Friday, December 6, 2013

Poem 1202. Favourite song

                                                      Favourite song
How nice it will seem to have perfect life but can you show me someone who have perfect
As well as that fulfill life just show me that one person and I will show you what is wrong in
That life because no life is as perfect as we all thought inside life after all our thoughts are
Something so perfect on every time until we see those crisis enter inside life but just when
We look at others we feel that they have so perfect life we feel that their life is full of success
On time to time so inside our life on each and every time I just feel one thing from my mind
No one have such perfect time of life so inside our life on each and every point I just feel
That when we look at other we all feel how perfect is their life because we are on one position
Which is outside their life so from point to point inside our life we all just feel one thing on
Each moment of our future how interesting was that song which all want to sing but life never
Permit us that nice singing instead of that it is showing us each and every song which is totally
Wrong inside our thoughts and views so inside our life on every moment we feel just one thing
From one view that those songs which are nice are not made by destiny for us every time
But then when someone got chance to sing that song inside their life I just feel one question
As part of my mind that did I need to be happy because I heard that song or maybe I should
Feel jealous because I don't got one chance to sing that song inside life but someone told me
That jealousy is worst point of mind and inside life on every point we just feel one thing in mind
We feel that our jealousy will help us to win inside our life after all in this future I need to move
From one day to another side of our future and of our life we just feel that we are not that happy
Because our life will take us many times on totally wrong side our life never let us know that
We are on which point so when our favourite song is sang by someone else we feel upset
In our future and our life I just feel one thing on each and every point I feel that I am on totally
Wrong side inside our life after all those thoughts which are part our life are something so nice
For our life so inside our life I just feel so upset when someone sing my favourite song instead
Of me in coral of life but now a days time have changed I began to adjust with it inside life
Now a days I need that song so much inside life that I just feel glad when someone at least
Sing it inside life as days went ahead from time to time inside life because now a days
It become important to me that song not who sing that song inside life I just feel one thing
From time to time inside life I feel those songs which are not that much right inside life
I feel those songs are something not that perfect for my future and for my life so on each
And every time inside our life I just fall in love with those songs which look so perfect in life
But after sometime those songs which I plan to sing began to remain in just one corner
Of my future and of my life on that time I just feel so sad from my mind because I want to
Hear that song and it no longer matter to me who sing it in life but sadly after some time
Those people who got chance to sing them began to ignore them for their profits inside life
After all those songs are something so nice for me but they want something more important
That just those songs inside life they want power and money inside their life on each and
Every moment of our life I just feel one thing on every time I feel that our life is not that easy
As it use to be on some time because inside our life from time to time we just feel one thing
That we can't win every day inside life but still that song which we can't able to sing in life
This is that song which look so perfect in life that on every moment I feel that those songs
Are something which touch our soul from time to time I just feel one thing inside our mind
Because those song which are something inside life have some sort of thinking inside mind
When I see that song can't be heard I hear that tears inside life so from time to time inside
Our future and inside our life I just feel one thing from my mind song which I loved was
Taken away from me by this life and those who got it are not even interested in it at all
In our future and our life so we must understand that god know what is right inside life
So from our future in our life I just feel something is important inside life I just feel something
Which is something pretty inside our life after all in our life I feel that song is something
Which is not part of my life so on every moment inside life but that song is something so
Important in life that I feel something that maybe that song have someone more worthy
To sing it properly in life so I just decided to smile and keep it that way inside life so on
Every point I just feel one thing that this song is so important as well as fully great in life
And I hope that god will find some thing really worthy in future to sing that song in our life.

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