Thursday, April 4, 2013

Poem 777. Justice and self respect

                                                          Justice and self respect
Just can you tell me what truly felt by heart it is just one question how can justice will be
Achieved when we all have some part of emotions which touch on many points to our heart
Because justice is what every thing want to be perfect as well as truth but not just every
Part of heart after all those thoughts are something which will understood on every part
These justice will look create on every part that effect on every thinking and heart so then
I feel one thing from heart justice will have reaction on every part because when we began
To think one thing from heart that justice is something which will never look nice on any
Moment and on any part I just have one thought from my heart that justice can be achieved
By impartial heart but sadly we all don't have that mind we all like something and we all
Like our self respect on every point some people told us that we need to quit it just to get
Those things in life but question is that how did when we quit it and win we will get that
Justice from inside we all need one thing which we get when we are born as child we feel
One thing from our mind that justice is that power which will not hurt us on every point we feel
One thought from inside that self respect is that thinking which will help us when we need
To move ahead in life we all feel one thought from inside that self respect is that thought
Which we need most in life those thinking which are not harming us on every point will look
Totally wrong on many area of life we have one thought from inside that justice is that thought
Or thinking which touch us on that part when justice is so precious inside life I feel one thing
From my mind that self respect is that thought which will have effect inside life that self respect
Will have effect on every part inside life those feeling of self respect which are part of life
But sometimes self respect and justice seem to stood on opposite side what will you do on
That moment will decide your future in life when you have to go ahead without reason
And apologize then justice and self respect both hurt on same point but when we have to
Apologize without reason but for some one who did lot of things for us in life our justice told
Our mind that we must ignore self respect on that point so it is so hard to spend whole life
For just one thing that is self respect on every corner of life I feel one thought from inside
That self respect is that feeling which will have impact on life I have self respect as one feeling
From inside that we can get justice in limited ways of life those self respect which we need
On every time seem to have to sacrificed on every moment and every point that feeling which
Are self respect on every point after all those feeling which are touching on every point but
Then when I feel one thinking on every moment of life that self respect which earn so hard
Need to be sacrificed for justice on every point those thoughts which are created on every
Point of life justice will have impact on us at every section of life those things which are
Creating effect on every point justice will have effect on every point to some section of life
Those thoughts of self respect will have so much effect on us that we feel we need it more
Than any thing in life I feel just one thing that self respect is that power which we need on
Every point we need it in our future and our life but when justice is served self respect is
Needed to destroyed because justice is important for us in life just thinking of our respect
Will not help every time sometimes we need to bow before wrong person to go ahead and
Then teach them lesson inside life every time anger will not help sometimes help us to smile
A smile which is given on proper place can tell world how wrong is that person inside life
Anger will just show out your wrong feeling and for protecting self respect mostly anger
Enter in fight so just try to protect justice first then protect other things in life if wrong person
Will sometimes come before you but never let that hurt your self respect in life those who sometimes
Forget their self respect for their friends will finally earn true respect in life other friends are
More important nothing is wrong in giving apology just to wait for proper time when you can
Ask for justice before right crowd and on right moment in life then you can once again then
Earn that self respect on some points I just feel one thought from inside that self respect will
Have earned in such a ways that justice will served on every point in life because those things
Which will help us then also give us self respect on every point justice is important inside life.

1 comment:

Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...