Thursday, March 13, 2014

Poem 1369. Perfect limits

                                                           Perfect limits
Sometimes rainbow shines and sometimes not at all but there are always seven colour in
Rainbow whenever it shine I just wish same thing from my heart and mind that only if life have
Every thing to give when it decides to give in life but that is not nature or tendency of life
Life never goes ahead straight way inside life I just feel one thing that those seven colours
Which look pretty in life I have just one feeling from inside that all those seven colours are
Not something so precious inside life when I go ahead I just feel one thing from my mind
That I want my seven colours to become something pleasant and nice inside life because
When I went ahead inside life I just feel that even when I look at that rainbow I just don't
Able to see those seven colours in life sometimes I able to see just few colours in life so
May be life have every thing to give me from time to time but I just never have power to
Take it all as it offer every time I have my limits and I can cross them inside life and then
They just stuck me on one position and point I just feel one thing from my mind that on
Every moment I can go ahead as I wish in my life but then when I think about those things
Which life can offer me sometimes I feel that I don't love some of colours so I just don't
Let them enter inside my life inside sky rainbow have seven colours which look pretty
On each and every day of our life I feel that in rainbow I have seven colours of god's choice
But question is that do we accept what god give us inside our life because god give us
Many things but for some we have sort of dislike and those things take me to those wrong
Thoughts and wrong ways of my life when I went ahead on each and every time I just
Feel one thing that I can't get things as I like inside life on every moment I just feel one
Thing from my mind those seven colours are something so important in life but when I see
Some of them I just feel one thing from my mind that on every day I need to see that colour
Which look so perfect in my life but other colours which god have given to me are something
Not so perfect and nice when I feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that those
Things which happen to me are part of that rainbow which will look so perfect and nice
Even when those rainbow colours become attach to me I feel that I don't want some colours
Inside life when I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind I have just
One feeling that those ugly colours should not be welcome in life but now a days I just feel
One question is arise in my mind when I say that god should give  every thing to me
But have I really want every thing inside life for me because when life went ahead I just
Feel one thing that when I see those seven colours I just feel I can't reject any out of them fully
But when those colours comes before me I just feel that I don't want to see those all colours
Because some colours don't excite me but still on some moment inside my life I just feel that
All those seven colours are perfect for my future and for my life so in life as human being
Those seven colours don't look nice and perfect for me but still when I ask I feel that I need
Each and every from them as human being when I am going to hate some of them fully
But inside our life and inside our thinking I just feel that I want my life to go ahead as I wish
After thinking fully I want god to give me whole happiness in life but I never feel that if
I get fully happiness in life then sorrows and sadness are other side of that point because
Sorrows will manage to tease and hurt me and it will just create problems for me because
When I went ahead as human being I don't think I can bear those sorrows inside life for me
I just have one thought and one feeling that inside life those sorrows will manage to break me
If they come together to hurt my thoughts and to hurt my feelings fully so inside my life
I just have one thinking inside this world for me that those sorrows which enter in my life
With me are something that will destroy my happiness because I never manage to cross
Those barriers of sorrows if they come together to hit then how can I cross all those
Boundaries I just feel one thing from my thought and my thinking that on every day may be
Getting things in limit is perfect and wise for me when I get everything in life from every
Thought and angle towards me then I just feel one thing that inside our life on every point
As human being I just feel that rainbow of happiness is nice for me but I also began to
Understand that rainbow of sadness will be disastrous for me so when I start walking on
Walk of life as I like inside my mind will be some thing which have every thing in limit
Which are decided by destiny and come on direction of god in just perfect sets and limits.

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