Friday, April 26, 2013

Poem 820. Different things

                                                            Different things
Each and every day I learn different things as if life is some school which teach me every day
But from my heart some times I hate those lessons which life gives me on each and every day
I feel one thing on every point I feel one thing from my mind how hard I feel those lessons of
Our life so I feel one thought from inside these things are creating effect on our life but then
Lessons will help us on every point that life will have something so important inside life so
I feel just one thing if only life will not having effect on every point I feel that those things
Which life taught us on every point those things that will be something that have impact in life
I feel those things that are so hard on every angle of life where taught to us on every point
Those hard lessons that we just want it to give us vacation on sometimes I just feel one thing
From my mind that life is not turning simple as I thought from my mind it is just a thing
That teaches me without vacation sometimes but how much I complain one thing I want to
Confess to you in life how much it irritates me but still I just love my life don't you feel that
On sometimes even worst lesson will become truth of life but still life is one thing which we
Want to understand from inside I feel one thought of my mind that life is not taking me ahead
As per my wishes on any point life is just managing to move ahead with it's own speed on
Every time I want to move ahead but then when I move ahead in life I find just lessons that
Should be learned first before going ahead in life this life never helps me on any point but
Then how can I love it so much from inside I know because it's best gift that is happiness and
Lot of smiles which we can use as much as we want in life so strange is this life that it will
Never have impact on life because those things will create effect on every point I feel just
One thing from my mind that even when we have sorrows on every angle of life I have one
Thinking from inside that those incidence which will create effect on our mind have so many
Different impacts in life that we just feel we can't smile but then when it will give us happiness
From inside those things are having side effect in life because different lessons which I learn
From my mind will have some effect on every incidence and point different things will create
Different effect will be those lessons which will have impact on mind I feel one thought from
Inside lessons which life will gave me on every point doesn't have that image in life so we feel
One thing from our mind at every point those lessons will be easy but they just complicate
Our life but still if we try then we can manage some smile on every point I just feel one thought
On every angle of life these different things which we learn in life give us success on many
Thoughts and on many points I feel one thought from inside that still every time life keep
Smile for us on every point if we want to smile then on every point we can get that happiness
From inside we must keep it intact on every point we feel just one thing that how precious
Is smile on every angle of life then smile will keep effect on us at every point so then I feel
Just one thing from inside smile will look so good on every angle of life I feel one thing from
My mind then different things will create effect on every point those lessons which we lead
To lot of problem on every angle of life these different concepts will have effect on every
Point of life I feel just one thing from my peaceful mind that we learn many types of lessons
On many angles of life we feel just one thing from inside these things will tell us many things
Which we need on every point but then those things which we need from our mind I feel
Just one fact on every time that different lessons will have different effect on our life I have
Just one thought from my mind I feel one happiness from inside those complicated things
Which we learn on every point of life I feel that one thing from inside these things will
Have effect on our life I feel one thought from inside hard lessons which we have taught
On every effect inside life those lessons are something that are important at every part
Of our life I feel one thought on every angle of life that life will take us ahead with smile
And on every point we want to see that smile I feel just one thing from my mind that those
Smile which are precious to our mind I feel one thought from inside that these things will
Create impact on every point so even when life have so many hard lessons still I feel one
Thing from inside that life have effect of smile on every angle and on every point so I feel
One thought from inside that smile will be important in life that those different lessons in life.

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