Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Poem 1355. Creative

What is important that is you understand me and I understand you other things slowly vanish
From life just like dew because those points which we keep in our mind are just before we have
That understanding between me and you because in every relationship what most matter is that
Understanding which develop in thinking and views we just judge people inside our life because
We want to know if they can understand our mind that judging is not about what we really like
But we just don't want to complicate our views because there will be fight when two person will
Come together who have totally different views inside our life on every thought and point I just
Feel one thought which is so perfect in every view that when two thinking mix with each other
In our life we just feel that we are keeping wrong views or in this world no one will support or
Understand our view but there is just one logic inside our mind about our views that when we
Experience same scene on every point we just have same thought inside our view when I start
Moving ahead in my life I just feel one thing that my experience will not be same as others which
Create for me my views when crisis arrive we see other as part of our life and thinking of our
Every view so on those moment it never matter where we stand and we have what kind of view
We just keep one feeling inside our heart that we want to run and win on each and every part
But when we start searching for understanding and to explain our views first we always felt
That we should not just express our limited thoughts and our views so we explained to our
Neighbours as well as our friends what is inside our heart and what did we felt but when things
Goes in different way I just feel one thing on every day that it doesn't matter on what place
Your really live what matter is what kind of life you have lived I neither mean money nor poverty
About our thinking and our view I just mean to say that I can have understanding based on
How we will manage to live because some just have their work and they just keep doing it
Other things don't look that much important to them to observed or to see because when they
Went ahead inside their life they just feel one thing from our thinking and from our mind that
When we want to keep clear and proper views I just have one thinking that inside my view
That some just never spend their time in observing people and taking their views they just
Never thought that way inside life about life they just have one view that they just have their
Work and they must do it without much thinking what other feels and what are other people's
Thoughts and views on every moment and on every point we need to understand our thinking
And our view should match with them only when they look at us with same care and same
Thoughts and view some people are so different about their duty just they care and it is not
Wrong because their jobs are so hard that they can't allow their heart to melt so on every
Occasion and on every point they just never look at other in way which many soft hearten
People look in life so they have their views and they have their ways which never look same
To us and our ways we may spend hours after hours with them they just never feel what
Inside we felt so when we have such people around us in life we hardly understand that
What we suppose to think about our life on every thought and on every moment we just
Keep thinking on which way is best because we just feel so alone when people near us
Just don't think the way we does but that is mistake of our thinking and our mind we just
Feel one thing inside our life we feel that we must have to find our friend inside those people
In life who are near us on every time but that will not happen inside our life many times
Our thinking will match with people who are far away from us inside life because that
Thinking which we keep inside our life is not depend on where we stay in our life but
It is about our nature and thoughts of our mind are we really care for people and who are
Those people inside life will only answer that question in our life on every moment when
We walk ahead in life I just feel that we need to find those people who think like us in life
Sometimes they will be around us but sometimes they will be far away from us in life
But then it will not matter because they will think like us inside life I just never understand
Those thoughts of mind which tell me that on every moment I am standing on wrong
Thinking of my life I just never understand when I will see some one near me that don't
Really mean that one is with me inside life that one could be as far away from me as
That horizon and it's line so I feel it will never matter where you stay until you understand
My thoughts and we can create some nice and creative by our thoughts inside our life.

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