Friday, December 13, 2013

Poem 1214. Emotions

Only if we can concentrate we can live happily inside our world and only if we can
Concentrate then we can able to enjoy important part of our future and our life so from
Time to time inside our life we just concentrate on one thing that was our thoughts about
Our future and about our life on every point we just concentrate on each moment of life
But still I feel that many times our emotions manage to win in that fight and we stood
Once again to stand before them inside life so they all say we must concentrate inside life
They tell us that we should not let our feeling turn in wrong way inside life but when life
Is not that nice then how can we adjust with things inside our life when our life take
Wrong turn we just feel emotions takes driving seat of heart that is what I feel wrong
For me inside my life as in charge because on each and every turn of our heart we just
Feel one thing from our thoughts of heart that those emotions take us on wrong way
And lead us to life's totally wrong part because as days pass one by one inside life
We feel that when emotions take hold of our mind we lose many races which first we hope
To win as human being we felt so sad by that thinking and winning but as life went ahead
We also need them because these emotion help us when we decide to take some risk
So inside our life on each and every day we just feel one thing from our thought and thinking
In each and every way we feel that we need some one important inside our world we feel
That wrong emotions may affect our thinking inside our world so on every point and inside
Each and every way those emotions which we feel always help us to win inside our life
Each and every game but at same time they are something worst for us because on every
Thought and on every moment we will win inside our future and inside our world so on
Every moment I just want to understand one day that life will never act in our world in same
Thought and in same way we just feel one thing that our emotions inside our world so
On every moment inside our world I just feel one thing that those emotions have two side
One was which give us happiness on each and every point and other one is that one
Which take us wrong way and gets our all plan fully destroyed inside our life so when ever
I think of my emotions I feel that they have two side inside this world they just don't look
Fine on every day of world but still those emotions are something so important for world
After all those emotions help us on many times inside our world but still on every point
I just feel one thing from my world that was my thought that these emotion will take me
Ahead sometimes inside world but sometimes when they take us wrong way in this world
We felt just one thing from thoughts inside our world we feel that we are not right in world
Because our emotion captured peace of our thoughts and peace of our world so on every
Moment inside our world we just feel one thing that our need of that peace is just dependent
On our thoughts and our emotions inside our life those emotions will look perfect but
Not that perfect on each and every time sometimes they feel so nice and they feel all wrong
On many times inside their life so on many moments inside our life I feel that just one thing
From my thoughts and from my mind I feel that I can win on many times in life if only
Our emotion look so perfect inside our future and inside our life those emotions which
Take hold of our mind will just turn to some other way inside life on each and every point
I just feel one thing in life that those emotions which stood in mind are never that perfect
Inside our future and inside our life on every moment I just feel one thing from mind
I feel that emotions are something so perfect and nice for our thoughts until they stood
On proper limit inside life they help us when they stood on proper limits in life but when
That didn't seem proper inside our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts and
From our mind we feel that those emotions will not stay where we want to them to
Stay inside our future and inside our life on every moment I just feel one thing from mind
I feel those emotions are taking hold of our thoughts and our mind they act as per our wish
And that is problem of our future and our life because sometimes our wishes are so wrong
That we feel it from our mind that our emotions should stay alive inside our future and
Inside our life when those emotion stay properly limits then future will be so perfect in life
So we just don't to get our each and every wish fulfilled inside our life because that will be
Our worst enemy of our future and our entire life that other enemies who are from outside.

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