Monday, April 8, 2013

Poem 785. Ship

I am moving like some ship from one tide to another tide I never know where I will stop
In my life I just know one thing that my morals should be bright I want them to shine like
Sword inside my life I want that sharpness in my speech which truth will give me on every
Moment and time I never know if I will reach to you but I feel you will do justice on some
Point not in my life then at least you will do it on next time of my life I just kept this one
Faith on you and move ahead in life on every moment I just feel that I can see out of fog
One day that ship you have send to guide I don't know who are you and what will be your
Part in my life but from my heart I feel one thing sure that you are going to be my best
Partner and well wisher of life because when my ship moves on wrong way you always
Manage to turn it on right side so that is most important thing even if my ship break due
To tide it will not matter me that much in life I want to sail in right way and it seem as if
You have understood it in life just help me to find right way even if you can't protect me
From my crisis in life being drowning is not that much worst more worst is that feeling
That I sail on wrong side I just want to sail in proper way to that side which will give me
Happiness that I get by moving towards justice in life that ship I want to sail should be just
The one which will be called your ship in life it will not matter if others salute me or if they
Just disrespect me if you call me your ship in life because I just want to be warrior of truth
And just want to fight for what is right it never matter if I win because winning is not that
Much important beyond some point when our stomach are full and enough things are in our
Hands in life I feel on that moment at least we should quit our greed and accept even our
Defeat with grace because you have gifted us with such a convenience of life just being
Kind is not every thing sometimes anger manage to enter in my mind so it scare me so much
That one day I just turn in wrong angle of life but since I am just your ship you always send
For me that proper tide which take me on right way again and once again I found myself on
Right and perfect point I just feel one thing from heart that how lucky I am to found you as
My well wisher and guide I just never know how I love you my god because I like to fight
With you on every time when I love some one so much I just prefer one thing first that is
My fight I will talk nicely with my enemies but my friends always see my angry side because
When you care for some one so much how scary it feels when that one does some wrong
Which can hurt our thoughts and mind it happens just because I want to be your ship and
I am scared what will happen if I saw you on wrong side I know that you are always right
But still it scare my mind may be I need strong faith but since you are my best friend how
Can I just keep faith on you and let you walk alone in risk in my life even if you are god still
I don't want take that risk in life even if you rule this world still I want to take care of you
In my little ways in life so when I argue with you my god I feel that my ship is sailing on
Right point I need to sail with best care because I just don't want to hurt you by sailing in
Wrong way of life I know that you know the best but still I keep on every thing my eyes
Because I thinking and my faith told me that when some one is so important to you then
You just can't let that one move without watching and making sure that every thing is right
On that try but I know that I am just ship and you are that seas which have as limit as sky
But still this small ship feel very scared when something wrong happen and if what is you
Just forgot to look in that matter I just began to fight as my little try I know that you will
Set it right but still I want to take my chance and I want to do some try I just hope that I will
Not harm you and you can adjust with my wrong and right sort of try I know that one small
Ship should not fight with strong and big titanic's but just remember how easily one iceberg
Can drown it in just one try so those big ships can also goes down if I give them proper fight
With my thoughts and try I know from heart you may wish that I should keep faith on you
But every human being want one thing that is just to try even if that try will false I just have
One thought that at least people will understand that when one ship is called your then that
Ship will not be drown so easily by evil it will surly give fight and try but in my heart I feel
So sure that I will win in this try because even if I can't win you are the only owner of this ship
Will took it's revenge and then teach the world that your ship can never allowed to destroyed.

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