Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Poem 1378. Searching for a road

                                                   Searching for a road
When fog moves away from our eyes then only we can see the way and then only we can
Become a guide of someone else but when our eyes are not that much clear why we keep
Making that claim that we can see things clearly and we can guide many people in many ways
When fog moves then only we can see that road which is ahead but still I saw many people
Just jumping before me and saying they know how to move ahead but if they have just human
Eyes as I have on this day how can they show me that road which is hidden in each and every
Point and way I just never understand why are they making that claim they just say that since
They have move again and again on that road they knows the best but I just feel how can
Someone have that right to say that on any moment when that person claimed that this person
Knows the best some people who are surrounded by fog on every way but then when that
Fog comes in our life we just can't able to watch that street on every moment then how can
I trust someone because every one have same claim I saw many people who told me again
And again that they will show me road out of that fog which will look nice and perfect on
Each and every day when I consider that fog as problem on every way I just feel one thing
From inside that how can I believe someone is so better just because that one claim it in life
On every moment I just can't trust someone inside life because when fog surround us then
I just feel one thing from our thoughts and wants in life that we want a guide but sometimes
I feel do we really need to search for guide and if someone want to help them why did that
Person tells before doing it in life good and matured people just go ahead and help inside life
I feel that this fog is so dense that I need to find ways but I just don't trust any one for guide
Because I have seen enough people who cheat us on each and every point we just feel one
Thing inside life that this fog which surround us never let us see what is ahead in life but
If I tell you truth sometimes I feel that I have seen so many wrong people that I feel even
Scared to one honest guide because even if that one is saying it honestly still it is possible that
This guide is misguided in life every moment when we go ahead I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and mind that in this journey I just don't want to trust any one in life but
Then when fog comes from every side I feel that maybe I needed guide so confuse is that
State of mind and I feel this is what happening on each and every day of our life when
That fog seem to surround us on every point we just feel one thing that road which is ahead
Will not be seen inside life on every moment I feel that I need guide but inside my heart
And inside my mind I just feel one thing that I want to understand that person whom I like
Inside life but on every moment I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my mind
That I need a guide but sadly I am too scared to find one guide I just prefer hurting myself
In fog than asking for guidance in life then after some moment I feel one thing from mind
That fog is surrounded inside life I just keep hurting myself without guide so then I just
Feel one thing inside life that I can't win on any point that fog which form around me
Was so dense in life I just feel that fog is something just can't be crossed without advice
Then suddenly I know what I suppose to do in life I should just have to take one after
Another sort of advice on every point I have just one feeling inside my life that those who
Feel we are on wrong point will never understand things inside our life but still they are
Important inside our life because on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind
That fog which is surrounding me is not right it was just creating problem for me on
Each and every time and if I follow just one person I can get just one advice so I decide
To listen to all on every day of life but when life went ahead I feel that sorrows of life
Which always manage to hurt me on every time because one person says this way and
Other pointed opposite way of life so how can I judge which way is better and which way
Is best for my life every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that my judgments
Are confusing me inside life so when I stuck that fog nothing seem to help in my life
I just keeping running from one way to another for searching ways in life and in that hurry
I manage to hurt myself more and more on every time in life I just feel that I can't able to
See road on any time I feel that my life is stuck just in that fog and that fog become a destiny
Of my future and of my life but then suddenly that fog manage to vanish on it's own in life
And I found myself on prefect road of life but there is just one problem that I have manage
To hurt myself while searching for that road of life when I should have just waited with patience
And my destiny would have shown me all those roads which are important for our life.

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