Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Poem 815. Some one else dream

                                                       Some one else dream
When I have some dream it seems so lovely and cheer up my mind on every moment and
On every point I just feel one dream on every point that those dreams which touch my thought
Inside my life are those dream which needed to be part of my life but problem comes when
We just can't get our dreams inside life on every moment I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that those dream which I have inside life are so lovely but still some
Of those dreams needed to be forgotten inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that
Those dream which I want to keep alive are not something always so nice for my life but
Sometimes they really touch us on some point but then after some point those dreams will
Become part of our life I feel one thought from inside that this dream which I have in life
Doesn't look that much good inside life that dream which I feel is related to my future on
Every moment and on every time began to hurt me inside my life I just have one understanding
From my mind that dream are not something which can be followed as per our wishes on
Every moment and on every time we just wish one thought from inside that we must not
Set some dream in such a way that it will just hurt peace of our mind on every moment
And on every point we just have one feeling from inside that some dreams are set in life
In strange way on every point I just set dream from my mind to achieve it as perfect in life
I just feel that dream is something which will hurt my mind because too perfect things
Are sometime wrong for our life when we move ahead on every point I just feel one thought
From inside that dreams should be set in such a way of life that they will turn into truth of
Our future and our life I just wish one thing from my mind that I set dream in such a way
Of life that those dreams which are set in life should not be so perfect that they will hurt
Our thoughts and our mind when I have some dream in mind I just feel that it have power
Inside but sometimes it happen in our life our dream seem so hard to achieve and seem like
Something not from earth but some heaven made it in life so how can we achieve them in
Our life I know every one tell you just one thing in life that if you try hard you can get just
Anything in life but question is that do you really want that dream so much in life that you
Just ignore every thing else and do things to get that dream inside life on every moment and
On every point I just have one thought from inside that dream which we have in life will look
So good when we set it in perfect way to please us in life but sometimes we just set our dream
With one view in life that we can get success if we keep alive that dream on every point and
From heart we just wish to quit it but before people we just don't want quit in life when
We start to set dream in life it should be to please us not just to show others that we can
Do that in life if some dream just take away pleasure from life then just go ahead and change
That dream on that point you can just take someone else dream inside your future and life
When we move ahead in life we just need a dream on every point those dream which required
So much hard work and still they doesn't appear promising sometimes seem like those dreams
Which we want to quit in life whatever people may say in life but one thing is truth of life
Every one have some dreams which they have quit because they doesn't look that much good
For future and for their life so every one can quit dream if they feel like that from mind
On those occasions you want to find another dream in life but sometimes those dream which
Are kept in half way by others slowly enter in your life never think that they belong to other
Because when you keep that type of dream in life you have to work with whole heart on
Every point and that person who left it behind never have right on it again in life when you get
Something in life which is like dream on some point that dream could be taken by any one
No one have on dream any kind of right it seem so wrong in life when some one claims that
Some dreams just belong to some one in life then that is not truth of life because dream is like
Air on every point any one can take your dream and you can take any one's dream in life so
Always remember this in life someone else 's dream can be your dream in life and your dream
Will be also shared in life it doesn't matter if that person quit it or not in life dream are always
Every one's right dream can't be caged or can't be called property of some person inside life.

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