Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poem 1235. My thoughts

                                                       My thoughts
One thought which enter inside our mind it just kept coming to us on each and every time
Inside our life so from every that thought is just comes and turns on many ways inside our life
That thought just travel from each and every point I just feel one thing inside our life we feel
That those thoughts which are part of my mind are nothing but just trouble for some time
Inside our life as those thought began to hurt us on every point we just feel one thing from
Our mind we feel that those thoughts which enter inside our mind are just those troubles
Which effects in our life those thoughts just manage to change our thoughts on each and
Every points but I just wish sometimes that thought which change us so much should not
Come inside our mind but there are these thoughts always of two types one help us to destroy
Every thing while other help us to create things inside our life because on every point in this
World in life we just need those thoughts which help us to go ahead on every point after all
When we think about our future we need to think clearly about that thoughts inside our life
That thought will be one which will have impact on our future and on our life after all that
Thoughts are something which create bad effect inside our future and our life after all our
Thinking are something which are creating benefits inside life as days went ahead from
Time to time our thoughts become parts of that life which just manage to enter in wrong
Way inside our life those thoughts will help us are something not part of our future and
Our life those thought eat us from inside in our life when those thoughts don't help us
From time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that new things can come
Inside our life only when we let those thought grow up inside our heart but question is that
What did we suppose to do when a wrong thought created nest over our heart as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that our thought
Is so wrong for our mind but still we force to keep it because throwing it away was not
Possible for our heart and our mind as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that thoughts which hurt out heart should kept out of our mind n
But do you think it is possible to keep that thought away from our thinking and our mind
After all those thoughts which are part of our life never touch that part of our heart from
Time to time inside our life I feel one thing from mind that this thought which enter inside
Our soul is something which is so harmful for our future and our life after all those thoughts
Which capture some part of our mind are something so precious for our thoughts and
For our life as days went ahead from time to time those thoughts which create nest on
Our heart are something like part of our life as days went ahead from time to time we just
Have one feeling from our mind those thoughts which enter inside our life I feel they can
Touch our soul and touch our mind we just feel one thing from inside of our mind that
Was our one thought which create bad effect on our life as days went ahead from every
View and point we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those thoughts which
Are perfect and nice have some kind of bad effect inside life but when I decide to throw
Away that thought I feel so sure for some days that this thought will not enter in my mind
But sadly I feel life have one tragedy that it never stay stable on one thought and one point
So for some days when we remain stuck on happy thought we just feel happiness of life
But when we change our thought sadness become permanent part of our future and life
As we went ahead those thought began to capture every part of our mind but I just wish
From heart only if I can change that some times but they don't seem in control of my mind
But then when I think peacefully I feel just one thing about mind that those thoughts which
Are part of my mind so how can I say that I can't control it even if I have tried my best in life
They are not some thing coming from outside only outside thoughts have some bad effects
On them inside life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing that those
Outside things letting enter wrong things in life but I just feel one thing this is our best task
Which should be performed by our thoughts and by our mind because as day went ahead
We feel that our thinking will change from time to time inside our future and our life so
I just feel one thing from my mind controlling outside wrong thoughts is task of my life
Which I do every day inside life but never did it best so that's why I suffer inside our life.

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