Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Poem 802. Lost dream

                                                             Lost dream
I always thought I got it when I see even shadow of that moon in life like in childhood
When I see that white shine of moon on every point that moon will look so good on
Every point in life that moon will have nice look on every point that whiteness is that
Thing which will have nice and pure shine but then I know on every time that there is that
Beautiful shine when I will see that moon I feel it must be beautiful on every point then
I feel that this light will look so nice and pure on every point but then when I will move
Ahead on everytime I feel that from moon have some stones on every point I feel one
Thing from inside that stones are those things which are rough on every point I feel
Just one thing from inside that moon have ugly sort of stones on moon I know that
When I land on moon at some time that moon is having many types of stones in life
When we move ahead on every point after all on those moon there was hard surface
On which we just can't happily walk on every point that moon when we know that
It is no longer that beautiful in life and it become lost dreams when we learn in life that
Moon is not that much beautiful inside life I feel that moon will look so lovely on every
Point inside life these white moon will look interesting on every point that beauty of
Moon look just nice but still when we know that beauty of ground on every point so
Then I feel one thing from inside that moon is something nice on every point but then
I feel that there are stones and rough touch on every ground in life that moon which
Will look beautiful on every point that white look have beauty on every point in that
Sky I see those beauty on every time when in sky I see that moon so nice on every
Point that moon will look so silver that I just want to forget that truth of things in life
I want to forget that moon is not having beauty on every point I feel one thing from
Inside that those moon which will have beauty on every moment of life until that fact
About moon don't enter in our life we feel just one thought from our mind that we have
Lost that wonderful dream due to facts in life I feel one thing from inside that
Moon no longer seem that much beautiful in life I feel one thought on every point that
Moon is having that silver color and it's beauty on every angle of life those things
Are giving us positive thoughts on every point when life will look so confused on every
Moment and on every time I feel just one thought on every angle of life that dreams
Which enter in my life on some point I have just one thought about moon on every
Point in life when we see things which are having reaction on every point they are
Creating effect on every angle inside life when we feel just one thing so important
Inside life that moon are having replies to our stress on some times become lost dream
On every point inside life so then I feel one thing from inside that moon don't have one
Thing inside because when people land on moon on every point then we land on that
Ground on every point I feel just one thought from inside that moon which look so
Beautiful on every point but truth will hurt us and take away that dream on each and
Every point I feel that it is not that much good on any point but sometimes we just
Have one thing from inside that moon will look lovely when we have something so
Important inside life that beautiful moon and perfect moon one thing inside life will
Look so nice on every point then moon will have ground full of stone and without air
On every point those things will change on every point inside life because moon no more
Look so good on every point so I feel one thing from inside lost dream which will hurt
On every point when we see moon but then whiteness will look so nice on every point
That moon don't have that whiteness inside because that beauty never touch us on
Any point I feel one thing from inside that moon is lost dream but still when I look at
It on every time I feel moon will have special look on every point that moon will have
Nice look on every time that moon will have roughness on every point I see that this
Moon will have one look so beauty inside life but it's beauty will look so nice so sometimes
I just keep dreaming about moon but still it seem like moon is part of life on every point
That moon don't look pleasant inside life when I think of those facts of life but then when
I look at moon I feel one thing inside even with it's hard and roughness I want to see it
In life I want to visit it on every point these ground which is hard on every point and
I just feel one thing from inside that when I look at moon I like that moon on every point
So I feel one thing from inside I like moon so much that I like it's hard surface even in life
So when you like something just like that dreams fully from every side and accept all sort
Of facts in life then no dream will be lost all dreams will remain alive on every point in life.

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