Monday, March 10, 2014

Poem 1364. Undeserved

I just feel so shock when some one ask for help and that person have always rejected to give
Me any kind of help when someone says to me that they will not help I expect them to understand
That we are not any more friends I can act with that person by special respect but that don't
Mean that I can give from heart that much respect when in our life that person goes ahead
I just feel one thing on every day that things are not that easy for our world when we went ahead
On each and every day with hope that this person will help and this person just ignore us and
When ahead without helping in any way I just feel one thing on every area of thinking on every
Day and way that when this person reject to help us in some way that person must have thought
And understood that my support will not be part of that person's day after all when I went
Ahead without help those stones which hurt me on every day and when throne cut me on
My way I have cursed that person from my mind again and again but my well wishers told
On every day that never talk ill with someone until you can able to avoid their way and so
In life sometime I just ignore those person who hurt me in one way that is not helping me
When I needed but then I can get again easily new friend and which whom I am always go
Ahead and that forest of problem vanished in just few moments when we cross it without
Thinking what will happen next so in life when I get new friends slowly my anger went away
I just began to ignore those thoughts which were use to be curse on every day when my life
Went ahead I just feel one thought on every moment I just need to think one thought in my
Thinking and in my ways that on every point and every sense that inside my life I just feel
One thing on every way that I can just better without that help because I can able to stand
On my feet when someone don't give help but then when that person turn to me after some
Days and directly ask for my help let me tell you from my heart it is always my worst moment
Because not saying bad words is easy to say but anger will arise when we see so much selfishness
Just heart began to curse that person but still face have to keep smile like every day because
When we went ahead with smile for so many days we just feel one thing again and again that
We don't  exploit with anger just on that last moment but if you ask me then it is not that
Last moment because when you manage to go ahead you will see new chapter of life before
You and on every point and on every moment I just feel that when we go ahead I wish from
Heart for my success because when I went ahead I just feel that suddenly people began to
Change suddenly they began to feel that helping to each other is important in world on each
And every day suddenly life began to look wrong on every way I just never understand
Any thought or any way I just feel one thing on every day that when we went ahead in
Our thoughts and in our life we all need to get some type of success but when I wanted it
This person said no to me and said that I should go on my own because that is rule of
Life and that is life's way but when things goes to other side that person began to feel that
In life on every way I just keep things perfect when in our life I just feel that on this day
I have just one thinking on every way that when I went ahead without help then that one
Should go ahead without much help because on every moment inside our world I just keep
Thinking how much I can tolerate that selfishness but my teacher told me one day that
We all must learn to say no in this world every day when some one selfish ask for help
Never say yes to them because when you help them they will learn things in wrong way
They will feel how wrong they may act still they will win in their life on every day but
When life went ahead I just feel one thought on every way that when I went ahead I just
Feel that I have to go ahead in life on every day but I have also learn to say no in perfect way
My teacher says that when you say no never show anger again because on every point in
Each and every way I need to think in my life on every day that my mind should stay relax
Because those who don't help others always feel that easiest thing in world is to help so
Then on every point in every way I just feel one thought on each day that those no is
Something wrong for my life on every way because when no began to capture my mind
On each way I just feel one thing on every day that when I win in my life in my way
I wish my life to be nice but those things will turn it into wrong way instead of seeing
Sunlight and those bright ray I began to hear those abuse which said by that person when
I don't help if I let that happen to me then I can never help because when we get success
People just want one thing from us that is help and of them are those who just don't deserve help.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...