Sunday, March 30, 2014

Poem 1397. Negativity in life

                                                              Negativity in life
At some points I just feel one thing from my mind that all positive thoughts turn into negative
So easily in life but when that happens we must learn to ignore them inside life but instead of
Doing that we just keep arguing to turn them positive in life when life goes ahead on every point
I just feel those arguments are so negative inside life that they just never let us go ahead just
As we wish inside life on every moment those arguments seem totally wrong inside life I just
Have one feeling from inside of my mind that on every moment we want them to have one
Thing inside life I feel just one thing that those negative thoughts are something so important
In our life those thoughts can't be changed on any moment inside life I feel that I must change
Those thoughts before they hurt me in life I feel that it is my duty to change them from one
Side to another side inside life I just always feel that arguments will help me to stop those
Negative thoughts inside life so I just began to argue with that negative thinker inside my mind
And inside my life on every point after each argument I just feel one thing from my mind
That I can't able to stop that person instead of that I have just manage to create wrong thoughts
On each and every point I just never understand those things in life on every moment when
I start thinking I just feel one thing from mind that those negative thoughts which are entered
Inside my mind and in my life are not something that could be stopped by arguments in life
In fact I have manage to increase them on many points when I start to arguing while thinking
Those thoughts can be stopped inside life if I just stop that person from saying them in life
Because on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from inside those negative
Thoughts are something which are existed in life on every positive moment and on every point
But then when life turn in other way on many points I just feel that we need to change our
Thoughts and we need to stop them inside life and for that I started my argument inside life
To convince people that we need to keep them telling that they are wrong in life and those
Things start arguments on every point because when we go ahead inside our life slowly
Things just turn in wrong way in our life I just keep thinking one thought on every point
That those things which I start are not going to win mostly in life because no one liked to be
Told what is true and what is false inside life I just have one thinking from inside my mind
I feel those thoughts which are part of my life will just keep going ahead on every moment
And on every point I feel those negative thoughts will enter slowly in our mind but on every
Moment I feel their negative thinking will not help but with my argument things turn worst
Inside life I just feel one thing on every point that those thoughts which are stored inside
Are something not going to win our thinking on any point because people who feel that
We are insulting them never feel we can win on any moment of life because those people
Just keep thinking that our thoughts are to show them low not to turn us on proper side
Of our future and our life I just feel those argument slowly become something so worst
In life that instead of stopping negativity I just manage to increase it inside my life when
I move ahead inside my life I feel that those thoughts which I have in my mind are not
Going to help me on any moment or any point I just never understand one thing from
Inside that those souls which I have in my heart is not getting encouraged by this argument
It just become worst step by step inside life I just never feel that I can win on any point
Because if I have manage to increase negative how can those negative thoughts will vanish
Inside life on every moment I am not stopping them but I am encouraging them on every
Angle of life I just keep thinking that my argument will manage to just increase negative
Thoughts inside mind so when I try to stop those arguments I just feel one thing from
My mind that those thoughts are something so perfect inside life until they manage to
Go wrong in someway inside life I just keep those thoughts under my mind on every point
But then when I want to spread them to every one suddenly things turn in wrong way
In my future and in my life because life never goes just as we wish on every time it just
Take it's own course so some people will come who spread negative in life so on many
Moments and on many points we just feel one thing inside life that those negative thoughts
Which will enter in our life are totally wrong but still they are part of our life so when
We start arguing we just increase our problems because argument is most negative thing
In life so we are not turning things to positive we are turning them in negative inside life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing that negativity is one thing
Which will manage to increase problem in life and arguments are best source of it in life. 

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