Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poem 790. Hope from great power

                                                        Hope from great power
I always waited for some one to rise and solve problem on every point I just feel one thing
From inside that those wishes which I have in my mind will create impact on me at every
Point inside life on every point I have one wish from inside that I should see some great time
Of power inside life when I will move ahead on every point I feel one thought from inside
That those great powers which are taking us ahead in life are not something which will have
Impact on us at every point I feel one thing that I need some great power in life to solve
My problem in life but is it really true on every point those thoughts which are moving ahead
On every point those problems which are part of our life those things which are having
Impact on our life are those wishes which are giving reaction to our mind on every point
When I will move ahead on every point I feel just one wish from inside that god is not
That much great on every point we need to understand our thoughts and our mind that
Those things are moving ahead inside life but then I feel one thing from inside that those
Wishes which are part of our life these wishes are something which are important in life
Wishes are precious inside life but then I feel one thing from inside wish which I want
To understand from inside that wishes are having good for our future and our life but
Then those wishes are having reaction on every point they tell me one thing from inside
That those wishes which are capturing our mind are not that much good on any point
I just have one feeling from inside that wishes are those things which are gift of our life
We just kept thinking on every point that we don't much to do people will do things for us
Inside life we don't want to work or try hard in our life we just feel that we don't need to
Think too much about those things in life when we move ahead on every point I just feel
One thing from inside that those wishes are having effect on us at every point but when
We keep that alive in life we just feel one thing that those wishes are leading to problems
Inside life I feel one thought from inside wishes are having just one hope that we could get
Things so easily in life when we move ahead on each moment and on each point we need to
Understand our heart and our mind we feel one thought from our mind that wish which will
Tell us on every point that things are not that much good in life these wishes are having
Reaction on every point but I feel one thought from inside that those wishes which we keep
Inside our mind will never look that much good in life we have those wishes which will
Tell us easily we can hope things from others in life but that will not happen when we see
Truth of life every time some big power will not enter in life I just feel one thought from
Inside that those hopes of big power are nothing but just problems for our life when we
Move ahead we feel one thought from inside that hope is not based on goodness of heart
On every point I feel one hope which touch us on every point I feel one thought from
Inside that this great power will touch us on every point but not just to do our work we need
To understand those thoughts from inside that those work which we do in life will not look
That much good when we want things in life because great power will not look so good
On every point I feel one thought from inside that these great powers which are leading to
Many problems inside life I feel one thought from inside that we need to understand one
Thing from inside those things which don't have power some times need to do things in life
We just can't always expect great things on every point those things which are simple
Sometimes but those simple things like us suppose to do great things in life on every point
We feel need of working on every point I feel one thing from inside I feel one thought
On every point those simple things which are touching us on every point after all those
Things which are simple on every point those simple things which are having effect on
Every point after all those simple things which are done by us in life are never required
Greatest power on any point those things which are so simple inside life I feel just one thing
On every point after all those things which are so important inside life I feel those things
Which are having reactions on every point are many times made by us in life so when
I will move ahead in life I have one thought from inside that those thoughts which are
Having effect on us in life are not that much nice we need to learn to fight in life we need
To understand one thought from inside that we must need power to move ahead in life
But not from outside we need it from our heart and from inside of our thinking and mind.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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