                                                    Weakness in nature     
Some part of nature which we hate from inside on every point that nature will have so many effect
On our mind nature will have impact on life when nature will have so much appeal at our
Thinking and mind then nature will have so many effect on our mind that nature of person will have
So much effect in life that nature of people have so much effect on mind that nature of person
Which will have effect on mind but then those worst effect on mind nature will form have so
Much effect on our life in nature will have so many parts in life those nature will have good as well as
Bad sides when life will show us that side nature will have so many intelligent and stupid sides then
At some point we all have worst impact on our mind we need to understand our thoughts on every
Moment and point when nature will look so much great it will show us that side of life where nature
Will look interesting at every point when we start to move ahead I just have one thinking from inside
That nature will have some effect on mind we need to understand nature will have so many different
Effect on mind when nature will show us good effect in life and we just assume that our nature is just
Good on every point we have one thinking from inside nature will show different feel from inside
Then nature of person show some hard  sort of feel on mind because every nature will show us that
Wrong sort of feel from inside which is totally wrong for our life we need to understand our thinking
And our mind those feelings which tell our nature different sort of effect should be made clear in life
Those feel which will show us good side of nature on every point those feeling of nature which will
Show us new feel in life are having different effect on mind but then even that best nature will show
Our mind that side which will not look that much great in life so then at some point we feel from
Inside nature of person have some bad side we may like to ignore it but that is truth of life those sort
Of feel which will have different effect on mind in that nature we have so many sort of feel from
In that nature on every point but then nature will have so many section in life in that nature of one
Person and their mind we see many sort of feel from inside in those emotions we see many sort
Of feel of life we have many emotions hidden inside we need to understand our mind which will
Tell us at every point nature will have so many effect on life we need to understand those nature
Which are showing us different feel of mind but then those effect which will show us so many sort
Of different effect on life we have so many sides of nature which will show our life that will have
So many impact on mind nature will create effect on life we feel one thought from inside that at
Every point person will have so many effect which will be creating nature on every point we need to
Understand one thought from inside some part of nature will have wrong effect on our mind so then
Nature will show us many sides inside life but some nature of person will have so much good sort
Of shine of life so then those feel which we have inside nature will look so effective in life I will just
Have one feel from our mind good sort of nature will have so much effect on mind there are many
Sort of section of nature but some are always our weakness in life we need to understand on just
Every point that nature will have so many section in life there are different effect in life then I feel
One thinking from inside nature have so many effect on every occasion in life then at every point
Nature will have some weakness in life we need to understand those sides of nature and then
We must invite that person in life because then on every point we remember that we have also
Expected weakness of life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside those feels which
Are telling us that need of mind weakness will show us many sort of feel from inside we want to
Just understand thinking on every point nature will have many sort of weakness in our life so then
Nature will have so much effect on our life when we start to understand in life that every nature
Will have different effect on mind in every nature we feel some sort of weak feel in life when we
Move ahead we have to understand that nature can’t be just good in life it will always have some
Bad effect in life we have to move ahead on every point with just one thought from inside those
Parts of nature which will show us many sides will manage to show us new feel from inside at
Each and every point nature will have some weak feel from inside so then nature will show us
Good feel on every section of life but only when we accept it’s weakness and wrong side since
It is not possible that water should stood on same point even on same point it will move ahead on every point
Same way nature can’t be just good it will have weakness inside nature will look so much great in life.

Poem 2127. Destiny in life

                                                             Destiny in life
Sometimes things will move ahead with one point that is new finding for our future and for our life
We want sometimes change in life but sometimes we feel safe while using old things on every point
It’s up to destiny which way we move in life but sometimes it feel as if we are the one who will just
Decide to understand life those new factors which will have so much effect in life when life will just
Move ahead to that point where life will form new thought from inside but then those things will
Have reaction in life when we move ahead on every point we just feel as if we can decide but then
In just few moments life will show us who is boss on every point I just have one feeling which will
Just show us new understanding that we are not thing but some doll who assume to be boss of destiny
On sometimes but on those moment when we need to act we have to think in life how can we just
Understand one fact of mind that we have to use mind but still we can’t rule our life on every moment
We just have to try in life but still results are not in our hand that is rule of life how much we like it
Or dislike it on every point one thing was so sure that we just need it in life to pretend to be boss
When other person is true boss of whole show on every time we never understand that we are just
Pretending on every point we have one feeling that things are needed to be acted as per our choice
But it will never happen because that is rule of life at every step we need to move at every point
We need to understand things in life when we start to move ahead at every point we need to try our
Best to change our destiny but destiny will never change in life if we know that it will not then just
Why we are trying just because even to get that destiny we need lot of trying because when we sit
On just one place destiny will not give us what we like it will search some way to force us in working
Because we must work will be one thing that destiny have decided in life when we move ahead
We need to think on every point that can destiny make us work then I feel it can on many points
It have so many tricks in sleeves that human just can’t guess it in life destiny is one magician who
Can show us different magic which we have never thought from inside of our mind we need to
Just think again and again on every point that those appeal which destiny does to us are something
Which touch us on every point we have to move ahead at that point where destiny will show us
That need which we have from inside of our mind our need is of just one thing that is understanding
Our thoughts and mind when at every moment destiny will show us many directions and points
I just feel one thing that destiny will show us different style of life but if we decide we will not just
Cooperate them it will find things to get cooperation in life how funny it will seem if we decide to
Become friend of destiny and try to as per it’s indication it will help us lot in life because when
We move ahead on every point I feel destiny will have strength from inside when we move ahead
Those power will show us that good understanding of life destiny will show us that kind of choice
When at every step destiny will give our world wonderful shine we need to understand that what
We may wish from inside that destiny will have so much effect on their life that destiny show us
That point which will have lightening that will show us pleasant type of feel from inside when
We move ahead destiny will walk with us hand in hand on every point but we just want to become
Boss over it when it will decide something against our wish due to need of that time but we need
To understand that destiny is higher than us on every point just because it don’t show we can’t
Assume we are boss on every time we need to understand destiny will just give us some chance
Like we sometimes let win some small innocent child but if we start to feel we are boss due to it
In our life then destiny will show us who is better in such a way that it will just lesson for our life
We have just one chance for our happiness that is if we become friend of destiny and start to act
As per destiny’s choice anything against it will not help us that much in life because we are just
Some puppet which are moving with one feel from inside that they are moving with their own feel
From inside those movement will look so great on every point when we will start to move ahead
With one thought from inside that choices should be such that we can move ahead on every point
As per our thinking and our decision in life but we need to understand it will be always wise when
Destiny insist something then it is always right sort of choice we must not feel that destiny will be
Wrong since it is not possible in life after all destiny will show us new thinking from inside then
Those destiny will show us wonderful feel from inside but only if we understand it in life because
It will have so many different rules than what rules we have decide will seem nothing before them in life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Poem 2126. Trying with wing

                                                      Trying with wing
When I spread my wings I just feel horizon on that point those wings are looking so good on every
Moment and point these wings are showing me that world for which I have thirst from inside so when
I spread my wings I know never think what is behind but question is that when did I spread my wings
That is one question from our mind those sorts of that effect on our mind I just feel one thing from
Inside those wings are showing us those power which will have so much effect on mind but then
Those wings will never want to stop on any point they will just fly and that is feel of those points
When my wings take power they will not stop on any point but start is always troubles in our life
Then those wings will show us that strength from inside those wings are so powerful but they are
Just powerful when we understand many sort of feel in life but never understand our wings are
Just for flying and we must not feel scared to use them in life when those flying will show us that
New world on every point I feel power of wings which have power in life then in that wing I 
Will show us that point where wings will show us that power for which we have desire from inside
Those wings are taking me ahead but how will I start those wings is trouble of life this is what happen
With us on every point some wings will have so much power inside when wing will have so much
Power inside life those wings are taking us ahead on every point because those wings will show us
One concept of life when we feel so happy from inside when we move ahead in life but we are just
So scared to move ahead in life we just want to act with too much care in life which means that
We just can’t move ahead in life we have to stop on that point where life will look great on just
Every moment and point wings will have power to take us ahead in life but we are so scared that
We will fall we never try them in life when we will try them then we can understand them in life
After all until we don’t try we will not understand our life but sadly people scare us so much that
Trying become so hard for our mind we just began to get confuse on every point because people
Will just keep coming ahead in life but only after using wings in life when wings are just kept there
Without use they will look useless in life we have one feel from inside that wings will have so much
Power to take us ahead in life but we just never feel ready to use them at beginning of life but then
We feel once we use them we will fly easily next time but we don’t fly like bird every day so then
At every part we have one feel from our heart that our trouble is over once when we start to move
Ahead on every part of heart wing will have so much power inside we have one thinking from mind
Wing will look so hard to move ahead on every point so then at every point those thinking will
Have so much impact in life so then I feel one thought from inside only if we can learn like bird
In one try our flying but for us flying is something which we need to learn on every day of life we
Have one thought from inside that we need to fly at every point so then we feel one thought
From inside those sort of flying quality which will show that power from inside but we need to
Learn it again and again at every point because those flying will show that need on our life
Which will take us to that point where we can fly and then we can learned it on just first point
Because those wings will needed to have so much power that once bird learn to use power then
We can’t needed to move ahead on every point bird will have get talent once we have it in life
But if we start to move ahead we need to learn our strength on every time as if during one sleep
We forget all skill of our life then we start to move ahead on every point we need some skill
That will needed on every point but still we forget it in just one night we need to relax but
We don’t need to forget it on that point but it is human nature that we forget from time to time
In life we need something perfect for our mind that we need to convince ourselves that we need
To learn again and again in our life which is need of our life since those sort of feel will have
So many appeal in our mind we need to understand one thought that learning is not one day
Task for human mind bird will learn in one day but human need to learn every time since
Our trees will differ on every point we feel that those power will show us nice feel from mind
We have one thinking from mind we have to adjust with new things in life so we must not
Stop from learning on every point which will be truth of our future at every point of our life
We may feel that we can learn flying like bird but it will not happen in our life we have to learn
On each day we need to learn new things in life so we need to have one thinking from inside
We need to understand we will learn but only when we keep trying on each and every day of life.

Poem 2125. Friendship with hope

                                                       Friendship with hope
Why wrong thing will be that part of life which will take us ahead on every point when we start to
Move ahead wrong thing will become part on some times but we just began to feel they are our most
Faithful friend of life and they will stay with us until end on every point when we move ahead we
Just have one need from inside those sort of thinking which will show us bright look will just manage
To form one effect on mind which tell us that wrong things are that part of life which will never leave
Us behind we just began to think wrong is that neighbour who will stay with us in life I just never
Understand why we fall in so much love with wrong that good things will become some sort of feel
Which we need from inside wrong things will have so much impact on our mind that we just began
To think they are so perfect for our life those wrong things are those concepts which we desire on
Just every point I have just one feel wrong things will enter in our life but why we have to feel that
They will enter always before they come in life when good things are wished to be entering we call
Them our hopes and they are always nice but when we wish for wrong what will we get by them in
Our life we need to find hope but we just think of nightmares on every point only if we start to think
In positive way but we just start to think those prenomination about wrong will be just one truth of
Our thoughts and mind when wrong things will turn true we just wish to trust them from inside on
Every point we feel that just wrong will happen and that is our tragedy of our life we need to think
Again and again of that thinking which will give us shine I feel just one thing from inside wrong may
Not come but we will fall in that company from inside those sort of fact which will lead to so much
Effect on mind wrong sort of feel will become partner on every point those facts will have so many
Parts of life which will show us wrong things as if effect which will take me ahead on every point
Are not wrong one but still with those wrong things we make that friendship which will hurt me
In life those sort of wrong things which will show me many sort of feel from inside when wrong thing
Will enter in our life we need to see those things in promising way on every point we need to just
Understand our mind that wrong is not that much faithful friend but right and good things are our
Friends of daily life why let wrong things enter on any point when wrong things are nothing but just
Those shadows of right which will finally vanish in right of our life we need to understand every
Wrong will finally turn in right it will manage to hurt our thoughts and mind but then step by step
It will turn into something positive and nice those things which we cherish are great for our life
When we see them in positive way because wrong things will not give us that much company in
Our future and life we need to understand our thoughts and mind when we began to feel wrong
And tears are our best friends of life because they are never those friends who will be with us for
Our entire life we can change them in something good if we try it and that is true need of our life
We need to understand our thoughts and mind which tell us on every day those wrong things are
Nothing but our companion of our entire life when we move ahead on every step we just feel one
Thought from inside that those wrong things are creating impact on our future but they are just
For few times those wrong things will take us to that right path if we work on them properly in life
We don’t need to make friendship with wrong things we don’t need to find friends in wrong things
But we need to fight with those wrong things and turn them into something right when wrong things
Will become part of our life I just feel one thing that we need to change them in positive way in life
We want those wrong things to become that part which will turn them in right we need those sort
Of wrong things to turn world in to something positive way for life when wrong facts will turn in
Some part which will be right how good it feel to make hope our friend for entire life but when
We make friendship with those wrong things we are making them more and more alive we just
Never care what are we making of our life because friends supposed to be one who will turn our
Life in such way on every point that life began to seem something so wrong on every point when
We move ahead in life those wrong things will have so much impact on our mind that we just
Search for wrong in our life when wrong will have enter on our life but we need to change it in
Totally right and we must make friendship with hope in life how hard we may try on every point
But we can never find better friend than hope in life so just never try to substitute it on any point.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Poem 2124. Those looks

                                                                Those looks
Those looks which we get sometimes just manage to understand those looks which will have so
Much feeling inside that look will have so much effect on our mind when those looks will have just
One feel from inside those looks will have so much impact on our mind after all look will show us
So many understanding on every point when we expect look that will have greatness on every point
We need to understand those looks which will form many effect on our life that look will show just
Different effect on mind those look will give different interpretation to our thoughts and our mind
Those looks are showing us so many effect on our mind when looks will have so many mysteries
Inside life when we move ahead on every point those looks will give so wonderful effect on our
Thinking and mind we just began to feel one thought from mind we will understand those looks
Will have so much effect on our mind then those looks will have so much wonderful impact on our
Thinking and mind those looks will show us different power from inside then those look will have
So much great feel at every point but then look will have so many effect on mind when look have
So much understanding on our look at every point so in that look we will understand many concepts
On every point when those looks will have so much effect on mind when in those looks we will see
So many effect on our life when looks will have so much effect on our thought and mind but then
Those looks are turning into something so interesting in life we feel one thought from our mind
That this look will have so much appeal to our mind we feel one thinking from inside that are just
Forming so many impact on mind those looks will show us many effect on our mind when those
Feel which will create new future on every time those thinking will show us wonderful feel when
We guess them right but sometimes I guess it is so wrong that I turn out to be joke on some point
I just wish from heart on those points I must learn to smile on that time after all mistakes are just
One sort of thought from inside when we start to move ahead we need to understand mistakes
Are just some parts of life then those mistakes are showing us those points which are so important
At every point those looks are something which will confuse us on many points but we just never
Accept it in life that confusion of those looks will create effect on our thinking and mind when we 
Just hurt ourselves by judging our intelligence by judgment of people's look we make mistake in
Our mind and life when we judge something moment will tell us many points that we are just
Playing blind on many times how can we judge our brain by becoming part of that game which
Will be mostly based on luck many times we are just playing with closed eyes so when we judge
It in all wrong way in life we need to understand we may suffer but it will not brain power
In our life those moves which we make in life no longer appeal to us our need of mind we
Just confuse our mind when we start to ahead with one thought that we need to understand
Our mind with just one part on every point that thinking will hurt us because we confuse our logic
With one hope from mind that when we start to move ahead at every point we need peace of mind
But if we put our judgment with sign of intelligence then we just giving it too much importance in life
Judgment of looks are poles of horizon at every point which will have many look that touch our life
We just have one feel from inside they are so real but can we touch them in life and truth is that we
Can't touch them or store them in life something are beautiful but not made for touching on any point
We must not attach them so much with life that we just forget true value of our life since guess are just
Reflex of our mind they will never act as per our choice on every time we need to think from mind
To understand we can't have our guess about brain with just few blind games of life those games which
Are played with closed eyes never show true strength of mind when we move ahead on every point 
We must not keep faith on that mind which gives judgment on that point will have so power on that
Moment to decide that it can make us wrong for life after all this life will have many task on every
Point of life that tasks will show us those nice feel which will show us many point which will look so much
Great in life when we start judging even if we fail we can hope from inside those things which we 
Needed that if we fail still we have to smile then only we can move ahead in life we need just one
Thought from inside when judging will show us so much troubles on every point then on just every
Moment and point when judging will have so much effect in our life then judging will have so much
Impact on our life because judging will have so much limited effect on our life so then judging will
Show us many sort of qualities which will have so much impact on every point then at every point
Judging is need on every point so then that judging will have so many effect on our mind then on
Just every area of life I feel one thought from inside judging will not matter that much on just each
And every point I feel one thought that judging is basic need of life then at every point we feel
That is thoughts of our mind we feel that judging will have so limited need in our life at just
Some moment and point after all that judging will be so interesting for our thinking and our mind.

Poem 2123. Good and bad side of mentor

                                             Good and bad side of mentor
Students fail when teacher just don’t quit trying how can we win when mentor lies we need to understand
One thing on every point we just not keep blind faith on any one except god in life since when we have
Given something by right it is our responsibility in life how much you may feel others can take care of it
For you in life faithful one are hard to find when castle fail just look at that musketeer whom king trusted
With blind eyes when you fail just understand in life you can stand again but just look around and check
Who had push you in that hole in life but just remember one thing from mind when you find that one
Just never start revenge in life since that one have planned it all and you are just beginner before that one
On that point castle will not fail easily in life unless main pole is weak whole time or may be it is just due
To our mistake we put those pole in our castle which belong to other structure all time but then when
We think one thought enter in life person is not pole that one have understanding on whole time if that
Person don’t have faith on us then why did that one start fight from our side but never waste time in questioning
Since it is wastage of life we have to just understand one thought from inside that life is precious and we need
All our time to recover our damage not to waste on past at any time but just understanding one basic
Thing is important in life that student is failed due to wrong teaching in life we all feel teacher should be
Some one great but teacher just don’t seem to understand it on any point when we start to move ahead
In our life we have to create our own thinking and our own life when at some step we trust some one
Totally wrong instead of fighting with that one we just need to learn to ignore and move ahead in life
But basic is so important to understand truth of life that mentor is not god they will make mistake in life
But when they cheat you in life you feel so hurt from inside just remembering one thing never let anger
Take hold of you on that time defeat that mentor by winning in life since that mentor done every thing
Just view to fail you then your winning will become that mentor’s failing for entire life when some thing
Wrong happen without necessary reason in life we have to first check our shadow and that is rule of life
We all know that shadow can’t cheat us but it could easily show which person is cheating us in life when
We start to counting our numbers and our times we just count them in way which we taught in life but
Knowledge must not limit to one mentor it needed to move away from one point to another point when
We find we are cheated in life we must understand that is just basic lesson of life when we want to move
Ahead we need to understand that we have to grow up or become child since if you grow up then you
Act like mature and ignore it and if you become child then you just forgive and forget it but both thinking
Just suggest revenge is never wise so when you find some have cheated you in life just start understanding
How did it work on every point just try to improve it with your brain never waste on screaming your mind
Since every moment it is precious in life and it is for happiness in life when you can get happiness in your world
By rectifying why should you need to question some one and waste time just move ahead and improve
All since just student is enough in life when mentor cheat you then you can become your own mentor and
You can move ahead in life after all world’s greatest mentor god is with you and you have every sort of treasure
Inside your life that pearl which is hidden in see showing you that your mentor is cheater but still you can
Rise like that pearl in your life just try to reach that pearl in your life in that place you can find your truth
Of life that you are nothing but just one pearl which is hidden in shell on every time when we start to move
Ahead when we fail we just have to understand we have not tried correct person in life since wrong mentor
Can cause so much mess but god will become your best mentor of your entire life you need to understand
On every point when we move ahead in life sometimes we get right people around us but sometimes just
Wrong one enter in our life when you trust wrong one just never believe that you have lost in life just
Give yourself second chance since even if your mentor is wrong still your training will help you to survive
Since we never have just one mentor in our life we can find many causes of failing but one thing is so true
On every point that cause will not matter that much in life but still we need to see that cause once so that
We can move ahead in life since we have done some mistake or those mistakes are suggested to us in life
Is one question on every point we need to understand if that face is true to which we worship as our teacher
In our life we are always told that we were taught best but we can’t learn is our mistake of life but if we can
Learn from someone else may be first mentor never want to taught us on any point just check with your
Thinking and your mind do you want to understand why you fail in life if some part tell that you can move
Ahead without understanding it then it’s best but if you feel that mentor will become your obstacle again
Be careful in life revenge is never required on any point but precaution is necessary in life if fire burned
Your house then you have to build it all again but you have check that this fire will not start once again so
When you fail just first check does your mentor is fine since mentor are just human so they have good and bad inside.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...