Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Poem 816. House of glass

                                                               House of glass
Some times I have answer but just can't able to say when other people just keep screaming
Then I just can't able to handle things in nice way because over their screams no one can
Heard what we want  to say so some times it feel so sad when rightful thoughts can't manage
To go inside those ears on any moment when we move ahead in life I just feel one thing on
Each and every moment that those screams which are too loud where not letting our thought
To reach people on any moment so when peace is required I just feel one thought on every
Moment that some people never listen to you until you start to force peace on them it seem
So strange is this world that even peace required force in life on every moment sometimes
People need to scare other people to achieve peace for every one and to have peaceful way
In this life on every moment we just need that peace from our thinking on each moment
I just have one feeling from my mind that we can't achieve by soft talking sometimes peace
That is sad moment when peace should be something which look nice and quiet for our
Mind and our thinking on every moment then I just feel one thought from inside that peace
Is not just about softness sometimes peace is acquired only after harsh step how strange
It may seem but some peace are achieved by swords in history on many moment but I just
Never understand how confusing are these life's concepts on every point peace seem to
Capture thoughts on every moment I feel just one thought from inside that peace is that
Thinking which is really needed but we just never able to get that peace on any point and
On every point we feel just one thought on each and every moment peace is that procedure
Which is required on many moment I feel just one thing that peace is that jewel which is
Always part of our life but we just never know what kind of shine it may have on any time
Or any moment sometimes peace comes are soft and peaceful whiteness and sometimes
Peace comes from ruby that is made of fire and bravery on every moment and sometimes
It comes from green which show that greenery which farmers are using and common
People come together and demand for peace in strength we just never know which way
May peace come but peace will come in life always with some way we just don't have
To assume that those house of glass which told us that peace will come by just sweet
Talks is not always work on crisis if we use that house of glass it will be good for us
And it is clear and transparent for world in case of peace it will look great and sweet
Talk of peace are just same way until others doesn't start throwing stones on it we can
Say those things are perfect I just never understand how can we protect ourselves
With just sweet talk on every moment we need to rise and use some different ways
Because sometimes some people just never understand peace with sweet talks on any
Point and moment we feel just one thing from inside that peace is that thinking which is
Created in our world to let people enjoy life and let others also let live their life on each
And every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that we are in biggest type of
Problem that even when this world is moving ahead we just never understand that we
Are standing on wrong section of life on every moment we need for peace a house of glass
Only in normal situation on every day I just feel one thing from inside that how can we
Manage to get peace in life with such a nice moment in life we feel just one thing that
Peace is something which is precious to us on each and every moment I just feel one
Thing from inside that peace is that thought which we keep in that house which can be
Seen by all and transparent on every moment we need to understand one thing from inside
That peace is not something that can be easily broken if we place it that way so sometimes
We need house of stones and rocks for that we need many powers and strength we just
Feel one thing that those things are not in life but truth is that sometimes peace need so
Many colors of life after all peace is represented by white in life which is made of all colors
On every point I have just one thinking from inside that white is that color which made
Of all those colors in life I just feel one thing from inside that white is made of all colors
Of life which differ from one point to another point I feel just one thing that peace can't
Use glass house every time it will need to have house of many power and strength on each time.

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