Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poem 1211. Tests

I just never understand those thoughts of my mind which manage to upset me on small word
And on small point when I know that I am not in any problem still they manage to scare in life
Someone told me it's depression I feel this is how we work with our life we get upset by small
Problem when we have handle bigger problems inside life because life is about handling problems
And that is job of our life but we never think that way we feel that problems are not for us
They are our unwanted guests of entire life these problems just manage to hurt us on each and
Every moment inside our life we just feel one thing from our thought and our mind that our
Problems are something like torture to us and our job is that thing which we do in our life but
After all those job are made by human not made by god inside our life god have send those
Problems which are supposed to be solved by us inside our life but instead of understanding it
We feel that we are getting by those problems burden inside our life we never thought about that thing
Twice in life before we say that those problems are not part of our future and our life because
Those problems which we get are something so unwanted from our heart that we never accept
That these are what god's given job because problems are those things which are gifted us
By god and in case of problems we want to handle them but they are always hard because
As days went ahead on each and every night I just feel one thing from mind that was our want
To walk inside life without problems just doing those job which are selected by us inside life
So on each and every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
Those problems which are introduced by life are something forced inside our life so from
Point to point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind that we feel on each day that
Our life will change after some time those problems which arises are something part of our life
But we feel since we do our selected jobs why did we need to do those problems inside life
Those problems are true question and I think they are true jobs of our life because god have
Decided that job and work which  is part of our decision inside our life as days went
Ahead on each and every time we just feel one thing that our life is not going as we wish
From our mind it is going in totally wrong way inside mind we just keep thinking that we are
Doing our selected job which are part of our fortune and our life as days went ahead we think
About them inside our life we feel that we need many things which are important for us on each
And every point because in our life every day we have to suffer from many angles inside our life
We feel one thing from our mind those thoughts are some thing not so nice inside our life so
When those problem enter we feel that crisis are added inside life when god have send just them
Our jobs are things which we do every day are things which chosen by us inside life to take us
Ahead so those are things which are chosen with our own views about life so as days went ahead
We count those things inside our life every time we feel that we are doing something great and
When problems comes we feel that is additional burden inside life so from time to time in our life
We need to understand those thoughts about life so from each and every point inside our lie
We just feel one thing that problems which we face are nothing big but just small things inside life
On every moment we feel one thought of our mind that was about our job and it is suffer due to
Those problems inside life so every day when we went we just feel one thing from our mind
That was our thought about having problems less life inside our mind so we think that we will
Do that job which we have decide and god should not disturb us while doing that job inside life
So on many moment we just decide one thing inside life that was our thought of having things
Which are not perfect inside life but those problems are decision of god and they are not just
Imperfect thing but hard task set for us by god inside life and depending on them we can have
Our future perfect or totally wrong in life as days went ahead with them vanishes sleep of our nights
And we just feel one thing from our mind that those problem which have entered are not god's
Gift but they are work of devil sometimes but many times I think we exaggerate those problems
In our future and in our life then nothing but god's test inside our life sometimes they are so hard
But that are rules of life sometimes those tests don't look nice and perfect inside our life and
We want to ask god why did god set such tests inside life but on each and every time inside
Our thoughts and our life god have to set some hard paper and give them to some people
I don't know proper cause but some says because those people have cheated in their last test of life.

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