Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Poem 814. False success

                                                                  False success
Once some one told me that his sun always rise he never have set back ever in his whole life
How depress I got while thinking why my sun is not alike why some time I see sunset when
That person always enjoy bright sunlight I have to see sometimes that worst sort of night
I just use to feel sad that person get every thing in life while I just don't think as per our wishes
On every point that person just claim that this person got every thing in life on every moment
I just feel one thing from inside that this person never see failures and I see failures as part
Of my life after some moment and after some time failures will become some part of my life
I use to adjust with them with just one thought from mind that every one suffers failures
On one spot or another spot of life but when some one claim that this doesn't happen in
That person's life I just began to feel that this person is enjoying happiness on every
Moment and on every point while we all just suffer inside life I feel so much sorrows from
My mind that I feel it is not fair to give me sorrows and just happiness to other human being
Inside life I doesn't want reduction in that person's happiness because I always like it when
Some one else smile but I want more happiness inside my life as well as inside other friend's life
After all if god can give just happiness then why did god introduced sorrows and failures in life
I want every one to get success and I start to look why are we getting sorrows while that person
Always get success in life but then when I look at that person with careful eyes then I just notice
One thing that this person is not getting happiness but this person is doing one trick in life that
When happiness enter on some spot this person said that he had got it when sorrows enter
Then this person just run away from that part of life then my mind asked just one question that
Is it fair in life to just stay with some one in happiness and then quit those person when sorrows
Enter in their life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that sorrows or failures
Are those parts which will have impact on our life but just quitting people because they have sorrows
Is not right on any point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind those failures which
I see in my life are something hurt me on every time I just feel one thing that failures are something
More harmful but quitting person just because of failure is worst thought of life success and
Failures are two sides of life how much can you run after success one day failure will surely visit
On some point in your life and failure is also that much bad if you take it as a lesson to improve
Yourself in life because success will not that special when you count things you learned when
You fail then you realize that success is just due to those failures in life when we move ahead
We must understand one thought from our life we may win or fail but still one thing is true that
No one just receive success in life every one have their share of failures it just depend on us that
How did we take them in life some just take them with happiness and some just turn back to them
In life while some people who are regular just cry and then accept them in life but one thing is
So sure that every one have failures in life just by ignoring them we can't become winner of life
We can enjoy our each day only when you understand some people just love to pretend that they
Have never seen failures in life some people just never tell truth of life even if they have cold still
They prefer to hide it on every point for them even some small problem is worth hiding on every
Moment and point those people just never tell you truth about their life they just keep claiming
That they are so great on every point when we keep faith on them we are reducing our faith
On god in our life because then we feel they got every thing and we got nothing so we just
Began to feel less faith on god inside our life when I will have more faith then only I can win
In life but after some point I just feel that person is great and I am nothing in life then how can
I able to handle any thing in life we all know that failures are part of our life then why did we
Just believe on those person inside life how can we just manage to hurt ourselves on every point
When we have logic how can you confuse our mind but it is common because we are just
Human being in life so we will have faith and some times they will win and sometimes they will fail
But important is that we will rectify our mistakes inside life when we move in wrong way then
We feel just one thing from our mind that sorrows are part of every one's life but some people
Just accept them with grace while other just try to pretend false success in life because they
Don't get success every time they stood in that side which able to see success even if that side
Does know them every well still they pretend to be winner of life they just stood there with
Superior smile and claim that they have once again win in life false success is just motto of their life.

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