Sunday, March 23, 2014

Poem 1385. Ignoring some points

                                                   Ignoring some points
From each view and from each point I just feel one thing from inside of our mind that those
Thoughts are something which will effect on some part of mind because when I went ahead
Inside life I just have to think again and again about those thoughts and our life because when
I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that I just can't
Keep that one thought so strongly inside my mind because it will easily manage to hurt me then
On many parts and moments in life that on every moment I just feel one thing from my thoughts
As well as from my thinking and from my mind that just sticking to one thought may harm me
On any point inside life and it could create many problems inside life after all those thoughts
Are something important inside my life on every part and they start to effecting many points
Of my life so I have decided one day in life that I will forget those thoughts are my mind but
Then those thoughts are something important inside our life but there are many things which
Look so lot better inside life but then slowly on each thought and every point I feel just one
Thinking from my mind because when I start to going ahead on many points I just feel one
Thing about my life that just while keeping alive one thought inside life I started ignoring those
Thinking which use to harm me on every concept of life because I have to walk ahead with
Those friends who are so nice and perfect for my life and I can never able to ignore those
Thoughts from my thinking and my mind because on every moment and on every point I might
Think that I am standing on wrong concept of life because when I began to think that those
Thoughts are just hurting me on each and every point inside life I just have one concept
Inside life that I want to live happily in my life so when everything is fine I just never understand
How can just one change in concept manage to destroy our thinking inside our mind and began
To create so many changes inside our life but then when I went ahead I just understood one
Thing in life that one concept never change anything inside life what changes us that is insistence
Inside our life to force other to match view with us in life many times in this life two people
Have sometimes different concepts inside our life because those concepts are so important
From one part and one point I just keep hoping on every moment and on every time that one
Day I will find proper way inside life in which I will convince other person about it inside life
But then I just feel one thing from my thoughts and one point that it is not about convincing
Inside my life it is about that sometimes after all some concepts are such that no one know
Which one is perfect inside life every one feel that those points are nice inside my thinking and
On every point while some other person feel totally different concepts inside life from time to
Time that one have checked it and felt that it is so perfect for life when we start moving ahead
On every part and every point I just feel one thing from my thinking and my mind that we want
Something important inside life because they are some totally different still perfect for those
Sides where we stood in life because some stood on one side which will get harmed by different
Things and different concepts in life but then on other side we just have one thing from our
Thinking and our mind that we should be safe and perfect inside life and we just think what is
Safe for us in life but sadly our enemies are not same on many points they just differ from
One thought to another thought inside life because those thoughts have entered inside our mind
Only after some time inside life I just have one thinking from my mind that when I went ahead
Inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind that when I went ahead I have one experience
And different experience will enter in life of other party but problems start when some people
Just start doing things for their benefit inside life they never suffer any pain on any point but
They just keep that view in life because they want success in life such people never let other
Person choose things inside their life I feel that when I went ahead inside life those who suffer
Problems on any side can understand my mind but those who have personal motive can never
Understand what others feel so those people just hurt for their motive each and every body so
Inside life when we start telling our heart and our thinking on every moment we just feel one
Thought from every angle moment inside life just because other party is not convinced we
Are having problems in life but I don't think that it make problem in our life I feel problem in
We want to convince that person on each and every point about that is problem of our life
We have to learn ignoring sometimes because it is necessary in life that we must ignore some
Thoughts and some point if we want to go ahead on some concepts of our future and our life.

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