Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Poem 1380. Apology in life

                                                     Apology in life
Whenever I see some people losing temper in life I feel it is so funny and I start laughing on
Many occasions and may times but when I lose my temper I don't feel that way in life when
Something happen to others it always look so funny as if it is nothing big in life but when that
Same thing happen to us it seems as mountain have turned on totally wrong side I just feel
One thing from my thought and my mind on every moment I just have one thought on each
Side on every type inside life but then as I went ahead on every point I feel when it happen
To some one else inside life I feel it is just light but when that happen to me I feel that whole
World will turn against me and my mind on many times when some incidence happen in my life
I just feel that laughing on me is so big crime why don't I understand that it is not personal
It's just basic instinct of mankind because when I went ahead inside my life I feel that those
Things are going on wrong point when my friends laugh on me it becomes a horrible thing
Inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that things are not going
Ahead as per my wish inside life when I can laugh I feel just one thing from my mind that
On every point when thing happen to some one else it seems us light we just laugh on it
But when someone else does that inside our life we feel that we are standing on wrong point
I feel that funny thoughts inside life when I see it happen to other but I feel it is betrayal
When it happens to us inside life I just never understand what I should do from time to time
Until I will able to get things as per my wish inside life when things goes as my wish then
I just forgive those people who laugh on me in my hard time but sometimes I feel that I am
Just pretending but I am angry inside as days went ahead on every point I feel that my thoughts
Are totally changed when it happen to me in life when I went ahead on every moment and
On every time I just feel one thing from my mind that on every moment I have one thought
From my thinking of my life that people should not laugh on me but question is that do I
Ever able to act that way in life when some one did wrong before me inside life I just jump
With excitement to show that wrong thing in life I feel that I am not at all guilty of any fault
And of any crime I feel that those things which I have done are useless inside my life but
On every moment and on every point I feel that those horrible things I feel because some one
Laugh on me inside must vanish from heart after some time because sometimes people do it
Just on impulse inside life as I walk ahead on every point and blame them when they just
Do something like giving one smile many times I feel that when someone don't say sorry
To me about it then it should called crime but when things goes wrong I feel even if someone
Says sorry I will not forgive that person inside my life for that nice smile I just never become
Ready to accept truths of life which tell me that sometimes people can act without thinking
And their those crimes should be forgotten in life but I just turn into judge and don't even
Give lawyers to other side and tell my heart that I know the best and consider it as crime
I just never understand those things inside life I feel that person is doing biggest crime just
By smiling on me inside my life when I can't go ahead I just feel one thing on that point
That every one is against me and whole world is my enemy because they have smiled
I just feel that on such moment become alive a child inside my mind that child never listen
To me on any thought or on any point I just keep thinking that I am wrong about my
Decision in relations in life I feel that every one is against me on each and every form in life
When things goes in wrong way I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind
That people will look so wrong to my eyes even when they come to me and try to apologize
Don't you feel same way inside life so others sorrows are not that big but our sorrows
Become center point of our life I just never understand what I feel from my thoughts and
From my mind  that on every moment I try hard to win but I will never understand truth
In life that sometimes when our emotions rule we do some funny expressions in life and
That may force others to laugh when they care for us inside their heart and on every point
So when you laugh on some one just try to think if you feel that way in life but if you
Really feel that way then maybe you are angery towards other is wrong you should be
Angry with yourself in life but if you don't feel that way they go ahead and accept apology in life.

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