Monday, December 16, 2013

Poem 1218. Movement of Peace

                                                 Movement of Peace
On some points inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind that we know many
Things inside this life but on each moment I feel that we know just one side of this life
Because on every moment we just thought inside life that our thinking will remain same on
Each and every point we feel just one thing inside our life we feel that we know so much
About that side that we can easily say that we know everything about it inside our life
But then problem start when we know just one side sometimes it's good and sometimes
It's bad side because earth is so big and we are so small inside our life due to this problem
We can't able to do one thing that was standing on both side on one side we stood and
Wait until some information comes out about other side because life never let us understand
What is other side because when we stood on east we can hardly able to see west inside
Our future and inside our life so on each and every point inside our life we need to understand
Truth of our thinking and of our life I just feel one thing from each and every point that
In our life we feel our sun is never going to shine brightly inside our life on every spot
So when we think about something inside our life I just wish from heart that we can able
To see both the sides but when we began to do it we find always stubborn people from
One side of our life we just can't able to adjust with those people inside our future and life
They don't want peace and hate any understanding between two sides of life so on each
And every point inside our life we feel just one thing from our mind we feel that when
We stood on one side we can't understand thoughts from other side and from other mind
From our mind it was our thinking inside our life we just feel one thought from our mind
We feel that on every point inside our life that we want to live happily inside our life but
Then when we stood on just one point we feel one thing from our mind we feel that we need
To understand other sides because we want to enjoy our days inside our life so on each
Point inside our life we feel one thing from our mind we feel that we have some thinking
Inside our life we feel from every point that we need to achieve peace inside our life so
From time to time inside our life we think that we should live on one side of our future and
Of our life we feel every day from thoughts of our mind that we need some people who
Can like peace just as we like but sadly in this world it is hard thing to find because people
Want status,money,happiness and justice after these all we want peace as part of our life
So on each and every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts about
Our mind we feel that those people who really like our thinking on each day and time
Are so limited that with them I feel I can hardly change world or change anyone's life
Because inside this life on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that was
Our want to understand those people and their mind because on each and every day
We just feel one thing that we are on totally wrong side inside our life because when
We choose side we hardly like to see that brightness inside life we just feel one thing
From our mind it was our thinking of peace which will keep us happy in every day of
Our future and our life so from time to time inside our life we just feel one thing from
Our thoughts and from our mind we feel that when we stood on one side then we can
Always think about that side and it will make us happy on every day of life because
Life always shows us that light which can help us to give sunshine inside our thinking and
Inside our life every day peace vanishes from each and every point and our life becomes
Something so interesting for our life that when we start from one side we just feel one thing
From our mind we feel that one day people will understand importance of peace inside
Our future and inside our life and we began to think that on each and every point we need
Some one so perfect for our future and for our life so from every point we think inside life
That from one side we start and then we shift on other side inside our future and in our life
We just feel one thing from our thoughts inside our life that when we start from one point
Slowly we will shift to other point inside our life because as days went ahead slowly
Inside life we feel that people are not taking our thought of peace seriously inside their life
We began to think on every day of our life that other thinking will change us on every point
And then we began to get angry and ask for peace while screaming with anger and after
Becoming red with anger on each and every point now there is just one question inside
Our thought and inside our mind it is about peace can we achieve peace by getting so
Aggressive and angry for peace inside our life or some times poison can kill poison so
Anger can reduce opposition and our movement of peace can achieve success in our life.

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