Thursday, April 4, 2013

Poem 778. Just one work

                                                             Just one work
Once my teacher told me get anything if you try hard and stick to it until end
So hard it is to do and so easy to say inside your life because when you start doing
Some work on that point we feel we need success in that work so we work hard for
Days as well as on whole nights but then when we don't have work to do on some
Moment and points I just feel one thought from inside that work which we do in our
Full life it seems a hard task on every point of life because those tasks are hard part
Of our future on every point I feel one thinking from inside that work is that task which
We do in our life with best efforts on every point those efforts which we did in life then
Seem nothing but just that part of life which are never that much good on any point
Because when we don't get success inside life then how can we just keep waiting on
Some point when one work doesn't make us successful in life on every point I feel one
Thought from my mind that each work which look so complicated on every part then
We need to move ahead in life that work will touch us on every point but then when
We don't understand those things which are truth of life I feel one thought on every
Moment and point that work is that thing which we need in life to move ahead on every
Moment and point I feel one thought from inside that when we can't get things which
We want them we will shift inside life our work will look some thing hard then we want
To start something side by side but it all seem as if it is some kind of crime on every point
That it will have reaction on every point what we told from mind that we must do one work
At one time so does it means that if you do your computer work you can't cook in life
After all cooking is different work of life or you can't wash your pots and pans in life so
I just have one question do we just eat one sort of food on every time we just eat something
Sweet and then never let bitter or sour taste on any point but then it feel so wrong when
We think of those thoughts in this way because they are leading to lot of problems in world
After all we will have many problems inside life when those things which will lead to many
Problems are important after all those works which are so hard to do in life I feel one thing
From inside that work is hardest task on every point after all those work will look so good
And nice when different types of work look so good on every point that work which will
We do on some point that these work are giving reaction on every point inside life but then
We need to do work in life because all works are arranged on every point I feel one thing
From inside that work are something which needed to be done with different section on
Every point those different effect will be attached with different concepts in life those
Things which are giving reaction on every point so I feel one thing from my mind but then
I feel one thought from mind that different thoughts are reacting to different works which
We do inside life different types of thoughts and works are important inside life but then
Many types of work which are giving reaction on every point I feel that those thoughts
Which are related to different works which are necessary in life because those different
Work are part of our life we can't just concentrate on one work that it truth of life but
Then those things which are having something that are hurting on every point on every
Point inside life I have one thought from inside that truth is something which tell us on
Every point that we need to do many works on every point we need to move ahead in life
We need to understand on every point this work which we do can't be just one work on
Every point because that work which we do alone inside life will look totally wrong on
Every area of life I feel one thought from inside that one work is never enough we need
To do different work inside life I feel one thought from my mind that work which we do
On every point that one work is not enough because we need to do other work to like
Normal life I feel one thought on every point but then I feel one thing from my mind but then
I feel one thing from inside that those things which are attached to us on every point
I have one thought from inside that we never able to do one work we need to create proper
Type of schedule to create different effects on life I feel that different work should combined
Inside life and it will create effect on every point it will lead on every point work are attached
To life so then I feel one thing from inside we need to arranged two and three work on
Every day of life they are related to each other on many points of thinking inside our life.

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