Monday, March 3, 2014

Poem 1351. Angle of life

                                                       Angle of life
When I promise myself I will not get involved in those wrong things in life I just feel one
Thing that I have tried every side and sealed my mind from turning on wrong sides on every
Thought and on every point how nice it will feel inside my life when I feel so sure that any
Bad thought will not enter in my mind but then as my life went ahead on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those wrong thoughts will enter slowly inside my life
And they will manage to destroy peace of my mind on every moment when I went ahead
In life I will just feel one thing that my sun will not shine but just because those thoughts
Enter little bit late inside life I will never feel that I am standing on wrong point because
As moments went ahead on every point I just feel one thing that I don't want my future
To harm me inside life so I just want to seal each and every dark side which sometimes
Enter in my future and sometimes enter in my mind I just feel one thing that I am standing
On wrong location and on wrong point I just never understand when wrong things enter
In life but sometimes I feel that they are not that wrong after some point I just feel one
Thought from my mind that on every moment my mind will just goes wrong way from
Time to time I just never understand those truths of my mind which tell me on every moment
That I am standing on right point what I thought wrong was never wrong in life it was so
Perfect and right because on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that on every
Second I feel that I have selected wrong thought inside my life and wrong thing is that I have
Ever thought something is wrong with my life when on each and every day my life was so
Perfect and fine from every side I just feel that there are no wrong things around me in life
I just feel that I am watching them with wrong direction and point if I look around me with
Unbiased eyes I just feel one thing that I am standing on wrong location and on wrong thoughts
Which are part of my mind I just never understand how can I just feel some things are so
Wrong in my life when every thing  is just good or little bit less good inside life I just
Have one thought from my mind that when I say something is wrong then it is just little
Hard work which is needed to set it right on every point I have just one feeling from my
Every angle of my life that when I went ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that
On every moment I can see everything in positive angle of our life we just never need
Those wrong thoughts from our thinking and from our mind because those things are
Not really bad inside life I just feel one thing from my mind those thoughts inside mind
I have those thinking from every front of life I feel that we are standing on wrong concepts
And on wrong thoughts of our mind I just feel one thing from my thinking that every sort
Of wrong thing sometimes happen inside my life but they are that wrong because they have
Other positive side of mind I just feel one thing if I start looking on positive side then
I will see things in different way in life every thing which look wrong suddenly began to
Look perfect and nice because on every moment I feel that I am just creating negative
But my own thoughts and by my own mind I just feel one thing from my thinking and
My life that positive things should become totally wrong for my thoughts and for my mind
I just feel that those parts which are parts of my life are something so wrong on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that when I went ahead
I need to understand what is hidden in my negative mind I just never think much about
Those ways that take us ahead in life I just keep thinking about those thoughts which are
So wrong inside my life I have just one thinking from my mind that when I start going
Ahead I just feel that I am struck on that wrong thought on every time I just never understand
Those thinking which are once part of my mind are not going to stay part of my future as
I prefer and like I just never understand what I really want from inside I feel that those
Wrong thoughts are something coming from out side I know sometimes outside things
Also encourage them inside our heart from point to point but I just feel one thing that
Those thoughts which are entered inside our heart are something so wrong on every point
But I feel that those thoughts are right if we move them in proper angle of life I just feel
One thing that nothing is wrong in our life until we decide to call it wrong because it is
Our view which will decide because sometimes people even went ahead with life after
Lot of wrong inside their life and inside their mind on each and every point inside every angle of life.

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