Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poem 821. Blame

How much I feel upset when my life change on every point I feel one thing from inside
On every time then those things will lead on every point I have one thought on every time
When things will change on every point because these changes are leading to many types
Of concept inside life I feel one thing from inside these things will have effect on life but
Then I have one thought from inside these changes are making things worst on every point
I feel just one thing from inside those things will have different sort of thought on every
Point inside life I feel that slowly changes will lead to different sections of life I feel just
One thought from my mind that changes are those facts which will have effect on our mind
On every point I have just one thought from inside that changes will lead to different types
Of section and change world on every point then I feel one thought from inside that those
Changes are those parts which are creating effect on every time I feel that changes are
Having reaction on every point these changes will lead different effect in life I feel that
Life will lead different effect on every point then I have just one thought from inside that
Changes are leading to different angle of life I feel that we need to understand those changes
Which will be something that will really have effect in life on every point I feel that changes
Create difference in life I feel one thing from inside that those changes are making different
Effect on every point in life there are different sort of things in life this life is not that good
On any point these life will be something which will impact on us at every point I just feel
One thought and one thing but then I feel one thing that life will be change on every point
We need to understand every change from our mind I feel one thing from my mind that those
Changes just make it hard for us in life we feel just one thing from inside that those changes
Are leading to different results inside life when life have changes on every point so then I feel
One thing from inside these things are creating problems on every point but I feel that changes
Are not hurting me that much as words which people say after that change hurt me in life on
Every moment I just have one thought from our mind that changes are those part which will
Have some effect on life so I just never accept them as truth of life because people just taunt me
Too much inside life on every moment I feel one thought from inside that those people are
Touching our thoughts and our mind we feel one thought on every angle of life but still on
Every point we just keep thinking that we are creating problems on every area of life so when
We move ahead we just assume one thing from inside that changes are part of our life we feel
That changes are creating effect on us at every point we feel one thought from our mind that
These differences in our life will have impact on us only because we create them with so many
Different angle of our life we feel just one thought from our mind that things are not working
Ahead as per our thinking in life I feel one thing from inside that those changes are those part
Which changes our life we just feel one thing from inside that life will change from one point
To another point I feel that life will lead to differences inside life but not because of changes
But due to those blames which I get due to those changes in life I feel just one thing from
My mind that changes will lead to different sort of life but that just manage to fail me on some
Points of life I feel one thought from my mind that changes are those thoughts which will
Easily capture our thinking and our life I use to feel just one thing from inside that when life
Will lead to change then it will create problem on every point I have one thought from inside
That changes are those parts which we can accept and we can handle in life if only that blame
Which people put on us will not enter with it in life I feel so nice when I can imagine that life
Where people will not blame each other on any point but that never happen we just have one
Bad habit in life we just keep blaming each other on every point and that lead to fights I feel
Just one thought from inside that those blames are those thoughts which touch us on every
Moment and point I feel those thoughts which touch my mind are not helping me as much as
I wish from inside life will have so many different sides but I have never seen that one which
I like inside life I want one day to see that change in life when we will not blame each other
And instead of that we stood side by side but no one understand our that thought from inside
So we just choose to blame and make miserable our total life on each and every point of life.

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