Monday, April 15, 2013

Poem 799. Accepting failure

                                                         Accepting failure
Sometime we want some thing so desperately we just do anything to get that thing
We stay awake on night to see that thing we just keep trying to do that sort of thing
That thing which we want is most precious thing we just keep waiting to get that
Sort of thing on every point we feel just one thing that for days as well as nights we
All just want to on every point we need those things which will have impact on every
Point and on every thinking I just feel from my mind one thing that we all want one
Sort of thing which will be needed by us on every point because failures are those
Things which are having impact on our future and our thinking after all expecting
To get that thing but every time when we want to move ahead to get that thing then
We feel just one sort of thought and one sort of thinking after all those things will
Look so frustrating on every point after all those things which will achieved on every
Point but then those failures also enter in life on some points we feel one thing on every
Moment and on every thinking I feel just one thing that failures are those parts of life
That failure will hurt every thing I feel just one thought but then failures are leading on
Some point those failures are sometimes entered inside our life I feel just one thing that
On point that failures are sometimes enter in our life we want to think on every point
But then those things will have effect on every human being I feel just one thing but
Then those things will have reaction on every point these things are creating trouble
On every point those things are turning wrong on every point those things are so precious
And success on every point I feel one thing from my mind that these things which are
Moving on every point then I have one thought on every moment and every thing but
Then sometimes even after hard work we need to work on every point on every time
I feel just one thing work will have to be hard on every point those things for which
I work on every time when I work hard to get those things when things are turning
On every point but then things are creating on every time different results even then
Some points I feel just one thought on every thing that is included hard on every point
When I work hard on every time I just feel then I want to move ahead on every point
Then those work will help something important on every point work will have some
Impact on every angle of thinking so then different things will have effect on every point
I feel one thing that things are creating different effect on every point those things are
Leading to different point of thinking after all work will look so nice on every point then
I have one thought on every point those things will fail on every point I feel one point
That failures are having good effect on every point then things are moving ahead on each
And every point but then those things are moving on every time I feel just one point that
Success is most important sort of things work which seem like to failures when it will
Give success to us on every point I have just one thought on every thinking so then I feel
One thing that work will important to every human being so then I feel just one thing
That thought are something look so nice on every point after all failures will manage to
Capture each and every thing I have one thought on every point those failures are just
Capturing each and every thing I feel one thing that failure are creating on every point
That work will just harm us on every point those work which will create problem in life
These work will have impact on every point that failures are creating on every point
When we have impact in life that work which will fail on every time will fail on every
Thinking on every point so then I have to accept failures on every thinking those things
Which are creating effect on our life those failures are having effect to those things in lif
Then failures are having effect on every point those work which are having effect on
Every point I feel that failures are accepting on each and every thing become so hard
With each thinking I just have one thought on every thing so then I feel one thing that
When I work hard I just don't want to see failures on every point when I work hard
For something in life I need precious sort of things but when I work hard then I feel
Just one thing that I should not fail but it is not possible for human being but then
Sometimes destiny will have impact on every thing so I feel just one thing I need to work
Hard on every point I feel just one thing that failures should also accepted on every point
And when I learn to expect those failures and move ahead in life on every point then only
I learn to live in life as per accepting failures on every point inside our life on every thing.

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