Saturday, December 28, 2013

Poem 1240. A crime

                                                            A crime
When some wrong thought enter inside our mind some people just said that is our crime
And even before we act on it by just doing wrong thinking we have made crime I just never
Understand that thought inside my life because we are all student and we are all learning
Inside our life so how can a student solve a problem without mistake inside life and how can
A student be perfect from starting of our life a student can win and fail from time to time
Inside our life a student can always have success inside life on every point because as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that those
Thoughts which are part of our life are nothing but just part of our crime but how can
Those thoughts will help us inside life how can those thoughts will show us truth on every time
About us in life after all we have not learn to control our mind because it is not easy and
We are trying to do it from time to time in our future and in our mind but just as days went
Ahead on each and every point we will just feel one thing from thought of our mind we feel
That we are on wrong turn inside our life we feel that our thinking is our crime but how
Depressing is that thought inside our life that we don't need to act properly in our life on
Every point we feel that we are on correct thought inside our life we feel that just by thinking
We are creating crime our thoughts which we feel are something wrong for our life since
We feel one thing that those thoughts are about crime inside life but then one question enter
In our heart if we just dream some big crime do you really think it is worth to blame person
Just because that one think inside life because some times some people act wrong way and
That will our mind so inside our mind we want to punish them I just love to imagine maximum
Slapping but some people plan far more crime inside mind so if you consider them all true
Then where should be we on list of crime by just that thought I feel so scared that I began
To think about some wrong crime so inside our life on every point I just feel so wrong is
My thinking inside my life as days went ahead from time to time I feel that someone is
Telling me wrong thought inside life that if someone told me evil thinking is crime and
I should stop them in life then all evil thought enter inside my mind on every point and time
When I think I must stop them instead of stopping they start to run from one side to another
Side inside our life we feel that we have wrong thoughts inside our life I feel that those
Thought inside life are something so perfect for my thoughts and for my mind because
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing when I try to stop it then my mind
Will turn in wrong way inside our life I feel just one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Which I said are something totally wrong inside our life after all those thoughts are something
So important that I feel I am on totally wrong point inside our life as days went ahead
From time to time I just feel one thought about those bad thinking in life that I can't stop them
So is it equal to that crime but then I have one next thought which make so sad inside life
That when people say this they forgot side effects of those crimes because they just never
Understand that when we did that crime we never do it in reality so it may not have other
Side effects in life our brain is some thing out of control from time to time we just feel
One thought from our thinking that inside our life on every point we just heard everything
Inside life will not be so perfect for our future and for our life as days went ahead
I feel one thing in life whatever I may think but what I do will matter more inside my life
Because it will decide my present and my future in life and my thinking just harm me
But not other in life when we think some thing wrong it will just remain inside our mind
And it will not harm us and mostly other people don't understand what we have in mind
Many person will not able to see those wrong thoughts inside our mind they just feel
One thing that we are on wrong point inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we are having wrong thoughts in life
We feel that we are on wrong stop inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that only if we have that kind of thinking
Inside our thoughts and mind we just feel one thing that thinking is small crime inside life
I know what is truth of lie inside life but I feel that we must think this way because
Each and every person deserves second chance and when we act we get that chance in life.

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