Monday, March 31, 2014

Poem 1400. Some goods

                                                                Some goods
Finding some goods is nice for our heart when things went ahead we feel so sad on every
Part we just hope one thing that even if people goes ahead while living us back those goods
Will stay us on at least life's some part so we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from
Our thinking and our heart we just keep thinking one thought from our heart that those things
Which look so perfect to us and our heart will slowly feel that goods are something which
Is right for us as well as for our heart and we will feel so sad because those goods are just
Things not people who can go ahead after staying with us on some part this is what we feel
When we grow up slowly and watch life's every part we feel this way when our first friends
Left us for their personal benefits and people told us that it is not wrong they suppose to think
More about their future than about your heart then you see this world in whole new angle in
Each and every part you will began to feel that you have to understand this world on it's each
And every part because when I went ahead on every day and on every part I just feel one
Thought from my heart that those things which look so perfect for our future and for our
Heart I just feel one thing from my thoughts that those goods which are so perfect are not that
Nice inside world's every part we just began to feel that we are standing on wrong front of
Heart we feel that people will not care for us and that is what is world's rule on every part
Because then we began to observe just all negative things from our heart we just began to
Watch what we feel that we need to watch on every part we just watch cheating which happen
Around us from every heart because we just observe one thing that life is not that easy for
Our future and for our life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that on every
Day and on every point those goods which look so perfect are nice for our future and for
Our life because as we went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from inside that
Those thoughts which I have inside my mind are just dominated by those cheating which
I see in life even I see them in relationships of many kinds and suddenly I feel that I took
Wrong decision inside life because I just have heard one thought from every point that you just
Can't trust human mind but then as days went ahead I have observed one thing inside my life
That those goods which are stored can also be destroyed after sometime inside our future and
Inside our life on every moment when we went ahead in life we just feel one thing from inside
That those thoughts which look so perfect on every moment and on every point look so totally
Wrong inside life because those goods which look so perfect inside life also lost their beauty
After some time so I just began to feel that why should I need to go ahead inside my life on
Those fronts which look so wrong on every point after all goods also get spoiled so why
Should not I give one more chance to human beings inside our life my life went ahead on
Every moment and on every point then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things
Which are perfect inside life until they are good inside life when I went ahead inside life then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which enter inside our life don't look
That perfect on every point so then I just feel why should I have to spend on those things
So much time may be I should also give try to human being inside my life when things went
Ahead on every point I just keep thinking on every front of life that those things which are
So precious in life are also going to vanish then why should not we just try more for human
Being and their relations in life when we are child we just see good things on some points
And then when bad enter we feel that shock from inside but that doesn't mean that bad
Things are going to rule our future and our life after all those things are so wrong inside life
When we began to ask for our future and our mind human being can't win just by goods
Inside their life on every moment those human being look wrong inside life as days went
Ahead on every point I just have one feeling from my heart and from my mind that when
I went ahead I feel those things are totally wrong inside life because then when I made
Once again friendship I have found it's positive side those negative things turn in wrong
Way inside mind I just kept thinking from one point to another point I just never understand
What is truth of our life but I feel that human being are not that bad so why should we always
Run after things in life sometimes at beginning we make mistake to trust our friend too much
Inside life but then slowly we will understand that if we trust in limit then we can slowly
Find good friends in life when we learn to choose proper friend from group of friends in life.

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