Monday, March 24, 2014

Poem 1387. Admiration

Why did I feel one thing inside my life on each and every point on each and every sight
That even when I did good things I am not admired much in life while other people gets
Admiration from time to time this is one thought which always kill every one inside I just
Feel one thing that maybe we should spend one hour in admiring each other in life because
If others don't admire you why don't you start admiring each other in life let's make one
Rule on every thought and on every point I have just one thinking on every thought and
On every point I just never understand those things which are important in life when I went
Ahead I feel that this want of admiration should be always inside after all we all were doing
Things which would be admired in life when my future went ahead on each and every
Thought and on each and every point I feel some people just get admiration on many spots
And on many moment but for just limited people when we all know that many deserved that
Admiration in this world but some where in our heart we always know one thing in this
World admiring some people is just way of this world it can never understand any thing
About other people inside their views and inside their life they just ignore their work as
Useless things in life when we do our small works we are ignored many time but when
Truth is one thing our small work should also receive admiration in our life since those
Work will help us on each and every time when I went ahead in my life on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that I need to understand that in case of admiration
Justice hardly done in life if you really want admiration then there is just one source of it
Inside your life learn to admire others and hope that some day one of them will admire you in life
Or feel like me that at least you are doing justice to others which you can't get in your life
We want to do justice then why should we try to do it on only some points sometimes we
Can even do it on small tiny things inside our life when we went ahead on every point then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those justice which are done to us inside our life
Are something so admirable on every moment and on every point I just keep feeling one thing
Inside my life that when things turn in wrong way I just have one feeling from my thoughts
As well as from my mind when life goes ahead on each and every point I just feel one thing
From inside of my mind that when I walk ahead inside my life I feel just one thought from
My thinking and from my mind that when our life changes on each and every point I just
Feel one thing inside my mind which never change that is need of admiration inside life
Even on my each suggestion and on my each point I feel need inside my mind and on every
Thinking from inside I just feel one thought that tell me on every occasion and on every
Thoughts inside life I feel that those thoughts of admiration are taking me in wrong way
When I just look at admirer from time to time because admirer will stay with us for some time
And they may change their side so it is better admire all and hope to get justice inside life
Because in my heart I feel every one deserve admiration inside life who does their work in
Nice manners and sweet voice why should we divide people in classes from point to point
And why did their field will have feeling that admiration is depend on it every time in life
After all when things goes in wrong way inside our life I just feel one thing from every
Thought and from every point that when we have one feeling which tell me that we are
Standing on wrong point inside our life on every moment and on every point I just have
One feeling inside my life that on every point I have one admiration inside life that it regarding
Each and every human who does their duty from properly inside life I just have one feeling
Inside my life on every moment I feel that admiration is important inside life for each and
Every person in our life I just keep hoping that one day my life will change on some point
And people will understand that they should admire each field in life but then I just saw
One thing that many people had said this and this is not happening inside life on every moment
And every time people just keep admiring one thing which seem to them so perfect inside life
After all admiration is something which is important in life for each and every person inside life
So it is hard but I just feel that I must learn to at least give smile to each and every cleaner
Who comes before me in life because after all they are doing most important work for me
Inside my life they are who cleaned every dirt and still always don't even receive smile
And saying seem so useless in life but when I do it most of the cleaner just keep looking at me
With strange shock or confusion in life they just never believed that I appreciate their cleaning in life
After all cleaning is something which required most in our country on most of places and times.

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