Thursday, April 11, 2013

Poem 792. Simple things

                                                              Simple things
Some thing are so simple in our life they just move ahead in simple way in life and
We don't need to waste much efforts on those things in life we just able to ignore them
On many points but still we keep thinking about those facts inside our life and just keep
Thinking which one is bad and which one is good for our life when we move ahead
Then we feel one thought on every time those things which are having simple effect
In life after all those simple things are important inside life but then I feel one thing
On every angle of life simple things are precious in life but they are not that easy in life
After all simple things are that much good on any point since they are having effect
Of our wrong thinking in life those things which are looking so simple on every point
Are not that simple inside life because they are complicated by our too much thinking
On every point I just feel one thought simple things are no longer simple inside life when
I decide to move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that simple things are leading
To complication inside our life when we move ahead we just have one feeling in life so
Then I feel one thought from my mind that somethings are not that simple when we think
Too much about them inside life that simple things will manage to complicate our life on
Every point I feel one thing from inside that simple things are not that much easy in life
So those simple things which are leading to different concepts in life we feel one thought
From inside simple things are something so important since we are managing to complicate
Our life when we will move ahead from simple to complicated things on every point I just
Feel one thought from inside that simple things are not that much simple on any point so
I just feel simple things will have reaction in life when we think too much about them on
Every point of life after all those things which are simple and good for our life will look
So complicated on every point those thoughts which are having effect on life where have
One thinking that we need to move ahead and complicated our future by our thinking in life
We want to move ahead on every point we want to think that we are helping our mind
But that is not truth of our life we are just hurting on every point we want simple thoughts
On every day inside life those thoughts which are having effect on every point those things
Which are simple inside life will create problem on every angle of life we want to live easy and
Simple thing in life then why with thoughts we complicated life on every point so I just feel
One thing from my mind that those things which are having effect on life then I have just
But then why do we complicate them inside life we just feel one thing from inside that those
Things are not that simple on every point I have one thought from inside simple things are
Change on every point I have simple things which are changing complicated inside life so
I feel simple thing which will have reaction in life so when I feel one thing from inside then
Those complicated thoughts are changing on every point those simple things which are
Having effect on our mind because while we are thinking about them inside life I feel one
Thing from my mind that complicated things will become hard on every point after all
Those simple things will not remain simple when we think about them on every point
I feel that when we think too much about some simple things which are so important
To remain simple on every point those complicated things are leading to important aspect
Inside life I feel one thought from inside that simple things can turn into complicated one
By our too much thinking on every point those simple things are having impact in life
These thoughts are important inside life but thinking too much will harm us on every
Concepts in life I feel that simple things will have impact on life when we think too much
Inside life I feel that one thing from inside simple things are so precious which are leading
Too complicated things are having reaction in life those thoughts are having effect in life
But when we need simple life then why did we complicate it with too much thinking on
Every point I feel one thought from inside that when I think too much about one thing
Then slowly that thinking will change into some thing wrong on every point thing will be
No more simple it will be complicated inside life I feel that simple things become so hard
To understand on every point I have just one thought from inside that simple thoughts
Are no longer touching that much in life they are complicated by thinking on every point.

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