Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Poem 1367. Creating new

                                                        Creating new
From every side and from every design I just feel one thing that I have changed in my mind
That may be on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes even I lose
My coolness and do those things which are no right inside my thoughts and my mind every day
When I go ahead I just want to keep peace of my mind every time when I think about my
Thought I just feel that I should be standing on right side I just never understand one thing
From my mind that when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from my mind that when
I lose my positive thoughts and I let wrong people rule my mind then all I said will turn so
Wrong inside my future and my mind I just never understand what I feel from my mind
Until I get what is right because when I move ahead in life I just feel every point that
Those thoughts are important in life which are positive and only if I can have enough power
Inside my life from my mind then I start thinking positively about all things which comes
In my life but if I tell you the truth then it is just one thing inside my mind that sometimes
Even after getting carried away inside life by those wrong thoughts seem to capture some
Part of my thinking and some part of my life on every moment when I go ahead in my life
I just feel  such anger on those wrong thoughts and mind that I began answer them with
Just one hope to shut them in life on every moment and on every point I just feel that when
Things turn in wrong way inside life I just have one thing from mind that when I start to
Answer those thoughts in life I just don't find any way inside life in which I can understand
How wrong I am going ahead inside life on every moment and on every point I just feel
That I began to use same language which those people use towards others in life when I went
Ahead in life I just feel that things which are wrong in life began to slowly enter in life and
On every moment inside my life I just have one thing from my mind unknowingly we began to
Feel that those wrong things inside life I just have one thing that those bad habits enter in
Our life while we try to stop them in life when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind that when those things turn in wrong way inside our life
But then I just feel one thing from that wrong things should be stopped but not that way
Inside our life because if we start using wrong thing to stop wrong thoughts how can those
Things go and vanish in life after all those thoughts which are important in life are something
That should be stop in life but if we use it to stop things in life then we will feel one thing
In life that instead of stopping it we are spreading things in life when we went ahead in life
We just feel one thought that is wrong inside our life should be throw out of our life but
Then after some time I just feel that while trying to stop them I am using same things in life
Whatever we may feel from inside but still we must not let those wrong ways enter in life
Even if that means we need to go ahead and lose sometimes but still by taking their ways
We can never win inside life because every day when wrong things enter in life I just
Feel that after some time I can always get advise that I am losing track of life I feel that
On that moment I must understand in life that my thoughts are turning into nothing but
Just a fight instead of going ahead and develop right side I began to move on wrong side
Because I want to stop that fight but still when we get involved in fight it seem so hard
To go ahead and understand those fights which are so important part of our future and
Our life when I start fights in life I just feel that those fights will take them on wrong way
Inside life I just have one feeling on every point that I should be acting like some good
Angel but suddenly devil enters when I began to fight so maybe I should just ignore those
Fights which are started on every moment of life when some one warn me I should understand
That is moment when I should think am I doing wrong or am I doing right just stopping
Wrong things can't be motive of life we also need to create new perfect things on those
Places inside life just if we stop those things then we will feel that we are standing on
Wrong ground of our future and our life when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind that when I began to live my life I should concentrate on
Making new things inside life instead of just breaking things and throwing them away
Because they are totally wrong inside life I just never understand what I feel inside mind
But I know that my anger will stop me from ignoring fight but I just feel that just fighting
Is not my duty but creating is my duty of life because new things needed on every point
And most of the people do just one thing that is they started fighting inside their future and life.

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