Monday, April 1, 2013

Poem 772. Frustration

Many time in life we say we don't know just what we should explain some thing in life
We just try to understand which way is best so we just try to explain them in our ways
Of life sometimes people don't understand what we are telling them about life then we just
Say something that look so wrong on that point we feel that we are so useless in life because
People just manage to hurt us in that way which we never dream in life when we manage to
Move ahead we feel one thought from inside that we need to explain things to people but
They are not understanding them in life because they never understood us and our work
Is some thing useless for them in life worst thing is that sometimes we surrender to those
People and their thoughts about life sometimes we just feel one thing from inside that only
If those people understand value of our work then how easy it will be to explain things to
Them inside life when we move ahead we have just one thought from our mind that we need
To explain every thing to world because world is going in wrong way in life but explaining
Is that task which will hurt us on every point since some people just never want to understand
Some work are done in slow speed inside life but mostly funny is that thing when you do
That work and ask for time then taunt you on every moment and when they began to do
Same work they say it is so hard so it need large time some says that you are useless just
Because you can't get that success which they wish in life and then you just began to believe
Those words and those were worst days of life because those words which insult us will
Effect our work in life either you just quit it or you work so hard that vacation become just
One dream for life because you never think that success will ever enter in life and you just
Began to believe those wrong person on every time we feel one thought from inside that this
Work which is needed to us on every point will look right on every angle and on every part
Of our life I feel just one thought from my mind that work is something which will never give
Success to us in life it will just manage to hurt us on every point because we just think that
We are useless while doing that work then how can we get what we want from inside first
We need to value ourselves then only world forced to value us in life those who called you
Useless really love to stood on your position on every day of life I just feel one thing on every
Moment and on every point that my success is depend how I will move ahead inside life but
When people tell me that I am useless then I just quit that thing and on that vacant place those
Same people can sit as they wish in life those people just pretend that we are useless in life
Sometimes just because we are coming between us and their ambitions in life we just never
Understand how tricky is their mind they just never understand that they are doing this in life
They just always feel one thing from inside that those wishes which are part of their life are
Just wish what they call quick success on every point but sometimes they just want position
And our frustration by their statements make easy for them to get it in life so we are falling
Just bait of one trick which tell us that we need to find some thing which is good for our
Future and life when we move ahead with hope to get things they just confuse us in life but
Sometimes there are some people who really feel they are doing good by confusing us in life
They just feel that we are doing really useless inside life so they just suggest us to change things
In life but just remember one thing if you want success then never get so much frustrated
That you quit your work in life because every work is useless by some angle of life no one
Can find such work which is not useless for some person in life because few people need
Some work and few people prefer another work in life just pleasing people is not your job
Inside life you need to move ahead and find some one who really understand those thoughts
Which you have in mind I know it is hard task so if you don't find any one then just try to
Understand your work in life because work is something which can itself explain what you
Need from inside world is that thought which will take you ahead on every point those thinking
Which touch you on some point will look totally wrong when we move ahead inside your life
So just think peacefully when you do something inside life I feel just one thought from inside
That those thinking which will touch my feeling on every point will look so complicated in life
I feel that our work is never useless we need to understand that from inside only then we can
Ignore those frustrations which lead on us by those frustrated statements which are made by
Those people who never understand us or our mind it will not matter if they are well wisher in life
Because sometimes well wisher becomes worst part for our future plan as well as for our life.

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