Sunday, March 2, 2014

Poem 1350. Photos of mind

                                                          Photos of mind
Beautiful things of life which change from point to point that those thoughts which look so
Pretty on every point I just feel that those are nice and perfect inside life I just have those photos
Which are creative inside life when I see those picture which look so lovely inside our life
I just feel one thing from every point those picture which look nice are made in different
Style on every part in life that picture looks as if it is on something unique of each point when
I see those picture I see they looking so different in those photos and those lights maybe
They are due to camera I thought until that photographer told me that it is not about that
Camera it is about our eyes I just have one thought from inside of my mind that why did
Those pictures look so different in style same scene look as proof of happiness and same
Scene look like picture of sorrow to mind on every moment we just feel one thing from
Thoughts and mind that those places have that quality so we just see it in pictures of life
When I saw pictures from time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that those pictures
Which are clicked by that photographer inside life they show what is inside that place and
Very properly sometimes I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that on every
Point we just feel one thing from inside that those pictures which we see are proof of that
Emotions which that place posses on that sight I just never thought that it is not about that place
But it is about what that artist feel from mind when that artist have some nice thoughts from
Inside our mind after all those pictures shows those emotions inside mind those pictures
Are showing that beautiful feeling which are nice for our eyes and even sometimes those
Sorrows look so prefect and nice for our thinking and for our mind I just feel one thing
From my inside when photos are clicked many times they are not just photos they are
What photographer feel from inside every moment and every thought look so precious
For our thinking and our mind I just feel that those photographers are lovely and precious
In that picture and that mind I just feel those pictures are not that much lovely on many
Thoughts and on many points I feel that maybe lack of talent can be blamed on that time
But when we see a photo we would not just decide that beauty of that photo depend on
What we see inside life I have those photos are so fresh and nice but then I just feel that
In these pictures I have so nice look from every thought and point I just kept looking at
That photo from every angle and on every sight I just have one feeling from inside of my
Thinking and of my mind I just feel one  thought on every point that when I went
Ahead inside life I just feel those thoughts are something inside my thought and inside
My mind I feel those photos are so important for life on every moment I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those photos are so unique in every point because they are
Not showing those places but they are showing those feelings which artist have inside
I just feel one thought from my thinking and my mind that on every spot I need to have
That thought inside life I just never understand that those pictures are not just photos
Those are mirror of life that person who have clicked them is creating them on every
Thought and on every point I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that on every
Thought I just feel that those photos are something not that perfect and nice because
When I went ahead on each and every point I just feel those photos are showing me
Many truth about photographers mind when that person have even on saddest spot that
One will manage to go ahead on some point I just feel one thing from inside of my mind
That even on that spot those photographer will catch happy things like some one is
Helping other person inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that on every moment
I just need to have thing properly in life I have just one thought from inside of my mind
I feel that when photographer click photos on saddest moment of that unique joy I just
Feel that it is power of their positive mind and then when they wrote some thing then
Even during tears we can just manage to make one smile and hope for nice future and
Proper future in our life but when something wrong happen inside our life I just feel
One thing that I am standing on wrong point but that photographer show that every thing
Is just on right place and every thing is right but then there is also other side of life
Sometimes during even our pleasant moment photographer manage to click some thing
Wrong in life on my thought and on my mind everything goes wrong way inside life
So those sad photos show sadness in life I know sadness is nice thing in life but sometimes
I feel they are also nice because they are showing me life's other side and I can easily
Find way to turn it into happiness only if I can understand those feeling inside my mind.

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