Monday, March 31, 2014

Poem 1400. Some goods

                                                                Some goods
Finding some goods is nice for our heart when things went ahead we feel so sad on every
Part we just hope one thing that even if people goes ahead while living us back those goods
Will stay us on at least life's some part so we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from
Our thinking and our heart we just keep thinking one thought from our heart that those things
Which look so perfect to us and our heart will slowly feel that goods are something which
Is right for us as well as for our heart and we will feel so sad because those goods are just
Things not people who can go ahead after staying with us on some part this is what we feel
When we grow up slowly and watch life's every part we feel this way when our first friends
Left us for their personal benefits and people told us that it is not wrong they suppose to think
More about their future than about your heart then you see this world in whole new angle in
Each and every part you will began to feel that you have to understand this world on it's each
And every part because when I went ahead on every day and on every part I just feel one
Thought from my heart that those things which look so perfect for our future and for our
Heart I just feel one thing from my thoughts that those goods which are so perfect are not that
Nice inside world's every part we just began to feel that we are standing on wrong front of
Heart we feel that people will not care for us and that is what is world's rule on every part
Because then we began to observe just all negative things from our heart we just began to
Watch what we feel that we need to watch on every part we just watch cheating which happen
Around us from every heart because we just observe one thing that life is not that easy for
Our future and for our life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that on every
Day and on every point those goods which look so perfect are nice for our future and for
Our life because as we went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from inside that
Those thoughts which I have inside my mind are just dominated by those cheating which
I see in life even I see them in relationships of many kinds and suddenly I feel that I took
Wrong decision inside life because I just have heard one thought from every point that you just
Can't trust human mind but then as days went ahead I have observed one thing inside my life
That those goods which are stored can also be destroyed after sometime inside our future and
Inside our life on every moment when we went ahead in life we just feel one thing from inside
That those thoughts which look so perfect on every moment and on every point look so totally
Wrong inside life because those goods which look so perfect inside life also lost their beauty
After some time so I just began to feel that why should I need to go ahead inside my life on
Those fronts which look so wrong on every point after all goods also get spoiled so why
Should not I give one more chance to human beings inside our life my life went ahead on
Every moment and on every point then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things
Which are perfect inside life until they are good inside life when I went ahead inside life then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which enter inside our life don't look
That perfect on every point so then I just feel why should I have to spend on those things
So much time may be I should also give try to human being inside my life when things went
Ahead on every point I just keep thinking on every front of life that those things which are
So precious in life are also going to vanish then why should not we just try more for human
Being and their relations in life when we are child we just see good things on some points
And then when bad enter we feel that shock from inside but that doesn't mean that bad
Things are going to rule our future and our life after all those things are so wrong inside life
When we began to ask for our future and our mind human being can't win just by goods
Inside their life on every moment those human being look wrong inside life as days went
Ahead on every point I just have one feeling from my heart and from my mind that when
I went ahead I feel those things are totally wrong inside life because then when I made
Once again friendship I have found it's positive side those negative things turn in wrong
Way inside mind I just kept thinking from one point to another point I just never understand
What is truth of our life but I feel that human being are not that bad so why should we always
Run after things in life sometimes at beginning we make mistake to trust our friend too much
Inside life but then slowly we will understand that if we trust in limit then we can slowly
Find good friends in life when we learn to choose proper friend from group of friends in life.

Poem 1399. One thought

                                                         One thought
I have one feeling in my mind that my life never let me decide my friends on many thoughts
And on many points my life will just went ahead on every point but sadly my friends are
Never decided by my life when I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and from my mind that those friend which I have decided to make in life never
Enter at all and my friends are totally different from my thinking and from my mind on every
Moment and on every time I just have one thought inside I have those feeling which will
Help my future inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing from inside of my mind
That future will never goes same way inside life those friends which I have decided never
Remain in my future and any part of all my life went ahead on every point I just keep thinking
One thought from inside I wanted all those friends as part of my life on every moment and
On every point I just find my friends inside life on totally wrong point because those people
Don't have views which will match my thinking inside my life when I went ahead on every
Thought and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which enter
Inside my life will not be just as I hoped on every time suddenly those friends enter in my life
And began to say things which I have inside my mind but question is that if those people
Have one thought inside my mind I just feel one thing inside my life that those thoughts
Which help me on every point are not which are disturbing as those thoughts which those
Friends have about life I feel so sure that those people can't be right for me inside life but
Then when things went ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which
I really love are something not so nice for those friends in life but then how can those people
Are called friends on every point and how can those people help me on every thinking of
My future and my life I just always keep thinking from one angle to another angle of my life
I just keep hoping that one day my future will shine so nice and so bright on every moment
And on every point I just have one thought from inside those friends who are hidden inside
Our life are not that perfect on every point of our life I just never understand those thoughts
Of my mind that when things goes ahead I will never see that success of my life because
I just don't have thinking like my friends inside life when my life went ahead on every point
I have one thought from inside of my mind that those people who are thinking just like me
Are not that perfect inside life they are so busy in thinking about future and about life because
On every moment I have just one feeling inside our life after all those thoughts of just their
Own future will not help us inside life I just keep doing one thing in the life that on every moment
And on every time I just feel one thing from my heart and from my mind that on every point
I feel that life is not giving me perfect friends on any point because those friends which I have
Created inside life are so perfect on every point I just keep friendship inside my life I just have
One thought from my mind that on every moment and on every point life will take me ahead
But on many wrong points because that friend which I have found will stay with me on few
Moment and on few times inside my mind but when I move ahead I just feel one thing from
Inside my thoughts and inside my mind I feel that on every moment I need to go ahead in my
Thinking and in my life I feel just one thing from inside that those friends who have other
Side in thinking how can walk with me on this just one thought I want to forget them inside
My life on it's every part but that will not happen in my life because when two people think
Same way on important thought they have to walk together it will not matter if they believe
Or if they don't believe those thoughts inside our life on it's every part we just feel one thing
From our heart that friends should be some one who have similar thoughts but it turn out
That those people are not our friend at all because those people just create problem for our
World and our heart when every moment goes ahead we just feel one thing from inside of
Our heart I just always keep thinking that those friends are so wrong inside our heart but then
When things turn in right way every thing seem to turn into wrong way for our future and
For our heart because when I think about those friend I just don't feel that relief from my
Thought and heart I just feel when these friends will enter in our world they will create problems
Which are hurting on every moment to our heart we just never understand what we feel from
Our thoughts and our heart but we feel one thing sure that these friends will create problems
For each and every sort of thinking and our heart so those friends will just not help us but
They will create problems for our heart but still on our road we go ahead with them because
We have same thoughts god made world full of such friends who are inside their heart always
Stood on different parts but still they stood on one dais because they think from one heart. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Poem 1398. Made by someone

                                                          Made by someone
When we start something inside our life we feel that we can take it just that way as per
Our wish and as per our life after all when we start things inside our life we have gone by
Perfect way inside our life and when we start something we feel that it will walk just that
Way which we prefer and like because life will not go as we wish we know but still we feel
One thing from mind that since that thing is started by us then it must walk as per our wishes
Inside life when things goes in wrong way on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thing that those things can't go other way because we have made them in life but
Sadly or gladly we just can't decide inside our life that which way will be better on every
Moment and on every point because we have made that thing so it will go in our way
In life but our possessiveness will harm us on every point we just began to feel one thought
From inside that our ways of life never seem so perfect on any point I feel those things
Which I have created in life are not something which will take us ahead on any point but
Then I will feel just one thing from inside that those things which will happen are changed
From time to time inside life when things are made by us in our life I just kept thinking
One thing from every side of mind I feel that those things which are made by us in life
Are not that perfect on every moment and on every point because even when we made
Some thing or some concept slowly it will vanish on every point because our life just
Went ahead on every aspect of our life I have just one feeling from inside that those concept
Which are precious to us and which we have made began to change colours from time to
Time inside life I just keep hoping one thought from inside those things which we make
Are something so wrong on every point I just can't understand something inside life that
Those things which I have made are perfect inside our life I just kept thinking from one
Point to another point because our thinking will help us in life but we never think one thing
That one day those things which are created by us in life will take some different faces
That we can't even recognize them in life every moment when we keep just going ahead
On every point we feel that those things which are so important in life will face problem
Due to some thing made by us in life we just never hope one thing that our creation will
Become Frankenstein because we feel that we are not going wrong thing like that person
Inside life we feel since we are not using zombie we can't make Frankenstein I feel in
Our heart we don't understand that concept in life I just keep thinking one day I will have
Something perfect and nice if I use proper thing to make that thing inside life when we
Start moving ahead on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those concepts
Which are made for us are not that perfect in our life because sometimes even they can
Create worst thing in life that concepts which are told to us are always telling us one thing
On every angle of life that we want to move ahead then I will go ahead on every moment
To get perfect thing in life when my life start creating problem I just feel one thing from
Inside that on every moment we need to go ahead with every concept of life I just feel
One thing from my mind that on every moment I don't need to create good thing inside
Life sometimes I create good things but they turn bad inside life I just keep thinking on
That from my mind that on every moment I need to go ahead with that thing in life
But then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which are so perfect when
We made can turn totally wrong way inside life I just keep thinking about every thing
In our life that those new things which are so important inside life become some thing so
Alien inside life but then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things are something
Which are so precious inside our life on every moment we just feel one thing from
Our thinking and from our mind that we have created best so it can't  turn into worst
Inside life when things turn in wrong way on every point I just feel one thought from
My thinking and from my mind that those things which I see on every day of life
Will not seem that perfect after changes in life we must be aware when we create
Something in life even if we feel that our intention is good still those things sometimes
Turn into totally wrong thing in life when my life went ahead I just feel one thought
From inside I feel those things which made by me can't have my guarantee inside life
I have just created them but that can be changed with time so made by some one
Doesn't mean it will be just as perfect as maker inside my future as well as inside life.

Poem 1397. Negativity in life

                                                              Negativity in life
At some points I just feel one thing from my mind that all positive thoughts turn into negative
So easily in life but when that happens we must learn to ignore them inside life but instead of
Doing that we just keep arguing to turn them positive in life when life goes ahead on every point
I just feel those arguments are so negative inside life that they just never let us go ahead just
As we wish inside life on every moment those arguments seem totally wrong inside life I just
Have one feeling from inside of my mind that on every moment we want them to have one
Thing inside life I feel just one thing that those negative thoughts are something so important
In our life those thoughts can't be changed on any moment inside life I feel that I must change
Those thoughts before they hurt me in life I feel that it is my duty to change them from one
Side to another side inside life I just always feel that arguments will help me to stop those
Negative thoughts inside life so I just began to argue with that negative thinker inside my mind
And inside my life on every point after each argument I just feel one thing from my mind
That I can't able to stop that person instead of that I have just manage to create wrong thoughts
On each and every point I just never understand those things in life on every moment when
I start thinking I just feel one thing from mind that those negative thoughts which are entered
Inside my mind and in my life are not something that could be stopped by arguments in life
In fact I have manage to increase them on many points when I start to arguing while thinking
Those thoughts can be stopped inside life if I just stop that person from saying them in life
Because on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from inside those negative
Thoughts are something which are existed in life on every positive moment and on every point
But then when life turn in other way on many points I just feel that we need to change our
Thoughts and we need to stop them inside life and for that I started my argument inside life
To convince people that we need to keep them telling that they are wrong in life and those
Things start arguments on every point because when we go ahead inside our life slowly
Things just turn in wrong way in our life I just keep thinking one thought on every point
That those things which I start are not going to win mostly in life because no one liked to be
Told what is true and what is false inside life I just have one thinking from inside my mind
I feel those thoughts which are part of my life will just keep going ahead on every moment
And on every point I feel those negative thoughts will enter slowly in our mind but on every
Moment I feel their negative thinking will not help but with my argument things turn worst
Inside life I just feel one thing on every point that those thoughts which are stored inside
Are something not going to win our thinking on any point because people who feel that
We are insulting them never feel we can win on any moment of life because those people
Just keep thinking that our thoughts are to show them low not to turn us on proper side
Of our future and our life I just feel those argument slowly become something so worst
In life that instead of stopping negativity I just manage to increase it inside my life when
I move ahead inside my life I feel that those thoughts which I have in my mind are not
Going to help me on any moment or any point I just never understand one thing from
Inside that those souls which I have in my heart is not getting encouraged by this argument
It just become worst step by step inside life I just never feel that I can win on any point
Because if I have manage to increase negative how can those negative thoughts will vanish
Inside life on every moment I am not stopping them but I am encouraging them on every
Angle of life I just keep thinking that my argument will manage to just increase negative
Thoughts inside mind so when I try to stop those arguments I just feel one thing from
My mind that those thoughts are something so perfect inside life until they manage to
Go wrong in someway inside life I just keep those thoughts under my mind on every point
But then when I want to spread them to every one suddenly things turn in wrong way
In my future and in my life because life never goes just as we wish on every time it just
Take it's own course so some people will come who spread negative in life so on many
Moments and on many points we just feel one thing inside life that those negative thoughts
Which will enter in our life are totally wrong but still they are part of our life so when
We start arguing we just increase our problems because argument is most negative thing
In life so we are not turning things to positive we are turning them in negative inside life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing that negativity is one thing
Which will manage to increase problem in life and arguments are best source of it in life. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Adventure story 130. Need

Rakesh was studying for that interview again.Sana noticed that her brother was studying with full efforts.Sana saw that Rakesh was studying every thing with sincerity.This time she had brought Rakesh with her.She was that there were dark circles under his eyes.She could see that he was no longer talking properly.She felt it that he was getting upset day by day.She still remembered when he entered in her house.She felt that he was shaking like leaf.She felt his fear in every line.He was never that confident boy.But he was never also this nervous minded.She saw that he was just not interested in talking with any one.He just came inside her house and then he kept avoiding looking at her.She was so confused by his this attitude.Sana decided that she should let him deal with every thing in his own way.She saw that every thing would be right and perfect for him.She was sure that his time he would get that job. Rakesh was working in small company where he hardly managed to get promotions.Sana was sure that this was the reason of his depression.She accepted him in her home whole kindheartedly but she was not doing it out of sympathy.She was doing it because she felt those sorrows from his heart.After all since childhood Rakesh was so near her.She was always his companion.Any way Rakesh hardly managed to make friendship with any body else so she would always remained best to him.But Sana felt that all talking was mostly done by her side and Rakesh always liked to keep quiet.He never liked talking much with any one.In fact he was always a privacy loving person.He never liked it when someone came to their home and started talking.Sana never felt that was wrong because she felt same way.She hated guests because they always managed to taunt her on every point.But when some guests admired her.She just started waiting for guests but in case of Rakesh.He never felt that way.He always hated all those guests.He always disliked every guest.He loved his privacy in life but then those things which was totally wrong on every moment and on every point.He just had some thought from inside life.No one liked him much.Sana never understood it's cause because no one showed any special dislike towards him.In fact Rakesh was always so quiet in background that people hardly noticed him.When ever he came out then she noticed that he always thought of some excuse to go inside his room again.But he was never looked that much upset as he looked now. Rakesh just went inside room and started reading some books.Then after few moments he seemed so involved inside that book.That whole world didn't seem to exist for him.Sana let him did his studies.
        After few days Rakesh was supposed to go for that interview of his new job.Sana noticed that he was just studying in his room.She went there with food.Sana"Rakesh eat your lunch."He just nodded.Then Sana waited for one hour and came back to collect his plate.But still he had not eaten any thing.Sana"Rakesh eat your food?""Sorry but I don't want it.""Why?You have not eaten any thing since morning.""But I am not hungry.""Come on.You are hungry!!People don't spend their life just in working.We work for food and if you don't want to eat food then what is use of that work.On every moment we just feel one thing inside our world.After all that work was done just for our food and our pleasure.If you just keep working like that what is use of it.We want pleasure inside our world.I have one thought that if I have cooked perfect food on every moment for you even then I just feel that you will never be happy by it because you are not ready to eat food.I spend my so many hours just to make this food and you are not even ready to touch it.I just don't understand how can any one please you if you just kept acting such way.I just don't understand you.""I know that you don't like me.No one likes me and that's why I have can't able get any job because every one hates me."He started crying.Sana was so confused.She didn't want to insult Rakesh or call him some thing bad.She just wanted to force him to eat food.She went ahead and started consoling him.Then for long time she just kept consoling him.Sana took hours before Rakesh was ready to eat some food.Even after so much discussion he ate just limited food.Sana was just so upset by it all.She just wished to god that this interview should come more earlier.Then finally Rakesh got that job and she could relax.She was sure that after studying so much hard Rakesh would get that job. Rakesh just needed to get relax from heart.Sana felt that those thinking would upset on time of interview so Sana started consoling him.Slowly he was relaxed and went to sleep.She felt that those things would help him.She forced him to go to sleep because he was studying whole night.It was so scary.Finally when he went to sleep.She felt so relaxed.She went in kitchen to do her work.But then in just few seconds she once again heard moment in Rakesh's room.He was awake again and once again studying.She felt that it was all too wrong but she knew that she couldn't convince him.It took him hours before he once again went to sleep.This time he was so exhausted that she thought that it was due to too much exertion. Sana smiled because she felt that he had finally managed to sleep.
      When Sana was cooking,she suddenly heard Rakesh's scream. She ran to his room.In few seconds Sana reached there.Sana saw that Rakesh was screaming in sleep.On every moment Sana was so tense.She just hoped that every thing would turn out just the way.But it turned in totally wrong way.Rakesh was not sleeping peacefully instead of that he was screaming inside sleep.It seemed that he was having some nightmare.He was shivering inside sleep.She saw that his face was so upset. Rakesh's face was looking so strange in sleep. Rakesh was looking so wrong inside life.But then Rakesh felt that his face were looking so tense and there was so strange facial expressions inside life.In sleep she could see that there was so different expression on his face.She slowly patted on his face.Sana wanted him to relax.Suddenly Rakesh woke up .Rakesh"I am so scared on every moment and then I feel just one thing from my mind.that I can't able to do any thing right."Rakesh started crying.Sana once again tried to console him. Rakesh kept that way for days.He just kept studying and during it.He was acting tensed as well as strange in every way.Rakesh was so scared by this interview.Then finally that day came when Rakesh was supposed to go to interview.Sana got everything ready for Rakesh.She pressed his clothes.She prepared refreshing breakfast for Rakesh.Sana was watching everything would be prefect.Then she took it inside his room.She saw that Rakesh was getting ready with suitcase to go somewhere.Sana"Where are you going after interview?"Rakesh looked at her with empty expression .Rakesh just started packing luggage.Sana"Why are you packing suitcases?"Rakesh"Because I am not going for interview.""What?But why are you not going for it?You have tried so hard and you can pass it.""No..No..Sana problem is that even if they took me slowly they will understand my faults.My defects and then they will fire me.I will not even able to get another job because bad remarks.If I quit my job and I will not able to get another job.How did I survive?""But you can also pass it and get that great job."Rakesh started smiling in strange way as if Sana was suggesting that there was one rabbit which was flying in sky.Sana was irritated by it.Rakesh"You are saying this because you are my sister.But no one will like me except you.They all hate me.Even in case of my present job they are keeping me because I am ready to work at less salary.""Nonsense.I feel that they like your work."Rakesh started laughing again.Rakesh"Totally wrong.It is not possible."Rakesh took his suitcase and said"I have to go because if I don't join on time.They will fire him."Sana continued screaming after him.But Rakesh just left her house.
       This was horrible nightmare for Sana.She worked so hard to get job for Rakesh.She even tried to use her influence because she thought that lack of influence was problem but Rakesh just left her and that job.As if he never wanted to have it.She was so angry with this.She had wasted so much time in getting every thing in right way.She managed to encourage Rakesh to come here.She managed to get perfect job for him.Only thing he needed to do was give that interview and it was not that hard for him.But he still went away without trying. She just didn't believe it.Her all efforts proved useless.It was worst for her.She was trying to bring him out of depression and now she was depressed by it.She felt as if she was used by her Rakesh was not interested in job then why did he used her like this was one question?She wanted to be answered.But all she able to do was throw away her things to reduced her frustration and in her heart she had decided that she would never help Rakesh again.Sana just decided to continue with her life.After all those points were totally wrong for her heart.After all she had told many people about this interview.She had to answer them.She had to lie but then she felt just one thing that those things were so important for her heart.Sana was so important for her that Rakesh should get that job.Sana was totally angry from her heart after all she was thinking that she was doing favor Rakesh.She was so shocked when Rakesh was not totally interested in it.But she didn't able to understand that why did he was studying for day and night.If he was not interested in trying for interview.Sana just kept doing her work.But then after some days Sana found herself too busy from heart.Sana was doing something which was so important for her heart.Since her parents were telling her again and again that Rakesh was not getting promotion and he was upset regarding it.After all Rakesh had family and his responsibilities which was important inside his life.He needed money for his family.Her parents convinced her so much that Sana did that mistake of using her words and her contacts for her brother.She was so professional.She had never done it but since it was her brother.She acted in different way.It was worst for her.Every one was questioning her about it.She had to convince every one that her brother got some another good job in US.She was so scared that after some time it all would come out.Slowly she got over.Every one forgot about her brother.Even Sana started ignoring Rakesh on every time.She did every thing according to her parent's wish.Sana was so relieved that she did her duty.But she was not ready to meet Rakesh again.She was not going to fall in that trap again.But then suddenly one night her phone rang.Sana ran to get phone.It was her Mom.Sana's Mom"Rakesh tried to kill himself.""What?But why?""Because he couldn't able to get that job.""Which job?"Sana was so confused.But then her Mom told her that Doctor has come out.She couldn't speak more and hang up her phone.Sana was so confused by all this.
         Sana immediately booked those tickets.It was most horrible journey for her.She was calling her Mom again and again.Until it was confirmed that Rakesh was out of danger.When she reached there,she just ran to hospital.She saw her parents standing there.Sana never liked her Dad much.He was always too strict about every thing.He expected his children to be some special and always kept demanding from them.She still remembered that how did he treated her first prize of drawing in school like nothing.In her Dad's eyes they were always useless.So she turned to her Mom and her sister-in-law.Sana"What happened?"Her mom just kept crying.But her Dad spoke"He took sleeping pills because he failed in that interview which he was giving.""Which interview?"Her sister-in-law looked Sana with confusion.Her sister-in-law"That one which he have given near your house.""No.He never given any interview there.""What?"Then Sana told them every thing.They all were shocked.Then Sana went in Rakesh's home with her sister-in-law and checked out some of interview calls which confirmed that Rakesh had never given any interview.Sana"This is strange."They returned to hospital.When Rakesh was woke up,they found it hard to control their anger and shock.But Rakesh's Dad started screaming and abusing him.It was worst.Finally Doctor stopped them and asked them that what was wrong.Sana explained him every thing."I think he need a psychiatrist."Dad"Nonsense.I don't want to waste my money on this useless son.He is not worth it."Sana looked at her Dad with anger and said"I will make payment.Tell me number of psychiatrist."Then Psychiatrist was called who talked with Rakesh for hours.Then finally he asked Rakesh that why did he avoided that interviews."Because I know that they will reject me and even if they took me for some days.Then slowly they will understand my mistakes and how useless I am.""But why did you feel that you are useless?""Every one feel that way.""Like?""Every one.""Did your wife call you that?""No never.But she feel it from heart.""How did you know it?""I can see it in her eyes.In fact I can see it in every one's eyes.They all knew that I am stupid and then one day they will fire me.Then I will job less.""But just tell me.Who call you stupid?Your Boss?""No.I never talked with him that long.""Just tell me who."Rakesh kept quiet for some time.But then finally he said"My Dad.Do you understand what I am saying?My Dad hate me.My own Dad then how can any one like me?""Do you tried to make friendship with any one?""Never.I know that they all will hate me when they know about me.""But did any one told you that they hate you.""No they never say that they are nice people.They never say it."Then Psychiatrist asked Sana's sister-in-law about Rakesh's report and records.They were perfect.Some of his colleagues ever came to see him in hospital.When Doctor chatted with them.It seemed that every one liked him.But Rakesh never liked to talk and sat with any one.After all discussion Psychiatrist called Sana's sister-in-law inside.But she insisted that Sana should also join them.Then they sat together.Psychiatrist"I feel that your brother is suffering from Avoidant Personality Disorder due to which he always felt that every one hated him.That's why he was not ready to give interview.I feel it must have happen due to your father's too much demanding nature."Sana didn't want to discuss past so she asked"Can you able to cure him?""Of course he will be fine."Then he wrote some medicines.Sana took every thing.She knew that her sister-in-law couldn't afford it and she didn't want to take help from her Dad.Sana decided that she would cure her brother.She wanted at least one family to be saved because her Dad had destroyed their family already.She wanted good family life at least for her brother so she took list of medicine and hope that every thing would be fine for her brother.She understood now that she misunderstood her brother's need.He needed her affection not her help for getting job because she was sure that he would get it when he would become fine with help of Doctor.
                                                        The End 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Poem 1396. Wrong thoughts

                                                       Wrong thoughts
Can I need to go ahead this way inside my life that is one question we all ask again and
Again inside our life to our dear mind we always keep questioning our all actions in life and
Not for morals but for just one word success inside life because we just feel one concern
That is success inside our life because all other things will not matter so much in my life
When I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing that if success will keep coming then
I can easily survive in the life because on every moment and on every point I just feel one
Thing from inside mind that when I ask this question I just reduce my confidence on every
Point and on every moment of life I just keep thinking one thing inside life because when
I went ahead inside our life I just have one thought from inside my life that on every point
Inside my life I just keep one thought from inside that when I ask that question I just feel
That I have lost track of my life how perfect may that be track but still I feel that it is totally
Wrong inside life because I just have one feeling inside my mind that those thoughts which
Keep me alive are positive one and of nice things in life but when I went ahead inside life
I just feel one thought from my life after all those thoughts are totally wrong inside life
I have in my mind those thoughts which are precious in the life I just know one thing from
My thinking and from my mind that on every moment I just have one thought inside but
Then those thoughts which are enter in wrong way inside life I have one feeling that every
Successful road look wrong inside life so I just have one feeling from my mind that those
All thoughts which I keep in my mind will not look so perfect and so wrong inside life but
Then on every moment and on every time I just feel those thoughts are totally wrong in
Our mind because they are hurting us on every moment and on every point because they
Will just create problems inside life but then I will feel one thing on every point that those
Thoughts which should be shining turns wrong inside our life I just one thing from mind
That our thoughts which suppose to help us turn in wrong way inside life I just feel that
Those thoughts which will act as light in the life will open new ways of our life and then
On some moment I just feel those thinking which will help us are not helping us at all
Because on each and every moment I have one feeling inside life I feel so scared inside
Heart but then I have some thought on every moment and on every point then I just think
One things from our heart because on every moment I feel just one thing from my heart
After all those thoughts are something important inside mind and heart so then I just feel
One thing from every angle inside heart I have one thinking from mind so then I have one
Thought so then I feel that those thoughts should help us and then I feel something
Totally wrong for our thoughts and heart I just have one thing from that thinking which
Are so precious from heart after all those thoughts which are fully loaded inside my mind
Are something totally wrong for heart but then I just have one thing from our thought but
Then those thoughts are something so important in our heart but then I just feel one thing
That those sunshine which suppose to give light to my heart suddenly stood against me
On each and every part I just keep one thing from my mind that those thoughts should be
Such that they would give light to my mind as well as my heart I just have one feeling
At start that my thoughts are my best supporter of heart because when I went ahead
Then I feel one thing from my heart but we all just feel one thing from my heart that
Those thinking are not helping me on every point and manage to hurt our work as well
As our heart because when I went ahead with those thoughts on every part I feel that
My thoughts are giving me darkness which will manage to turn me back to wrong thoughts
Which are important from every part because when I feel one thing from my heart that
My life will get destroyed by every wrong thought but still sadly when I think on every
Moment and on every part that those thoughts are precious on every part I just keep
Thinking inside my life why don't I understood that things when those thoughts began
In my life but then I feel one thing inside my mind that those thoughts which make me
Fresh are totally wrong inside life when they start to ask wrong questions to my mind
So just beware of those thoughts which harm me inside my life never think that negative
Thoughts will make you more aware and practical in life because some times moving in
Different way will help our thinking and make world better inside our future and life.

Poem 1395. Top of ladder

                                                        Top of ladder
From one top inside our life we just see one thing inside life after all those top which are so nice
In the life when we are standing on top and that is what we feel that we are acting so perfect
And so nice inside our life because we feel that we are giving each person some thoughts and
Lots of smile but just ask that person about life that person will have another thinking about us
In life we just feel one thing from our mind that to those people I have acted perfect in life
Because I have acted with smile inside life I just feel when I have given them smile that will be
Perfect and nice for her life on every moment and on every point I just have one thought from
Thinking of my mind that my decent behavior will be enough for my life because as we went
Ahead inside our life I feel just one thought from every point those things which are important
In life I just feel one thing that those thoughts which are precious are not enough for them in life
On every moment and on every time I just keep thinking on thing inside life I feel those thoughts
Are enough but they feel that I can help them more since I am on top ladder in life they feel
That I can do many things in life but sadly just being on top don't think give you authorities in
Our future and inside our life because those authorities which will give power inside life don't
Come to use just because we belong to that top of ladder inside life on every moment and on
Every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which are so perfect in life
To those people who stood below in life never understand those needs on any point they just
Feel since we are top they feel we can change their life if we decide we can help them on each
And every point but some people on top are just those dolls which will please our heart and
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who are born on top can't just have
That power inside them without try they want to make friends with normal people and they
Feel it will be perfectly acted by them inside their sky but on some moment I just feel one thing
That they don't have power but they are making friendship with us in hope that they will
Win that power if with our friendship they can try when their life goes ahead they just start to
Try while other hopes they will help but they hope that one day they will see nice things and
Perfect type of rise inside their heart and on every try as days went ahead we just feel one
Thought from inside mind  that both sides are wrong as well as right that one who wanted to
Help is also perfect and right but that one which can't give or can't be blame on any point since
On every moment and on every point those person don't have power to win inside life but
Then when those person want that power and for it they start fight mostly once again they
Ask for help on wrong corner who needed help in life just because some one is on top of ladder
That don't mean that one got every thing inside life some got knowledge and some got talent
Of speaking sweet in life but those who got knowledge but still can't speak sweetly in life
Seem like those people who have knowledge still don't got that talent of speaking inside life
Mostly come to bottom with hope that they will understand them in life but people just love
Those person who talk to them sweetly on every point and people never understand that
Depth of problem which such person face inside life so both parties are unknown to each
Other and still luck seem to put them before each other on every time of life so it just lead
To confusions in life those who are in bottom feel that topper can give them everything still
They are not giving them inside life because on every moment they just feel when you are
Top you must be having full freedom in life but that will not happen when you stood on top
Because you are not alone on top inside life those people who are with you sometimes are
Too clever and got all power in their hands so you just can't change things inside your life
But just one thing which was never understood by world that is your problem in life and
I just feel that it can be solved only when topper learn to claim their right because maybe
At beginning they fail but in end they will win in life and after all those who stood on bottom
Will accept their help in life so they just have to tell them when they will help and when
They will not inside life no one will happy just by those smiles from those who stood on top
Because we want help inside life so we want clear answer so I feel at least those who stood
On top should tell us that will they give us help or not in life because then only we will decide
Should we return their smile or we just pretend that we have not seen them as they don't see
Our problems and need in life because answers are always important on each and every point
Or people just assume it is no even when it is yes inside our future and inside our life.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poem 1394. Calls

Sometimes some calls gets answer in life while some remain just unanswered from time to time
Some calls are so precious but still when unanswered in life because we just run from one point
To another point and I just have one feeling from inside that those calls are not going ahead as
Per our thoughts because we are so confuse on every part when life went ahead on each and
Every point we just think one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are part of our life
Are something so interesting on every point I just feel one thing inside life that when we went
Ahead we just jump from one thought to another in life but those thoughts are about getting
All perfect things in life but many times I feel our life is so much disorganized that on every
Thought and on every moment I just feel one thing from inside of my mind I feel just one thing
Inside life those call have some important part on every point but when my life is busy and
I am doing something hard inside life my best needed calls comes and goes away out of life
Like I want to see some movie and I fell ill just on that time and when I am cured that movie
Is already out of theaters and out of life but sometimes I feel that I can watch it's video which
Will released after some time but sadly those videos never come and that movie remain secret
To me for entire life sometimes such things happen and we never able to get those things on
Time but after that we get dozens of movies but we just feel that we have missed something
Important in life same thing happen to me on many time but then I started one posses inside
My life and inside my mind that I have decided that I try to get my best to all those things
Back in life but some times it seems impossible and sometime other things took their place
Inside life like sometimes when that film is shown on television we just have selected to go
Out on that time it seem like some thing we just don't get in life on every moment we just
Feel one thing from our mind we feel that those calls which we suppose to take missed and
We never get that perfect thing again inside life but many times I feel that maybe those calls
Are nice but why should we always argue with our destiny when it gave us many things which
Are so better and in every way so nice this is our future and this is our life on every moment
We need to understand those aspects of our life we feel that those calls which are missed
By us is one mistake which we did inside our life and then we just assume that we need to
Go ahead on every time our life is something so interesting on every point we just never feel
That any understanding will help us inside our life our future goes ahead on every point and
We just keep one feeling alive inside life that those things which we don't get are mistakes
Of us and some even just blame other person for that mistake in life and on every moment
We just feel that those things are so perfect and nice when our life went ahead on every
Thought and on every point we just feel one thing from inside of our mind we feel that
Those people who are so precious in life are some people who never have any limits on any
Point we feel when someone acted with us nicely in life every time that person will act
In good way inside their life our life went ahead from time to time I just keep feeling one
Thought that I need to go ahead on every moment of our life with that person and then
Only I can enjoy my life so then that person's call become so precious inside our life and
Then we start preference inside life we just never feel that we must treat every one same way
Not because we have love communism but because that will be justice with our heart
Whatever may you wish but one day you will regret rejecting one thing for another in heart
Because this earth is so round still we stood steadily on it's part so any thing is possible
If destiny decide it with heart you just have to understand that you just don't need any
Sort of thinking to do what is best for you because your heart will know on that moment
Which will be suitable thinking so never judge your things with wrong thoughts in my heart
Because on every moment I just feel one thing on every part that when I went ahead with
Happiness of heart I just one thing from inside my mind that all those calls are so nice
And because on every moment and on every part I just keep one feeling from heart but
Calls are something important inside our heart I just have one thought from our thinking
And from our heart that those calls which we miss are maybe good but calls those we
Attend are always better for our heart and we need to attend those calls on each and
Every moment and on every part because those calls are something which are precious
If we understand their value from our thinking and from one heart on each and every part.

Poem 1393. Jokes

How interesting becomes our life when we learn to joke on us from time to time but hardest task
In life is to joke on ourselves at each and every point because we always feel that we need to 
Understand that we are not something great inside our life on every part because that feeling
Will hurt us from saying something special on every part since we never want to joke on our
Thinking or on our heart but sometimes in life when jokes are made mostly I feel that they are
Always taken by me inside wrong way not because I feel I am better in any way but because
Mostly I don't understand any kind joke in my life in any way so I just feel one thing that I have
To learn one thing that I must learn to make joke if I want to understand them but slowly in life
After each moment when our life goes ahead I just feel one thing on every moment that when
My life went ahead on every day I just need to understand that life is not helping me on any 
Thought or any way because inside that life on every day I just feel one thing that those negative
Thinking or those negative thoughts which those jokes send to me when they made on me
Every day are not helping me at all in life until I understood one thing that those are not joke
Which are really said because some times some people just taunt on person on every day and
Then just say those taunts are jokes in life that just create problems for us from time to time
Because when we go ahead on some moment of life I just feel one thing from inside that those
Jokes that hurt us manage to take away our power of laughing on jokes inside life because then
We began to think on every moment and on every time that those jokes which played on me
Are not that much nice so I feel slowly I began to hate just every joke inside this world on each
And every time because when life goes ahead on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thing from my mind that those jokes on which people laugh are real joke of life so when
We want to joke then maybe we should joke on ourselves to make them better on every point
After all those jokes which I hear inside my life are always played on me by other person from
Time to time but those jokes which played on others seem to scare me just because I feel 
One day my number will come if I laugh on them at any point I just never understand one thought
From inside that those jokes played on some one else are always perfect and nice but best 
Jokes are those which play on ourselves in life because when we laugh on ourselves we just
Manage to relax our mind and we confess our problems while laughing on every thought and
On every moment of our life I just keep thinking on every moment and on every time that 
Why did we need to feel so much hurt when our life is going ahead easily on every moment
Of our future and our life when someone else's joke on us in life I just feel one thing because
Even those people who are joking on us don't have so positive thoughts inside life and their
Negative thinking manage to go ahead on every moment of life when I start feeling hurt on
Every moment and on every point I just feel one thing inside life that those thoughts which
Look so perfect and nice are not made in such way that they would please us on any time
I just have one feeling from inside that those jokes which are played in such way that they
Will make us laugh on every time not when sometimes taunt our mistake it will be any joke
In fact it become nightmare for every one in life and jokes suppose to be pleasant not some
Thing which people just hate from mind but some people just get confuse and think that 
Those jokes suppose to bring water inside our eyes and it will not matter much which way
They are said until they bring tears in life but only if those people understand basic of those
Jokes which is truth of our life that those jokes are suppose to bring tears but after laughter
Inside life but some people just have one feeling inside they feel that other must learn to laugh
On themselves inside life on every point but that is not possible when other person shows
That mistake inside life and that person does it totally wrong way inside life on every moment
When I went ahead in life I just have one feeling from inside that those jokes which I have
Inside my mind are said in such a way that I start to laugh on every word when it said in life
Because those words are something so pleasant and never have any pains inside and I have
Just one feeling that when I joke on myself only then that joke have this power and strength
Inside but in normal cases that power never enter inside our life because taunting on others
Never give you that much power inside it just manages to hurt you on every moment and
On every time because those jokes are based of increasing others pain and they are not 
Based on increasing others pains so I just feel that I told those jokes instead I like to ignore them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poem 1392. End is well

                                                          End is well
How easily we go ahead inside our life and how easily we get confuse from every thought and
From every point when we walk ahead on some points we just feel one thing from our mind
That on every moment and on every time I just get success inside life I just never understand
What is truth of our mind because those thoughts are something so easily come inside our mind
And on every moment I just have one thinking on every point how interesting are those thoughts
Which are part of our mind because on every moment we must think again and again inside life
Because those thoughts are something important which are precious to our mind when I went
Ahead on every moment inside life I just feel that my thoughts are coming and going again and
Again on each and every point I just never understand those truths of life which just manage
To hurt my feeling on every point when some thoughts tell me that I just have to get some
Things inside life because I want that luxury on every point when those precious things look
So beautiful and delicate inside life I want to touch and keep that thing with me in life because
That thing have that beauty which just give me feeling that I want to just keep looking at that
Thing inside my life on every moment I feel those things are so unique but then when I look
At price I just feel that it is so wrong to keep those things inside life and I just kept one thought
And feeling from inside that those things which refresh my mind are always perfect in life but
Those things which look so wrong on every day look something so perfect but then I just know
That I don't need them in life specially when I look at that money I just have one feeling that
I am wasting my time and just in few thoughts I can get those things which are precious to
My thinking as well as to my mind when on every moment I look at that price something
Told me that I am doing mistake inside my life and inside my mind I know one thing so sure
Inside life because on every point I just feel one thing inside life that this money can be saved
And used for useful things inside our life on every moment when we went ahead in life I just
Have one feeling from inside that those prices which are asked for those things inside life
Look so totally wrong on every point when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thing
From inside that those prices which are paid are not enough inside my life I feel those prices
Which I have pain so less for that beauty inside life but then when for few moment I think
With logic inside my mind I just feel that with that amount I can buy many necessary things
Inside our future and inside our life when I move ahead inside my life I just feel one thought
From thinking and from inside I feel that those amounts which I paid inside life are something
So limited on every point when my life went ahead on every point in life I just feel that I must
Not waste my money this way on some useless thing inside life this way that thought of
Purchasing comes and goes out of my mind and I just never able to guess what is right
For my future and for my life when I want to go ahead I just have one feeling from inside
Of my mind that on every day I need to understand value of money from time to time since
Many times I feel that I must think about those poor who just don't have money even to
Buy food inside their life so wasting money in such a way is wrong inside life but then
Suddenly my mind turns to rich who spend more that this money on even their small time pass
Who can enjoy those luxuries with this money even when they are just for few moments
Inside our life on every moment and on every point I just have one thing from inside of life
I feel that I am standing on wrong front of my thinking and of my life because if I have
That money and I just keep it inside what is use of it inside life then I feel that when I purchase
Something I am just helping every one in life because when that shopkeeper gets money
It will encourage business in this world and then it will goes ahead in life when that business
Goes ahead it will surely help other people in economics of this world as well as of our land
So by purchasing by it I am doing favor to every one so one heart tell me that for my future
I must save money and other heart tell me that in my life I need to live more happiness than
Money that money in pocket is just not helping my heart but at same time save money and
Quit habit of spending schemes for my other heart so I just keep thinking which one is right
And every time I feel confusion in life because I can see poor who are crying for money
And I can see those rich who scream on their old age that they never live happily so inside
Mind both thoughts comes and goes sometime one thought win and some time other manage
To win in everywhere I go so inside life on every point I just feel one thing that I just never
Know which thought will win and it can be judge only by when I have my money and
When that thing manage to reach in pocket of mine but in both cases finally ends well in life.

Poem 1391. Mud from tides

                                                             Mud from tides
From one tide it starts and turns into another tide but when something don't look so pleasant
It will be harmful in life on every moment and on every time we just feel one thing from mind
Those feeling and those precious tides look totally wrong on every point because when wrong
Thinking enter inside our life I just have one feeling from every moment in my life those tides
Are important inside life those tides which I take with every problems inside life and all trouble
Manage to enter on every point so I just feel that I want to fight on every tide which will help
Me to stop those wrong thoughts of my life when I went ahead on every point I just feel one
Thought from inside that those tides which take us in totally wrong way inside our life seems
Like something totally wrong on every point because when I went ahead I feel that I will get
Hurt by those tides and I want to stop them but when I did it I feel it is impossible in life since
When I bend down to stop them with my hands I just feel that dirt is coming on my hands
And managing to harm me inside my life and those hands have one power inside life which
Want to me rise against those tides but when I try to do it suddenly every things turn in wrong
Way inside life because all those sources seem to convince me on every point that I can't stop
Those tides with my hand because my hands will get so dirty when I tried and even some
Times I feel that I can be taken inside by those tides they will not stop but they will just take
Me with them as sacrifice that is what happen when we start to run against tide they just never
Stop inside our life even when we feel that we will lose many times in life because of that moment
In which we have thinking in life those tides are something not wasted on any moment of life
To take away us from every moment and every point they just manage to destroy us if we just
Think of jumping against them without thinking inside life because our brain is one thing which
Will look so perfect for my mind I just feel one thing from inside those tides which take us
Ahead are something so nice on every point but when those tides began to harm us they are
So wrong on every point of our life because with their power we fall in such a mess that
We can't able to go ahead inside our life when that dirt will manage to go ahead in life on
Every point I just have one feeling from inside that this dirt of life will just keep going ahead
And we can't walk in it so we remain shocked on every point because we found people
Who are playing in that mud and enjoying those moments inside life how shocked we feel
On every moment and on every time that those people are not feeling it wrong inside life
But they just love going ahead on every moment and on every time that this mud will look
So ugly on every time I just have one thought inside life how did those people are going
Ahead inside with that mud inside life because those mud will look so wrong on every moment
And on every point I feel that this mud will manage to look ugly on every moment in life
After all that ugly mud is not that much nice but still those people feel that it is so alright
How easily in life people get convinced even to play with mud on sometimes they don't
Even understand that this mud is so dirty in life they feel that it is perfect to play because
Other people convince them it is fine to play with mud inside life because on moment
In my life I feel mud will never look so perfect inside life on every moment and on every
Point mud will just create problem in life because mud will never help me or any one on
Any moment or on any point I just feel one thing inside life that mud can't be perfect in life
On every moment mud will look so wrong on point because mud will never look so important
And perfect inside life because mud have ugly patches which will not help me inside life
Because when those mud will never help us on every point inside life mud will create in
Our life just problem on every time then why did people feel convince that mud will help us
On few times I know that sometimes even mud can act as cure in life but that doesn't make
Every mud perfect for our life I just feel one thing that on those moment and on those tides
We must just stood back in one corner and we should let life go ahead just as it goes ahead
On every point because after sometimes those tides will vanish without much trouble
Out of our life and if we don't get involved then we will just remain in corner and afterwards
We can joke about it inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which
throws mud on us are never nice so may be we should not play with them and we should
Also not try to stop them on any moment of life because mud have power to put dirt on you
On each and every point inside life I feel that mud will just make you dirty so stay away
From those thoughts as well as those tides because they will just harm you inside life.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Poem 1390. Purifying mind

                                                       Purifying mind
When water look beautiful I just want to keep watching it just never inside my heart I ever
Feel that I have been just like water in every thing I mean to say in this world when things
Are mixed inside my life on every thinking I just feel something important for every human
Thinking but then after some thoughts I just have one feeling that just like water I will get
Each and every thing from outside factors as human being I always change my side from
One moment to another thinking I just went start to look at that in my thinking I just feel
One thing from my mind on every thinking that like water I can adjust with any sort of 
Feeling and things when water get mixed on every moment with every thing and even if
Water don't want still it keep mixing how hard it is too keep pure water when it is surrounded
By wrong thing I feel same thing happen to my mind and my thinking when wrong things
Surround me slowly they began to mix with my thoughts and my thinking and slowly on
Each and every moment I began to claim that I need to change in my life many thoughts
And many thinking I want to keep pure my mind and want to keep it away from every source
And from every thing but inside my life on every moment I just have one thought as human being
I don't want get carried away in life with just those outside things because those things will
Manage to do many sort of harms to me as human being they just manage to hurt me on
Every point and on every thinking because those surrounding are entering inside me just
Like other things which enter inside water without much problem to human being because
When we went ahead as human being I just have in my heart one feeling that all those thoughts
Which enter in my life are not that good for our thinking I want to stay away from those
Ugly things but sometimes I feel they enter in my life without even my thinking or my
Understanding as human being those thoughts are so unknown to my mind and my each
And every moment because it will harm us like water will get destroyed when it will mix
With wrong thing we just get so confuse in life when we keep our wrong thinking on
Every moment like a human being I just keep guessing after one thought another thinking
That on every moment I just keep one thought inside my thinking that like water those
Wrong surrounding keep entering in our life just in life of human being I just keep one
Thought or one thinking that on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought
That wrong things are managing to hurt me on each point as I went ahead on every moment
Inside life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that on every moment and
On every point I just have one wish that I want to win in life after all those things are
So perfect inside life because on every moment inside life I just keep thinking one thought
From my mind that may be I should like to get some idea to keep clean my mind because
If water can be cleaned same will apply to mind just staying away from dirt is not possible
To us in world it can also not inside our life so may be we need to understand one thing
From our mind that we should not get too deep in that dirt mean we learn to go in other
Direction on proper moment and on proper time when life went ahead on after some time
We will sense problems are part of our life because people will keep discussing wrong things
Inside our life people will not come with us on every moment of life people love to discuss
Those thoughts of mind which are always so perfect and which are so nice inside our life
But then as life went ahead on each and every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts
And from my mind that when I went ahead on every moment I just never use to think
How can I stop inside life it is like storing water we have to store our thought in proper
Place of mind our thoughts which just run away free all sides manage to bring that dirt
Which manage to hurt us on every point when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one
Thing from inside of my mind that those thoughts which touch me are totally wrong on
Life's each and every point I just feel one thing that dirt is something so easily around
That we have to take proper care of our mind like water we need boiling of our mind and
That boiling can be done by working hard each moral and getting all morals properly in life
That can pure our thoughts and improve our mind just like water on fire how much you
Boil it tell you how perfect is your water and how strongly you stick to moral will tell you
That how perfect is your life on each and every point so life will be perfect only if you
Boiled it with morals inside mind but I just don't have any filter for purifying like water to our life
So I feel life need to use just first method which will be better and known to my mind.

Poem 1389. Statements

When I began in life to explain some part inside life I just feel that sometimes people don't want
Those explanations but still on every point inside our life I just never understand that why are
We asked those question when they don't want our answer but sometimes questions where
Asked just with one view that they don't want any answer they just want to tell their thoughts
Or frustrations on every moment inside our world I just feel one thing on every point that when
I went ahead on every side I just feel one thing from inside of our mind that those thoughts
Which look so perfect to me as answer don't seem matter much to them in life on every moment
I just feel one thing from inside that when I went ahead things goes in wrong way inside life
And on every moment we just feel one thing that those thoughts which are so perfect and
So clear are not that bad in our life but I just feel one thing those people don't want to hear
My thoughts they just want to say what they want from inside because those thoughts are
Something so important and precious to their mind they just want to tell their thinking and
They just don't want to hear my thinking about my life on every moment I just feel one thing
That my thoughts are stuck on each and every moment by just one thinking inside my life
That why these people ask me a question when answer is not that just important in their life
When we start on one occasion and then change from that point I just feel that I get so
Confuse inside my mind slowly I understood that these questions are something totally different
Inside life they are mostly made just to express feeling inside life when we start moving ahead
We feel that we must go ahead on each and every point our thoughts are about going ahead
Inside life after all those things which are totally wrong in life are assuming each question will
Need answer on every time I just feel one thing from my thinking and from my mind that
Life will go ahead on every moment as life wish from inside when I start going ahead on each
And every point I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which are important
On every point are something totally wrong when they are entered inside life as questions
And really they are just answers which are given by people inside life when we move ahead
On every spot and on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which
Are alive where going in totally wrong way inside our life I just never understand why did
Those thoughts look so wrong inside life I just feel one thing our thoughts are something
Which will manage to hurt us on every occasion and on every time after all those occasions
On which I went ahead are nothing but just thoughts of my mind but when people ask me
A question and I prepare a answer I mostly expect them to read it and understand it in life
But when I feel that they have just their views I just feel that question marks should be at least
Deleted from time to time so when I went ahead I just feel one thing from inside my mind
That those thoughts which are so important to me are nothing but just things which I said
And wasted my time because when that other person just keep repeating thought I just understood
One thing whatever I say will no longer matter much in life when I went ahead I will just see
Problems inside my life I just have one feeling from point to point those questions are not
For answering inside life every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Which are so precious are wrong inside our life when I went ahead I just feel one thing from
Every thinking and every point that those thoughts should be written like thought and maybe
People should not turn them into question inside life on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which are important and precious
Inside life but when they are set as answer to question they seemed like something wasted
Inside our life on every moment and on every point so may be if people made their statements
As answer it will seem a lot better inside life when we went ahead on every moment and
On every point I just feel one thing that I must learn to ignore such a questions in life
Because those questions are not just questions they are invitations to arguments inside life
And they will just create more problems on each and every step inside life I just never
Understand how did I suppose to handle those sentences which are precious to our thought
And our mind on every moment we just feel one thing from inside we all keep thinking
That they should make statements instead of asking question time to time since they all
Manage to confuse us in life because we try to answer them and arguments arise on many points.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Poem 1388. Reading people

                                                           Reading people
We must read each book or mind of each person if life gives opinion then sadly books are
Preferred by every one not that we all just fall in love with book some love them like me
But some just feel reading mind it impossible in every view when we went ahead in life
With our every view I just feel one thing from my mind that other things will matter when
Other will keep their view we are so busy inside our life that we just have never time to understand
What others doing inside our life we just keep going ahead with our problem on every moment
And solve them inside our life but when comes question solving problems reading books
About seem better than understanding others mind because mind can be read by eyes but
People have many ways of even hiding them from inside when I went ahead on some points
And in some ways inside life I just feel one thing that I can't be reading those things in life
Because when I began to read them I just feel one thought from my mind that people just
Don't like that observation on many thoughts and on many points so when I just can't look
At people properly how can I understand their mind so just by reading books I feel that I can
At least understand some parts of life but some people just keep guessing whatever they have
Inside their life I just feel one thing from inside my mind that on every moment I just thought
One thing from my mind that on every moment I just feel one thing from inside those things
Which happen to us on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing inside our life
We feel one thing inside book which will perfect inside life after all those books will look
So perfect in our life I just have one thought from inside which will help me on every moment
And on every time those books which keep us alive inside life are so perfect guide but then
One big question entered inside life I feel that on every moment those books can help us but
Still we need to understand other person before we choose to go ahead inside life after all
Those thoughts which enter inside life never look as perfect as we thought inside life I feel
That one thing from every aspect of our mind that only those books can't help me on every
Point they just keep telling me how to act ahead in life but I have to find some people who
Act as per those books inside life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought
From inside that those books which take us ahead are our helper and are our guide they just
Tell us which type of person's right inside life but finding that person is always task of my
Future and task of my life on every moment and on every point I just keep searching from
Every angle of life but if I can't found a person inside life I just have one wish from inside
That on every moment of our life I feel just one thought from my mind that when I read
Those books which are going to describe things inside life I just feel one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that when I just can't read people's mind I always find it hard
To find that person inside my life because in every book and in every thought of my mind
I just feel one thing on every point I feel that those things which enter in my life are something
Totally wanted by me on each and every point I just keep searching from my mind but then
When I found people many times they don't look as per my wishes inside my life because
On every moment and on every point I need to understand those truths of my life which
Tell me that in my life I need to move from one angle to totally different angle inside my life
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which are important inside our life since
They are something so precious in life I just feel one thing inside my life that those books
Are something important inside our life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought
Inside life after all people who are told inside those books are not that easy to find inside life
On every moment I just feel one thing from our mind that those things which happen in
Our life those character which I wanted to search inside life but if I just can't read inside
Future and on every point because on every moment in our life I just feel one thing from
My mind that I need to read people if I want to follow those books in life after all those
Things which are important in life are searching for those people's biggest problems in life
So just reading books don't seem enough inside life I just have one feeling from my mind
Those books are nice but they are something so prefect for our life on every moment I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those things inside life look so perfect in our life because
Those things are different on many points reading book is easy but reading person is something
Impossible still required on each and every day of our future as well as present day of our life.

Poem 1387. Admiration

Why did I feel one thing inside my life on each and every point on each and every sight
That even when I did good things I am not admired much in life while other people gets
Admiration from time to time this is one thought which always kill every one inside I just
Feel one thing that maybe we should spend one hour in admiring each other in life because
If others don't admire you why don't you start admiring each other in life let's make one
Rule on every thought and on every point I have just one thinking on every thought and
On every point I just never understand those things which are important in life when I went
Ahead I feel that this want of admiration should be always inside after all we all were doing
Things which would be admired in life when my future went ahead on each and every
Thought and on each and every point I feel some people just get admiration on many spots
And on many moment but for just limited people when we all know that many deserved that
Admiration in this world but some where in our heart we always know one thing in this
World admiring some people is just way of this world it can never understand any thing
About other people inside their views and inside their life they just ignore their work as
Useless things in life when we do our small works we are ignored many time but when
Truth is one thing our small work should also receive admiration in our life since those
Work will help us on each and every time when I went ahead in my life on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that I need to understand that in case of admiration
Justice hardly done in life if you really want admiration then there is just one source of it
Inside your life learn to admire others and hope that some day one of them will admire you in life
Or feel like me that at least you are doing justice to others which you can't get in your life
We want to do justice then why should we try to do it on only some points sometimes we
Can even do it on small tiny things inside our life when we went ahead on every point then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those justice which are done to us inside our life
Are something so admirable on every moment and on every point I just keep feeling one thing
Inside my life that when things turn in wrong way I just have one feeling from my thoughts
As well as from my mind when life goes ahead on each and every point I just feel one thing
From inside of my mind that when I walk ahead inside my life I feel just one thought from
My thinking and from my mind that when our life changes on each and every point I just
Feel one thing inside my mind which never change that is need of admiration inside life
Even on my each suggestion and on my each point I feel need inside my mind and on every
Thinking from inside I just feel one thought that tell me on every occasion and on every
Thoughts inside life I feel that those thoughts of admiration are taking me in wrong way
When I just look at admirer from time to time because admirer will stay with us for some time
And they may change their side so it is better admire all and hope to get justice inside life
Because in my heart I feel every one deserve admiration inside life who does their work in
Nice manners and sweet voice why should we divide people in classes from point to point
And why did their field will have feeling that admiration is depend on it every time in life
After all when things goes in wrong way inside our life I just feel one thing from every
Thought and from every point that when we have one feeling which tell me that we are
Standing on wrong point inside our life on every moment and on every point I just have
One feeling inside my life that on every point I have one admiration inside life that it regarding
Each and every human who does their duty from properly inside life I just have one feeling
Inside my life on every moment I feel that admiration is important inside life for each and
Every person in our life I just keep hoping that one day my life will change on some point
And people will understand that they should admire each field in life but then I just saw
One thing that many people had said this and this is not happening inside life on every moment
And every time people just keep admiring one thing which seem to them so perfect inside life
After all admiration is something which is important in life for each and every person inside life
So it is hard but I just feel that I must learn to at least give smile to each and every cleaner
Who comes before me in life because after all they are doing most important work for me
Inside my life they are who cleaned every dirt and still always don't even receive smile
And saying seem so useless in life but when I do it most of the cleaner just keep looking at me
With strange shock or confusion in life they just never believed that I appreciate their cleaning in life
After all cleaning is something which required most in our country on most of places and times.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Poem 1386. Our time and our smile

                                                Our time and our smile
When I went around I see some people are so nice and caring for my future and my life but
Then there is just one concept in life that we must care and like those people in return inside
Our life because each and every life demand same things in life each relation have same hope
From you inside may it be friend for two minutes or some one who stay with you lifetime
But there is one another truth of life that sometimes we just don't return those feeling on some
Points or some positions in life how sad it feel sometimes feel when that thing happen in this
World that even our friends of two minutes is ready to change for us many things for us in
Our world but we just can't able to create that genuine smile for that one why life is not that
Much clear inside our world and worst is that we have to pretend and smile sometime to please
That person how wrong are those facts of this world that we just don't have same thoughts
Inside our world we have different things inside our mind and our world we just never understand
How can that happen inside this world that even when our best friends turn back to us in
This world but still those two minutes friends are ready to help us in life but still they are nothing
But just few minutes friends inside life because on every point we never give them that gift
Of our best friendship inside our life it is like we already given it to someone inside our life
So giving it once again never seem right on that time but then when our best friend cheat us
Inside our life once again that first concept enter inside our life but I mostly saw that still
We never give that gift to two minutes friends inside our life because on every point I just
Feel one thing from my thoughts and mind that those concepts are so wrong inside life that
When we just don't like someone as friend in life even caring of that person don't help much
In life because mostly it is about not liking something about nature of that person who will
Remain always with that person which never understand those thoughts from inside life
Because people have some nature from their birth in their life if you don't like it then you just
Can't change it in life but it feel so wrong inside life when that thing happen in our life but
Worst is that when we are not part of it and other person have problems inside life because
They just keep coming to you from time to time but you can't understand how to convince
That mind that we can't get things just as we want to inside life because we can always handle
Our problems with smile but some people just don't do that in life they just show what they
Feel from inside which manage to hurt many people from time to time inside life so sometimes
Maybe hiding is something wise because you can pretend for two minutes in life but then
Sometimes those things turn in worst way inside life people began to think that those smiles
Are totally wrong inside our life because many points are totally wrong inside our life but
Then I just feel one thing in life that telling truth may hurt some in life but just because some one
Cares it is not right to pretend that we care in life so we are standing on wrong side when
Such things happen in life on totally wrong points we are standing whichever side still it seem
Totally wrong on every point inside life because when we went ahead inside life we just
Never understand which side will be better on every thinking on inside our life I feel that
Those concepts are so perfect from each and every point inside our life because on every
Moment I just feel that not giving smile seems wrong while going ahead in life we just never
Understand what is concept to say no to someone is right way inside our life because in life
It is not just question of one relation it happen on each and every time since we have so
Limited time inside our life that we just can't keep pretending every time when we began to
Divide our life I just feel one thing from my mind that when I went ahead on every thought
And on every point I just have to select one person with whom I am enjoying my time in life
So then after one way to another way of life I just keep counseling some person and keep
Convincing them that I don't have time but somewhere in heart I just feel one thing in life
That I am working in wrong way inside my life if only I can accommodate every one in life
But that one truth of life that we just able to accommodate some people and some person in life
We just can't able to do it in life so some people get our time and some people just gets our
Artificial smile which I feel wrong part of life but this is just seem best way to go ahead in life.

Poem 1385. Ignoring some points

                                                   Ignoring some points
From each view and from each point I just feel one thing from inside of our mind that those
Thoughts are something which will effect on some part of mind because when I went ahead
Inside life I just have to think again and again about those thoughts and our life because when
I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that I just can't
Keep that one thought so strongly inside my mind because it will easily manage to hurt me then
On many parts and moments in life that on every moment I just feel one thing from my thoughts
As well as from my thinking and from my mind that just sticking to one thought may harm me
On any point inside life and it could create many problems inside life after all those thoughts
Are something important inside my life on every part and they start to effecting many points
Of my life so I have decided one day in life that I will forget those thoughts are my mind but
Then those thoughts are something important inside our life but there are many things which
Look so lot better inside life but then slowly on each thought and every point I feel just one
Thinking from my mind because when I start to going ahead on many points I just feel one
Thing about my life that just while keeping alive one thought inside life I started ignoring those
Thinking which use to harm me on every concept of life because I have to walk ahead with
Those friends who are so nice and perfect for my life and I can never able to ignore those
Thoughts from my thinking and my mind because on every moment and on every point I might
Think that I am standing on wrong concept of life because when I began to think that those
Thoughts are just hurting me on each and every point inside life I just have one concept
Inside life that I want to live happily in my life so when everything is fine I just never understand
How can just one change in concept manage to destroy our thinking inside our mind and began
To create so many changes inside our life but then when I went ahead I just understood one
Thing in life that one concept never change anything inside life what changes us that is insistence
Inside our life to force other to match view with us in life many times in this life two people
Have sometimes different concepts inside our life because those concepts are so important
From one part and one point I just keep hoping on every moment and on every time that one
Day I will find proper way inside life in which I will convince other person about it inside life
But then I just feel one thing from my thoughts and one point that it is not about convincing
Inside my life it is about that sometimes after all some concepts are such that no one know
Which one is perfect inside life every one feel that those points are nice inside my thinking and
On every point while some other person feel totally different concepts inside life from time to
Time that one have checked it and felt that it is so perfect for life when we start moving ahead
On every part and every point I just feel one thing from my thinking and my mind that we want
Something important inside life because they are some totally different still perfect for those
Sides where we stood in life because some stood on one side which will get harmed by different
Things and different concepts in life but then on other side we just have one thing from our
Thinking and our mind that we should be safe and perfect inside life and we just think what is
Safe for us in life but sadly our enemies are not same on many points they just differ from
One thought to another thought inside life because those thoughts have entered inside our mind
Only after some time inside life I just have one thinking from my mind that when I went ahead
Inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind that when I went ahead I have one experience
And different experience will enter in life of other party but problems start when some people
Just start doing things for their benefit inside life they never suffer any pain on any point but
They just keep that view in life because they want success in life such people never let other
Person choose things inside their life I feel that when I went ahead inside life those who suffer
Problems on any side can understand my mind but those who have personal motive can never
Understand what others feel so those people just hurt for their motive each and every body so
Inside life when we start telling our heart and our thinking on every moment we just feel one
Thought from every angle moment inside life just because other party is not convinced we
Are having problems in life but I don't think that it make problem in our life I feel problem in
We want to convince that person on each and every point about that is problem of our life
We have to learn ignoring sometimes because it is necessary in life that we must ignore some
Thoughts and some point if we want to go ahead on some concepts of our future and our life.

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...