Sunday, March 16, 2014

Poem 1374. As strong as sun

                                                        As strong as sun  
Moving around one point this is sometimes seems like tragedy of our life we just keep moving
From one point and then we went ahead in life but slowly as we went ahead in life we just feel
One thing from our mind that we are not going far ahead we are just moving around that point
Because that point create thoughts in life which just remain hidden inside for some time but then
When we went ahead with our work we feel that we have forgotten them inside life and we just
Have one feeling from our mind that we have moved ahead in life on every thought and on every
Point we just feel that we are moving ahead on every point I just keep one thought alive in mind
Which tell me on every point then in our life I just went ahead on every thought and every point
When we start thinking about things inside our life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and
From my mind that when I start moving around on every point I just feel one thing from my
Thoughts and from my mind that those tragedies which happen in our life are something which
Happen on every point so then even when I have chance to move ahead of that thought I will
Return to them after some time I just keep that feeling alive inside my thoughts and inside my
Thinking and my mind when I went ahead in my life I just keep one feeling from my mind that
On each and every day of our life I never want to go ahead in life I want to just solve problem
Of that point but sometimes some problems are so complicated in our life that we feel just one
Thing from our mind that when we move around in life we just never understand what we feel
From our mind we feel that our thinking is not going ahead as we wish from our life but it is
Just manage to hurt us on every point I just went ahead in life on each and every point because
My thoughts are so obsessed in solving that first problem which comes before me inside life
That I just have one feeling from my mind that I just never went ahead on any moment of life
Why did sometimes this happen to our life our thoughts seem to stuck to one area of our life
We just never able to go ahead in life on every moment we just feel same thing from our mind
That those thoughts are important in life I just feel one thing inside life that when I keep moving
Around one point in my mind because when I change from one point to another I just feel one
Thing from my mind that on every moment I need to go ahead inside life I just keep moving
On every point I just have one feeling from inside I feel that I am moving from one point to
That same point like earth I keep moving round and round on same point but question is that
One which is important to mind that what gravity that point have that I keep moving around it
On every point of life I just never understand problems which I face inside life I just feel one
Thought that those point which I see are nothing important but just some bubbles of problem
Inside my life when I went ahead I just feel one thing from every thought of mind that this
Point have attacked some part of my mind and it is not going to leave me alone until I tried
To prove my point I just have one feeling from inside of my mind that this point is something
So precious inside our life but then when I start moving ahead slowly from every point I just
Feel one thing from inside of my mind I feel that I am not enjoying any thing which is so
Important in life I am just precious inside our life I just have one thought from our mind because
On every moment we just feel one thing that we can't move ahead inside our life on every
Point I keep turning from one thought to another thought of our mind we just feel that we are
Standing on wrong ground of our life because as days went ahead on every thought and on
Each and every point I just feel one thing from my mind that on every moment inside my life
I just never quit that point on any area of our life I just have one thought from inside of mind
That those points which I have decided to keep with me become problems for our life I just
Always feel one thing from my mind that on every moment in our life I need to have some
People to become part of our life I feel that on every moment I need to have some thought
Which will take me away from one point to another point I just keep thinking that I will
Win inside my life but then as I went ahead even before I feel anything I will turn to another
Thought or to another point I just never understand those people inside my life and on every
Thought and moment I feel that I don't understand why I stuck to that point how confusing
Are those thoughts of my mind that when people are convincing me so much I just remain
Stuck to that point and when things turn in wrong way I just feel one thing from my mind
That I am tired of that point so I quit that point so no point is as strong as sun inside life.

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