Sunday, April 7, 2013

Poem 784. Precious

Sometime I think that I am holding you in my hands and that is one thing that is my smile
Every time I feel that it is with me and I am having control over my life as a part of my life
I need smile on every point inside life that smile which will help me on every point and then
I just understood some thing inside life that I don't have that much control of life because
In few moments missing when that smile without much efforts comes inside life I feel that
It will be so easy to get that smile but smile is not that easy thing to keep with us inside
Our life because it comes and goes away from life on every moment and on every point
Because smile is that precious thing in life which will help us on every point inside life since
Smile is precious part of life it will help us on every point after all smile is that part of life
Which is needed on every time but just saying this will not solve problem of our life after
That we need to do something in life which will help us on every point that smile which
Will look good on every point because that smile is that part which will look so good on
Every angle of life smile is that peaceful thing of life which will give shine to our life and
That smile will give us help on every point that smile will help us on every thinking and on
Every point because that smile is something so precious inside life since it is that freshness
From inside I want that smile to look great on every point inside life because that smile will
Give new hope inside life after all those thoughts which are moving us ahead are nothing
But just our precious smile which will take us ahead on every angle of life that smile which
Will help us on every point don't look that much nice on any point because those smiles
Are that sort of important thing which will give reason to live on every point only hard task
Is to keep alive that smile or keep that smile as part of our life on each and every point
Since that smile is that part of life which will help us to move ahead in life we can forget some
Times even need of diamond or gold or other things in life but one need we can't forget that
Is our precious thing that is our important smile on every point in life we need it to stay
Truly alive may it be crisis or may it be happy time but smile is that power which we need
From inside on every point it seem as if we just don't need on any moment one thing called
Smile because it can kill our happiness from inside of our mind on every moment we feel
One thought from our mind that smile is that precious gift which should always be there
Inside life when smile will enter I just feel one thing from my mind that smile is that power
Which will help every time to my mind it is not something just as simple as parting of lips and
Come out of sound in life it is something that touch our heart from inside that smile which
Will help us on every point never look that much good on any point I think one thought
From inside that smile is that power which bring out happiness for our life when we move
Ahead on every point we need to understand one word that is smile which introduce that
Happiness which touch our mind on those spot which look so good for our life that smile
Which will bring good feeling from inside look so perfect on every part of life I just have
One thinking from inside that I need one thing that is my precious smile to make my whole
Life alive but still just by small things vanishes my precious smile my smile becomes nothing
But castle of sand in life when this happen it really hurt from inside because smile is that
Power which take us ahead in life on every point it feel that smile is that miracle which will
Give happiness from inside I feel one thought that I need just one thing that is smile it is
More important to me like air and water on every point those feeling which smile will bring
Will give happiness to our life on every moment I feel need of smile that will help me to
Move ahead in life but still even one small problem destroys my smile how can like morning
Dew I just lost my smile I feel so wrong from inside that I can so easily manage to destroy
That happiness from inside smile is not just gesture it is life line but still with small problem
It will get destroyed on every angle of life I just never understand when I lose that precious
Thing from life with every such struggle in life I need to keep it safe but still every time
I just never understand that from inside and my most precious gift is lost inside my life on
Just few hurdles inside life I need to understand that smile is not precious prize which I will
Receive on winning race in life but smile is that legs which help me in life to run my race of life
As fast as possible on every time because I need to run that race with just one power that is
Smile which will finally teach me how to win every race which I have lost inside my life on
Each point and smile become that face which will be best partner on every moment and on every point.

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