Saturday, December 21, 2013

Adventure story 116. Footsteps

That day Rajan was so nervous.He felt that something was wrong.He looked around his room but everything was little bit scattered around his room.He just never kept things like this.He always kept them in order.He was so scared on every point inside life but then he began to see scattered things in room .He felt that those things which were scattered from his life.Since he joined this new job.He could felt that something was wrong with him.When everyone was happy with their room,Rajan was not that much pleasant.He felt that something was wrong with his room.When he woke up,suddenly things began to scattered around his room. Rajan was so confused.He was so sure that some thief must had entered at night.He turned around and looked at his room mate Suresh. They both shared this room.Actually Rajan could have afforded whole room but then he decided that he should not waste money like this.When room owner introduced him to Suresh.He felt that Suresh was perfect person.Suresh was very nice and helpful person so everything was working out fine.Until Rajan began to notice that something was wrong.He had this feeling continuously now a days.He felt that some one was walking around his bed.He wanted to follow that person but in darkness he hardly able to do it without disturbing Suresh.Suresh never insisted upon anything except this one thing that Rajan should not disturb his sleep. Suresh made it clear in beginning only that he required full sleep of night so he should not be disturbed. Any way he hardly expected any help from Suresh on this moment because they had different system in that house.That rented house was two bedroom,kitchen and hall flat so Suresh got one bedroom and Rajan got another.But those bedrooms were located on opposite side and bathroom stood between them.When Rajan come out of his room first he see a small passage where toilets were located.From there he could see hall and kitchen was on corner so if someone began to wander around Rajan's room.Suresh could hardly notice it so Rajan felt that it was useless to disturb him.Instead of that Rajan just kept his door closed.But today he felt one strange feeling that this person had entered in his room.Rajan ran to his door.It was closed.He couldn't lock it because it seemed odd.But now he thought that locking would be better idea on next time.He didn't care what other said.
       Next day when he went out.He looked around everything looked perfectly normal.Suresh was cooking breakfast for them both.At first Rajan tried to tell Suresh not to do this.But once he saw that awful breakfast which Rajan cooked for himself.He insisted that he would cook for them both.But Rajan had made it rule to help him with other things.Like he used to clean whole house because since they both went out.They didn't keep any maid.They just managed it on their own so Rajan took that work.He did washing with help of washing machine which they both bought.Then he started ironing clothes.When he noticed that something was wrong near Rajan's window.There was dog biscuits near his window.He just didn't understand that why did Suresh need dog biscuits.He wanted to ask about it.But then he felt that it was none of his business.He just cleaned room and went out.When he noticed that he was getting late for office so he decided that he would clean kitchen and hall when he would come home from work and started getting ready.He looked at washing machine and thanked god that it was over.He put all clothes to dry when Suresh came running.Suresh"Come on Rajan.We are getting late.You can do it afterwards.I will help you.""Don't worry.I will finish it in one minute...That's it.""No take this tiffin and get ready.I am going bye."Suresh ran for office and just in few minutes Rajan was also out for office.When Rajan sat on his bike,he looked at that house and felt that it would remain empty for hours now.So any one could enter in it during that time.But then he noticed this land lord who was waving hand to him and he felt some sort of relief.His land lord would take care of their house.Then he laughed to himself.How could he say their house.It was that land lord's house.Of course he would take good care of it.Then suddenly land lords dog came running out and started running on their glass.Rajan just didn't like that dog.When he came near Rajan,he looked at Rajan in some strange way or at least Rajan felt that.But Suresh laughed on this.Suresh loved this dog.Suddenly Rajan understood secret of dog biscuits.Suresh was secretly giving them to this dog.But Rajan didn't like that idea.After all it could be bad for dog's health feeding dog like this without owners permission seemed wrong.He decided that he would talk with Suresh at night.Then he just ran away with help of bike as fast as possible from that dog.He never liked that dog.
         That day Rajan came little bit late and Suresh was already finished his dinner and about to go to bed.When Rajan just said loudly"Suresh don't you think feeding dog too much can be wrong."Suresh"Of course it is.Why are you saying this?Are you planning to pet a dog?Forget it Rajan.It is big responsibility.We need one member in home to take care of it.It is not that easy as it shows.It is like taking care of child.You need to feed them and train them.You got to keep them clean and you also have to keep your house clean because they mostly make lot of dirt and then there are their vet's visit.We must have to keep them properly on every time because on every moment we just feel one thing from heart.We love dog but when it comes on taking responsibilities we feel that we can't.I hope you...""Listen..listen I am not planning to pet a dog.I just found some dog biscuits on your window.I am just suggesting that you should not feed that dog of owner.""Dog biscuits.Nonsense.It must be some normal biscuits.I never feed any dog.Now stop that rubbish and let me sleep."Then Suresh went near his bedroom but he turned back again and warned Rajan"I hate dogs.If you planning to pet one tell me.I will find another accommodation and you have to find new room partner and I think it will not be easy.No one like dog.""Come on.You know me very well.I am not dog lover.Go to sleep."So Suresh went away but Rajan was so confused regarding those dog biscuits that he just couldn't put them away from mind.He was not so sure that those were dog biscuits but then what kind of biscuits they were.He just never saw that kind of biscuits.But then he decided that he must sleep now so he started taking his plate.But whole time he was just thinking about those things which were happening around him.He just didn't understand what was wrong around him.But then after some time he just felt that he was getting to paranoid.Then he thought that it must be this new job and arrangements.But he just felt one thing surely that he was never so much scared in life.He was so confused.Why was he having that feeling as if some one was watching him.Then those dog biscuits.He just kept thinking about them.Even when he finished his dinner and went to sleep.He just couldn't able to take them out of his mind.
         Rajan was sleeping with his nightmare when he heard voices of dog.First time he heard dog barking with that footsteps.Until now he used to think that he must sleep peacefully in that locked room because those thoughts were so wrong for his life.But when he heard those dog's barking,he suddenly felt that he must go out and check it out.Rajan suddenly felt that he must go out but then once again he heard those footsteps in garden.He ran out.He decided that he needed weapon so he went to kitchen.Then he was about to go out when he thought that he couldn't go alone so he ran to Suresh's room.He was so shocked when he saw that Suresh's bed was empty so he ran outside.He went to look at those voice.When he suddenly saw that dog was returning to his place,he ran to other side.That person who was feeding that dog was gone away.Rajan was so shocked.When he ran around the garden,he didn't find any one.He was so scared.He started searching for Suresh and screaming his name.When Suresh came out of this room,Suresh"What happen?Why are you screaming like this?""Where were you?""I am sleeping.""No.You were not.I went inside your room you were not in your bed."Suresh got so angry.He started screaming on Rajan"I told you not to disturb me.But you don't listen.I was sleeping that's all."Then he returned to his room.Rajan was so nervous.He just went from one side to another side in search of clue but he didn't find anything.But next day he woke up by land lord's scream.He was crying because his dog was dead.It was so shocking.Then he ran out.He saw Suresh joined him.That land lord was crying because his dog was suddenly died.When Rajan looked at Suresh with anger.He started looking at ground with shame because he was feeling so shameful.That moment Rajan didn't say anything but he was so upset with Suresh.But he had to go with land lord and support him.That day he was even forced to take leave because due to this his land lord's blood pressure raised.He was so nervous.He had to phone landlord;s son.But Suresh just went to office and didn't come until long time.When he returned back,Rajan decided that he didn't want to argue with him.As that day went ahead he felt that Suresh was just avoiding him.Rajan felt inside his heart that Suresh had learned his lesson and he didn't want to pursue matter.
       Rajan was  tired that night but he was so shocked.When he once again heard those footsteps,he ran out.He was shocked to see Suresh.Suresh was standing there and feeding his invisible dog those same biscuits.Rajan ran near him.He saw that Suresh was standing there.Suresh was looking at him.But it looked as if he could see behind Rajan and Rajan was invisible to him.Rajan tried to scream on him.Finally he took hold of Suresh's hand when he woke up.Then Rajan noticed that Suresh was confused. Suresh"Why am I standing here?""How did I suppose to know?"Suresh"I think I was sleep walking again."Then Rajan suddenly looked at Suresh's head.It was bleeding.Rajan"What happen?""How did I suppose to know?"Then Suresh showed him many cuts which he had during his sleep walking. Suresh"And it was just getting worst.My parents thought that it would go away when I grow up.But it is increased due to tension and stress.I have even killed that dog.""But why are you feeding dogs?""I don't know."Rajan"Have you gone to Doctor?""No.I don't want to be called mad.""Come on.No one will say that.He will give you help."Finally after long process of convincing Suresh went to Doctor who suggested psychiatrist.When Suresh went there,he was sleepwalking regularly.In fact one day he fell so badly that his head got stitches.Then he told Psychiatrist everything.Psychiatrist" You are suffering from Somnambulism.This is neurotic dissociative reaction in which your idea just blocked your conscious when you are sleeping only.I know this thing is complicated.But don't worry I will give you medicine.But until he get better.I want Mr.Rajan you to keep him tied in night.""tied? But it seems cruel.""Look at him he hurt himself enough.Don't you know people kill themselves by car accident during sleep walking?"Rajan was so shocked.He nodded immediately.After all he could help his friend this much.Then Psychiatrist gave them medicines.When they started going away.Suddenly Rajan turned and asked"Why is Suresh feeding dogs?""It is want of his subconscious mind."Psychiatrist said it like most complete solution and returned to work.But Suresh and Rajan both had lot of questions.But they knew that their time was over so they went out of that room.
                                                           The End

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