Thursday, December 26, 2013

Poem 1236. Problems of our world

                                            Problems of our world
From many views inside our life we just select which  we like but problem starts
When we start using it inside our future and our life so from every day of our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that why did we just can't able to keep our open mind
Someone encourage us and then that we must come together because we have same
Thinking in our life again and again sometimes I feel that this is when we start our problem
Gathering people as friends is not crime but good thing for human being on every day
But then when we start to think that we are friends and outsider are our enemies in every
Thought and on every way because on each and every day we just feel one thing again
And again that those views are something which make us stood against every one who
Don't have same view inside their heart on every point we just put our views before us
Inside our life on each and every part so from those views we made enemies and when
I see this I feel only if we keep inside our heart our own views but this never thought
When we began to come before everyone inside our life and when they began to tell
Their views inside life how easily we began to argue with them inside life because
We think those views are something which are so important for our thought and our heart
Because as days went ahead on each and every point from our thought and from our heart
We just want to tell that truth on each and every heart we just feel from inside heart
That keeping quiet will just harm us inside life but I just feel one thing maybe we should
Keep quiet after saying that point don't you think it will be respectful for all inside our life
But still many times  some points are so stretched beyond need inside our life that
It began to embarrass everyone inside life so as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind it was our need of that moment in life that we just
Began to get carried away on that point but we must understand our mistake after some time
We must forget that point because after some point there are some thoughts in our life
Which are important those argument inside our life but then I think on every moment
That why did we need to understand thoughts and views inside our life because after
All there are something which perfect for our mind and thoughts which are perfect
For our life are nothing but just some temporary thoughts which look like so perfect
For our thinking and life so we start arguing on each moment inside our life because
As those views are something in which we are just fighting for some needless thing
In our future and life after all those thoughts are nothing important for life when you
Think properly inside life they are nothing but just way of getting away from friends
And breaking heart inside life I just never understand why did we argue for those people
Who never care for us inside our life we just like those power and fame so we get too
Involved in those fights I can understand some argument but how much do you want
To stretch those fights because I think after some point no one is god and no one is
Going to help us that much inside life that we began to insult for some one to other
People inside life each person have view but sometimes I feel that we can have one
Argument which is nice for healthy friendship inside our life but then after some time
We understand those points inside our life that no one will be that good that we began
To feel that other person is so nice inside our world but I just feel one thing that
We must understand first what are our problems inside our own world and can any one
Come and cure them inside our world but I just feel one thing from my mind and from
My thought in my world no one can cure them inside our thought and in our world
Because as days went ahead I feel just one thing in my world only I can solve my problem
Not other people inside this world only if I learn to say no to people with respect inside
Our future and our world we just feel one thing from thought that we need to understand
In this world only if we can learn to say 'no' to wrong things we can win in this world
No one is going to help us or there are no chances of any angel because when god have
Given us enough brain why did we need angel we can use our own brain and make
Proper useful world but still we just tried to find one thing that is our powerful angel
And we just fight for all those devils inside our future and our whole proper world.

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