Friday, March 7, 2014

Poem 1360. Fog of problems

                                                      Fog of problems
How interesting see that fog out of window sometimes it shows us an important part of life
When things are behind that fog we just can't guess them as all in life but when they come
Before us slowly things will turn into something different on many points I just feel one thing
Inside my future and from my mind I feel that I can't win until I guess that thing right but
When that fog comes I just can't able to decide what is ahead of me inside my life on every
Moment and on every thought I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my mind
That which thing can be seen through fog on each and every time I just never able to guess
What is ahead and what is behind I feel sometimes life is same way on every point but
Problem with life is not we never understand it inside our mind that we can feel one thing
That we need to see things in life but you feel sure that you could watch your past on
Many occasions and on many times you just never able to think that you are not even clear
About your past in life because some part of our past are not even clear inside our thought
And inside our mind we all feel that we remember every thing of some part so they must be
Perfect and right but when we go ahead we just find one thing that we are standing on
Wrong interpretation of life we just thought something about some concepts of our life
And then we assume they are truth of our life when we go ahead on some points in life
We just feel one thing that our life something so perfect on every side that we just don't
Need to live as we wish inside life I have just got one feeling that in my past I have assumed
Somethings inside my life and felt that is true and I felt I have understood my past from
Every side and from every point but still I just feel one thing that I don't understand in life
That did I ever in past done anything so right that I can accept past as it comes before me
Inside my life on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that my past is something
Which I have decided inside mind and on every moment I just have one feeling from inside
I feel that this past is not anything which I truly know in life past is also one guess work
Which I did on each and every time I just got one feeling from inside of my mind that I want
My past to be perfect and always right for my mind when I start going ahead on each and
Every point I just feel one thought that I have just assumed things in past which become
Then part of my future and my life I just always dream things just as I wish from my mind
And things goes ahead slowly went they become past I began to believe that what I assume
Must be perfect as well as right inside my mind on every moment and on every point I just
Have one thought from my thinking and from my mind I have feeling that these fogs which
I can see on each day of my life are not that much perfect on every moment and on every
Thought and time I just keep thinking inside my mind that in case of past I know it perfect
As well as right inside my life because when I remember those things so properly in life
I just assume that they are so true and so perfectly known part of my life I just never felt
Confused about past because I feel that I know it from each and every side I feel that
What is unknown is just my future and not what is behind but sadly inside life that fog
Which comes before us can also stood behind we just can't watch it because we don't
Have eyes on our back inside our life so what happen inside past is hidden behind and
We just have to look ahead inside our life but sadly when we want to see clearly inside
Our life when that fog needed to go away then it will goes away from both sides and
It will vanish from ahead as well as vanish from behind and on every moment of our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that I want to go ahead inside my life but I just never
Want to upset my thinking as well as my mind because when I went ahead inside my life
I just feel one thing from every point that I want to win inside my life but I just never
Think that I even have to solve mysteries of my past before I went ahead in life because
Life is something so interesting on every point that until you can't solve past you can't
Just go ahead in life so in life we must think that our problems are like fog which will
Live us behind after some time but when that fog is existed we must act carefully in life
Because that fog can hurt us when it is existed inside our present and damage many times.

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